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Poker Coach Poker Coach

02-26-2019 , 07:51 PM
I have been playing poker for about 8 months now and I have come along pretty well. I have read a lot of books, watched daniel negreanu master class, and scoured the Internet for videos. I play 3 times a week. I am considering looking for a coach to try and take it to the next level. Is this a good idea and who/where should I look.

Thank you for any advice and time.
Poker Coach Quote
02-26-2019 , 08:08 PM
Reading through your other posts, I'm thinking you're probably not near the level where a coach would be value for money. You've asked pretty simple questions whereby you make clear that you are still very much a beginner and haven't read or researched anything like as much as you should have done. Also:

Originally Posted by cwill
I have been playing poker for about two months now and have learned how to count outs, cal equity, pot odds, etc... My biggest issue is hand reading. I am not sure how to practice this. I have looked it up on Youtube and everyone is pulling up old hands and reviewing them but that does not help me as I don't have old hands and play live. How can i practice hand reading off the felt? Please help!
This was posted about two months ago. This would indicate that you've been playing poker for about four months. You say now you've been playing for eight. What changed holmes?
Poker Coach Quote
02-26-2019 , 08:59 PM
I started playing in Aug, so it has only been 6 months. When i wrote this post I just was guessing how many has passed instead of counting.

If no to the coach, what do you suggest? I find playing at the lower stakes it is a lot of street poker, players call with anything. I literally had a bet called with AKo (3x the blinds) in first position called by someone with 72o in the cutoff. It is hard to play aggressive with people who don't respect the bet and only think about their hand (I hope that makes sense). I feel I can only play super tight at these stakes and cannot afford to move up.

Last edited by cwill; 02-26-2019 at 09:06 PM.
Poker Coach Quote
02-26-2019 , 10:57 PM
Perhaps you are looking for structured instruction. A coach would be able to give that to you but there are other options that cost less and will help you build the fundamentals you need to succeed. Core at is only $5 a week and can be finished in 4-6 weeks. Alton Hardin has some Udemy courses that are specifically aimed at microstakes. You can get them on sale a few times a year at $9.99. Once you have mastered material on that level, there are several $50 per month options out there with more advanced instruction. By then you will have learned enough to better sift through the mass of free Youtube videos, paid books, and other material in order to focus on what your game needs most at the moment. Only after all that would I consider paying $100+ per hour for a good coach.
Poker Coach Quote
02-27-2019 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by cwill
It is hard to play aggressive with people who don't respect the bet and only think about their hand (I hope that makes sense). I feel I can only play super tight at these stakes
You seem to be able to come up with a strategy that will work. So apply it.

The fact that these players "don't respect the bet and only think about their hand" is the reason why this so-called 'street poker' is profitable.
Poker Coach Quote
02-27-2019 , 08:33 AM
A good coach will help you improve significantly faster than you would without one.

The main question is: What’s your long term goal in all of that? If poker is your hobby and you don’t mind to spend some money on it, like you would do with other hobbies, go for it. One of the main factors with a poker coach is accountability. The same way a personal trainer works to get you fit. Everyone can work out on their own, but the coach helps to structure things and hold you accountable. Or if you want to learn a music instrument or take cooking classes..

If you look at it from a strictly financial perspective, you’re probably not at a stage right now where hiring a coach is maximizing your value. But that’s a question you have to answer for yourself.

There are coaches who give out discounts to players on the lowest levels. That’s a reasonable approach because there’s significantly less time to prepare a study session for somebody who just wants to learn the basics.
Poker Coach Quote
02-27-2019 , 01:16 PM

Analogy might be..... would a golf pro lesson(s) be helpful to a beginning player?

Helps you get better and better=fun imo.
Poker Coach Quote
03-13-2019 , 01:16 AM
what does it mean have come along pretty well? are you a winning player? consistently? you have to be forthcoming with us to get good advice.
Poker Coach Quote
03-13-2019 , 01:16 AM
what stakes are you playing?
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