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Set on mono suite flop Set on mono suite flop

02-20-2022 , 11:19 PM
Hi new poker player here, just wanted some feedback on my play. I'm not sure if it was a donk all in or was an okay play.

1/1 9 player ring, uncapped buy-in, most players had a stack size of around 800 and the table was playing loosely and average open raise was starting at $10, and was playing more like a 2/2 game.

Effective Stacks:
Hero (UTG +2): 500+
Villain 1 (SB): 800+
Villain 2 (MP): 400+

Villain 1 is a tight player who is a grinder, villain 2 someone who is in his third buy-in and was on tilt limp calling almost atc.

Preflop: Hero is CO with 9h9s
1 limp, Hero (UTG +1) raises to 12, UTG +2 folds, 2 flat 2 fold to button, SB (Villain 1) 3bets to 80, Hero calls hoping to set mine. Villain 2 (MP) Calls, rest folds

Flop: ($271) 9c 7c 6c (3 players)
SB checks, Hero bets 150 with top set hoping to chase away flush draws on a mono-suite board.

(Decision 1)
Thinking in hind sight I felt like i shouldn't have raised here and should have checked with 1 player behind. Was just wondering what was the best play here.

MP flats, SB jams all-in
Hero calls as MP body language was showing that he would call and could potentially hit a full house and triple up even if either players had flopped a flush

Hero calls thinking villain 1 has a premium pocket with a flush draw. No reads on MP cards because he was tilting and calling any bets.

Villain 2 calls.

(Decision 2)
I'm not too sure what would have been the optimal play here. In hindsight I felt like the call was okay because I was kinda pot committed and my cards were live.

Just wanted to get feedback from more experienced players on my two decisions and what would be the best way to play on a mono-suite board with top set.

Will update run out after 24h, Thanks !
Set on mono suite flop Quote
02-20-2022 , 11:37 PM

But be prepared for AK suited that hit.

You're right, you were priced in after you bet on the flop, but hitting a set on the flop was what you wanted, so you have to go with it.
Set on mono suite flop Quote
02-21-2022 , 04:52 AM
You're not getting anywhere near pot odds and also not getting implied odds to call the 80 bet.
So you can't call to set mine here.
Look up the 15/25/35 rule. It's not even close.

Could we call for other reasons than to set mine? That depends on how your game is playing.
Is V1 really 3betting this huge with enough hands that we beat?
There's a few more people still in the hand, how likely are they to call?
If no over cards come on the flop, are we comfortable putting in the rest of our stack?

From the info you've given I'm inclined to just fold to the 3bet pre.

Betting the flop to chase away flush draws is a horrible way of thinking about poker.
There are 3 main reasons for betting, again look them up, scaring away flush draws is not one of them.

That said I'd also bet this flop, I think I'd prefer a 33% pot size but not sure.

There's no getting away on this flop unless you have very reliable reads, just make the call and hope someone has an overpair with a flush draw and you hold up or boat up.
You're ahead vs AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, 77, 66 which all seem possible.
There probably shouldn't be that many made flushes on the flop, AK, AQ, maybe KQ, KJ? Really depends on how crazy V1 is.
V2 could have slightly more flushes I guess, I'm still never folding when I hit top set here.
Set on mono suite flop Quote
02-21-2022 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by Yeodan
You're not getting anywhere near pot odds and also not getting implied odds to call the 80 bet.
So you can't call to set mine here.
Look up the 15/25/35 rule. It's not even close.

Could we call for other reasons than to set mine? That depends on how your game is playing.
Is V1 really 3betting this huge with enough hands that we beat?
There's a few more people still in the hand, how likely are they to call?
If no over cards come on the flop, are we comfortable putting in the rest of our stack?

From the info you've given I'm inclined to just fold to the 3bet pre.

Betting the flop to chase away flush draws is a horrible way of thinking about poker.
There are 3 main reasons for betting, again look them up, scaring away flush draws is not one of them.

That said I'd also bet this flop, I think I'd prefer a 33% pot size but not sure.

There's no getting away on this flop unless you have very reliable reads, just make the call and hope someone has an overpair with a flush draw and you hold up or boat up.
You're ahead vs AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, 77, 66 which all seem possible.
There probably shouldn't be that many made flushes on the flop, AK, AQ, maybe KQ, KJ? Really depends on how crazy V1 is.
V2 could have slightly more flushes I guess, I'm still never folding when I hit top set here.
Wasn't aware about the 15/25/35 rule. Thanks for letting me know I'll read up about it.

Yeah, but I agree the pre-flop call was iffy. Was partially blinded wanting to get into the hand against V2 who was tilting.

But about the flop bet to scare away flush draws. Wouldn't that fall under denying equity to flush draws?
Set on mono suite flop Quote
02-21-2022 , 06:23 AM
Pretty clear fold pre. You're not getting nearly the odds you need to setmine (if villain2 - on tilt - had reraised and villain 1 was not in the hand it would be an all-in pre for me).
Villain 1 is tight, reraising OOP against an early opener and another player which he is probably also aware of is on tilt and will not fold. That's a triple whammy.
I would think you are either crushed or at best flipping against Villain 1
Set on mono suite flop Quote
02-21-2022 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by fidgetyseal
But about the flop bet to scare away flush draws. Wouldn't that fall under denying equity to flush draws?
True, it shouldn't be your main reason for betting though.
I think this is a clear value bet, the goal should be to get called by worse hands, not make them fold. Though we don't hate them folding out equity.
Set on mono suite flop Quote
02-21-2022 , 10:02 AM
But about the flop bet to scare away flush draws. Wouldn't that fall under denying equity to flush draws?
Which flush draws are you thinking about? Specifically which hands do you think either player could hold that called a 3bet preflop, is a flush draw, AND would fold to such a bet?
An overpair isn't going to fold that easily.

That leaves unpaired overcards with a flush draw AKo, AQo, AJo...(ATo is already iffy given the preflop action)...KQo...all of which may think their overcards are live in addition to a flush draw (so less likely to fold).

If someone was playing suited connectors (or suited versions of the above hands) then they either have the flush (i.e. they are not folding no matter what) or you don't have a need to fold them out and would rather have them catch a pair or start bluffing.

So yes: Flush draws are possible, but not really all that likely (and in the event you have a redraw to a full house).
Set on mono suite flop Quote
02-22-2022 , 04:48 AM

V1 had KcKs with a over pair with flush draw
V2 had Jc10c and flopped a flush with a gutter straight flush draw

Turn: 6
River: Brick, can't rmb

I had a full house and scooped the pot.

After reviewing and going through the hand with my friends and the forums. I felt that the preflop call was loose and I kinda got rewarded for a bad decision flopping a set against V1's overpair.
Betting then calling the jam on the flop was an okay choice.
Set on mono suite flop Quote
