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the right kind study for me? the right kind study for me?

09-26-2023 , 11:16 AM
Hi, my first post on here so be kind. I'm looking for the right study method for me, and I'm not sure how to evaluate between available options. Hopefully if I explain where I'm at and one of you kind folks will know a good answer for me.

I'm at a spot in my poker life where I'm pretty tired of being pretty decent. I've been making the rent for the last six months or so playing on pokerstars after the company I worked for went under and trying to figure out what I want from the rest of my life (that's probably off topic...sorry). I play mostly 20 to 50 dollar buy-ins and I'm just aware that when there are better players in the field I start feeling and looking kinda silly. My pokerstars name is briankingsley if anyone wants to look at the sharkscope and get a better idea. I was a guy who played small stakes in the good old days, read Super System and Dan Harrington's, and never tried super hard but didn't loose much either. My game has changed plenty since then though so it's not like I'm playing 2008 and poker or anything, I've just looked at videos online and seen the kind of plays people were making and tried stuff out until I had a toolkit that makes me ok, but I understand what I'm doing most of the time and specifically start having problems when good players think they should probably call three bets with hands other than ak or better.

It seems like a lot of the training I easily find seem pointed at 6max cash or heads up which isn't really my thing, and though I dig learning about six max it feels like when I try those sorts of ideas out I play to many hands and I get rocked.

So what's your take on the kind of studying I ought to do?

Thanks for your time
the right kind study for me? Quote
09-27-2023 , 12:30 AM
If you want to modernize your game and are playing for income, I heavily recommend picking up Modern Poker Theory. It's basically a modern mtt bible and many of the concepts discussed transition well to cash play as well. It's a very dense book, but the information is very high quality, timeless, and it will lead you to a much deeper understanding of what's really going on in the game. I would recommend giving it multiple reads and taking a lot of notes.

If it's a bit too unapproachable, Play Optimal Poker 1+2 could be a good place to start.
the right kind study for me? Quote
09-27-2023 , 03:56 PM
Thanks for the recommendation. I appreciate it.
the right kind study for me? Quote
09-28-2023 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by briankingsley
Thanks for the recommendation. I appreciate it.
What are your thoughts on the books?
the right kind study for me? Quote
