Originally Posted by mrno1324
What's the best way to make HUD notes? I know some people suggest typing out whole hands (with abbreviations of course), but is it really necessary? Seems like you'd have too many notes and that it would be inefficient to read all the hands you have on a player.
For example if you see someone donking a gutshot, do you really need to write down the whole hand instead of just "donk bets gutshots"?
In the example you give, the summary "donk bets gutshots" is fine.
In general my first few notes on a villain are generally abbreviated hands or summarised hands e.g. "RFI CO, cbet 1/2 pot A22(hh) vs BU, xf turn 8(h)" but the aim is to get sufficient notes on one spot that it becomes a generalised read. For example these two observations:
Potted drawy flop against fish then xf blank turn
Called 3bet UTG vs BU. Minraise A53r flop, xf blank turn
... are put together as examples supporting a general read...
Can be aggro on flop but shuts down on turn. Be wary if aggression continues:
- Potted drawy flop against fish then xf blank turn
- Called 3bet UTG vs BU. Minraise A53r flop, xf blank turn
After sufficient examples and/or as my notes on a player become unwieldy, I'll remove example hands and just keep the general read. If a bunch of notes doesn't lead to a solid read, then I'll end up deleting them.