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Showing cards after a hand Showing cards after a hand

03-05-2019 , 08:26 PM
What are the rules regarding showing your hand after the table has folded after a bet? In this instance the flop comes down, a bet is made and the action folds around. The player who made the bet then shows his hand to the player next to him and then mucks his cards since the action is dead. Another player says that the better must show his hand to everyone since he showed it to one player. Is this true? This is in a home game
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03-05-2019 , 09:49 PM
Yes, “show one, show all”. if you show your cards to another player, everybody else at the table is entitled to see them too.

But of course your home game can make whatever rules the host or players like.
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03-13-2019 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
Yes, “show one, show all”. if you show your cards to another player, everybody else at the table is entitled to see them too.

But of course your home game can make whatever rules the host or players like.
Exactly. But even in casinos players show their neighbor and then instamuck the cards to prevent anyone else from successfully invoking "show one show all".

Etiquette protip: don't be the "show one show all douche". Usually the people showing cards are fish and they get real pissed if you invoke this rule. Just chill and don't piss off fish. Bro, took me years of playing as a pro to realize this (sadly lol). Almost no one else is invoking this rule so all you're doing is making people hate you. No one's actually gaining an edge on you.
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03-14-2019 , 09:03 AM
Yes, SOSA, is a common rule at most games. But as others have said you don't want to do too much at the table that can steer attention (or ire) at you. Just go about your business.

Certainly can just ask, eh? You will typically get an answer and the game moves on. I'll just say 'Aces?' and see how they react.

Try to keep the game loose and friendly ... as soon as they know you are 'serious' then they will pay more attention to their game (and yours). GL
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