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Pot Odds and Bet Sizing Pot Odds and Bet Sizing

01-27-2021 , 03:46 AM
I know how to calculate OUTS but need help with Betting and Calling.

What is an easy method, or short-cut, for determining whether or not a CALL is a good move or not.

Is there an easy way to determine the ratios? Any tips on conversions etc? I need something I can use at the table, live.

Thanks !
Pot Odds and Bet Sizing Quote
01-27-2021 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by SJMAGRI

What is an easy method, or short-cut, for determining whether or not a CALL is a good move or not.

Thanks !
A call is a “good move” if your expected value is greater than 0; i.e. the call will earn you more money than a fold since fold EV = 0. For an all-in bet of B into a pot of P, with your equity of eq,

EV = eq*(P+2B) – B.

Set EV to 0 and the minimum equity you need is B / (P+2*B). … (= 1/(Pot Odds+1)).

Example: Pot is 10 and villain all-in bet = 8. You need equity of 8 / (10+2*8) = 31%.

This is the simplest case since the bet might not be all-in, villain may be bluffing and factors such as stack size, position, tournament standing, etc. are ignored. But, it’s at least a first-cut math look at the situation, which should then be adjusted to the extent possible for those factors

For live play, you can memorize a few cases such as bets of 1/3 Pot, ½ Pot, … , Pot, 1.5 Pot, etc. and, if applicable, convert the equity results to outs.

Last edited by statmanhal; 01-27-2021 at 10:36 AM.
Pot Odds and Bet Sizing Quote
