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Semi beginner question Semi beginner question

09-16-2007 , 09:28 AM
Hi, long time lurker first time poster....

I am a long time poker player and after a lot of work and reading feel i have turned the corner into an overall winning player (money is finally coming into my coming into my account instead of going out). I play almost exclusively SNG at low levels ($5-$10 buy in) and although i think i've got a solid enough understanding of pot odds, outs etc where i struggle is putting opponents on a hand (or range of hands).

I've got Harrington 1-3,TOP and a few others but looking for books which can improve this area of my game, hopefully you guys canpoint me in the right direction.

Also (and this might be looked at as Herasy by some on here) I don't have Pokertracker to keep track of my stats. Back in the day before i found the wisdom of 2+2 i signed up with party getting a free version of Pokerspy. Now that i have it i might as well use it, are there any other forums support for this software that can be reccomeneded (2+2 seems pokertracker based)?

Thanks for any help
Semi beginner question Quote
09-16-2007 , 09:42 AM
Hey dangerousuk,

is is only my advice, so a pro player might think it in an other way.

You only can improve your handreading skills by playing. I mean watch the hands when you are not involved and you are involved Try to remind what the players did and at least might showndown.

The best explanation about handreading is Implied Odds. You might read that topic in one of your books OK, lets say you hold 57 on a 63A board. You are on the button and the only early positioned player raised, you call (Heads up situation). He bets out maybe 3/4 of the pot size or more.

Now your reading skills comes along.
-When you saw that your opponent can go broke with his singel ace and good kicker, you might call that bet to hit the draw.
-When you watched that after his 3/4 size bet a big raise from the opponent brings him to lay down top pair. You should do that.
-When you watched after a call or a big raise he can laydown his hand when the street will hit. You shouldnt do anything from above.

Now after your had read in a book, when you get the right pot odds to call or fold you know now that handreading skills are more important then pot odds or anything else. Its a game of people and people make mistakes.

So the only advice I can give is, try, try, try, try and after you failed with you reads, try again
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