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06-27-2010 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by LOLdonkaments.
What does "taking a shot" strictly mean? Is it simply just playing temporarily at higher stakes with an insufficient bankroll? How many BIs would one usually need to be thinking of taking a shot?
anything less than normal bankroll standards. probably about less than 15-20 buy ins.
i recall an interview with durrrr where he said he's played in games where he thinks he's a favorite with a third of his bankroll, but doesn't recommend this for adult players trying to pay the bills
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06-27-2010 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nuca-Cola
What's the difference between playing shallow and standard stack ring games? Which of them is easier? I feel myself much more comfortable playing standard stack, but my bankroll doesn't allow me do it, cause i have only about 6 buyins, so i'm kinda forced playing shallow.
shallow games prevent bad players from losing a lot and good players from winning a lot
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06-27-2010 , 07:50 PM
Can someone tell me where I could post this thread so that it isn't a.) deleted by the mod that doesn't want me to post in my "native" forum in micros; and b.) passed over because it's in such an obscure forum that no one is going to read and/or respond to it.

And please let me know if this is an "inappropriate" topic for this site, instead of just deleting my posts. Seems relevant to me, but I'm not as smart as a mod.

Thanks for your help!

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06-27-2010 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by swelldish
And please let me know if this is an "inappropriate" topic for this site, instead of just deleting my posts. Seems relevant to me, but I'm not as smart as a mod.
Nobody is going to be able to answer your question except support at the poker sites.
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06-28-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by corporalburgundy
shallow games prevent bad players from losing a lot and good players from winning a lot
While this is true, there seem to be more bad players at the shallow games of the same stake. In a shallow game, you should theoretically see less flops, but the people at them always seem to see more.
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06-28-2010 , 07:37 PM
What does DUCY mean?
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06-28-2010 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by MangDood
What does DUCY mean?
It's the name of David Sklansky's book, and short for Do You See Why

Originally Posted by corporalburgundy
I'm playing $2 HU SNGs. Trying to build a bankroll. At what stakes HU SNGs should I expect regulars?
You find regulars in every type of poker, at any stakes and on every site! The number of regulars, and the skill of them increases as you move up the levels.

Originally Posted by p0oint
@Stian Bjornoy thank you for the help.

And what BTN means, cos' I can't see any short abbreviation in the picture corresponding to BTN?
BTN is short for The Button.
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06-28-2010 , 10:49 PM
Whats the normal/good attempt to steal %? I know it depends on the table but on average over a decent sample?
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06-29-2010 , 07:43 AM

my name is Chimes. While i'm a (very)longstanding reader, i'am however new to posting, and a while after i have logged in when i have compilied a post, i press 'submit post' but the system says you are "not logged in, no rights to post etc". Then i'v got to re enter name/pw. Why is this please?

Also not really that important, but is it possible to delete the spaces in my screen name to ChimesofFreedom(probably not i guess, but i'll ask anyway).

Thank you.
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06-29-2010 , 08:17 AM
Possible explanation: When you log in, you have a check box option to stay logged in. If you don't check that box, then after a certain amount of inactivity, you will automatically get logged off.

When you're reading posts, you're clicking around a lot, and keeping your log in active. But when you're writing a post, until the moment when you click "submit," you are technically inactive because the server isn't receiving any input from you.

In brief: You're timing out.
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06-29-2010 , 08:31 AM
Yes, that would explain it ,ty.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
06-29-2010 , 10:05 AM
I have a few Q's.

1. I've heard people talk about thier 'red line' - what does the 'red line' represent?
2. I'm about to start using Poker Tracker and I'm a bit apprehensive that the HUD will make me 'dependant' is this an unfounded anxiety?
3. Is 70,000 hands of poker a reliable sample of performance/ability at uNL?

***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
06-29-2010 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by JustinJude

Originally Posted by JustinJude
1. I've heard people talk about thier 'red line' - what does the 'red line' represent?
Non-showdown winnings. You can find it on your graph.

I'm about to start using Poker Tracker and I'm a bit apprehensive that the HUD will make me 'dependant' is this an unfounded anxiety?
A lot of people suggest that you should try to do a session per week and play without your HUD to avoid getting 100% addicted to using your HUD while playing.

Originally Posted by JustinJude
Is 70,000 hands of poker a reliable sample of performance/ability at uNL?
70k is a good samplesize, but you could still be a losing player even if your winning at 5bb/100 over a 70k sample. If your a steady winner at your level after 70k hands and your bankroll allows it, move up.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
06-29-2010 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Chimes of Freedom
Also not really that important, but is it possible to delete the spaces in my screen name to ChimesofFreedom(probably not i guess, but i'll ask anyway).
I don't think so, but you could send a PM to a Admin to see if they can do it.
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06-29-2010 , 05:00 PM
When I'm installing Poker Tracker my antivirus (Avira) is freaking out and is saying it is a trojan - anyone know what's going on there?
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06-29-2010 , 05:12 PM
I believe this is quite common .

Have you tried this:-

If thats no help try PT forum.
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06-30-2010 , 11:27 AM
What is the meaning (or point) when you see blinds listed as:


I see this mostly in live £ games, is the idea that the blinds are chopped if nobody on or before the button raises?
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06-30-2010 , 12:30 PM
no, it means exactly what it says. very common, or at least it used to be, for the blinds to be the same size. it wasn't too long ago that the blinds were on the button/sb as opposed to sb/bb in the uk
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06-30-2010 , 04:44 PM
Hi folks,

Did anyone else have trouble getting used to a HUD?. I find the stat boxes a bit intrusive on the screen and their presence seems to overwhelm me with all the info, which leads to me making stupid mistakes and end up having to turn the thing off. For the moment I'm just using PTR to pull hand histories so I can analyse my game when I have enough hands.

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06-30-2010 , 05:08 PM
It took a while for me to get used to it, but now i have to have it to play my A game. Decrease the number of stats you have on it to 4-5 so you easier remember what they are, then increase them when you notice that there is one you use enough to put it on there.

VPIP/PFR/3B is enough to get you started.
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06-30-2010 , 08:00 PM
ply1 hand j10, ply2 109
flop 107896 ; does j10 win or shared pot.

ply1 hand a6, ply2 aj

flop a6q99 ; is this a shared pot because no one has higher then q kicker.

ply1 hand a6 ply2 ak

flop a6j99 ; does ak win because of k kicker as a6 has j kicker

ply1 hand k10 ply2 87

flop a2354 ; is this a shared pot or does k high win

How do you calculate pot odds to get a percentage with out using a calculator, simple way please.

And which sites are spyware free e.g pokerspy etc.. and better regulated?

***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
06-30-2010 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by TopCat79
ply1 hand j10, ply2 109
flop 107896 ; does j10 win or shared pot.
JT wins.

Originally Posted by TopCat79
ply1 hand a6, ply2 aj

flop a6q99 ; is this a shared pot because no one has higher then q kicker.
This is a split pot.

Originally Posted by TopCat79
ply1 hand a6 ply2 ak

flop a6j99 ; does ak win because of k kicker as a6 has j kicker
AK wins.

Originally Posted by TopCat79
ply1 hand k10 ply2 87

flop a2354 ; is this a shared pot or does k high win
This is a split pot.

In Texas Hold'em you make a hand with using one, two or none of your holecards. When you don't have any better cards then the community cards, it's called playing the board.

You can only use a total of 5 cards to make your hand, so if there is A2345 and neither of the players have a 6 or a flush, it is a split pot.

Originally Posted by TopCat79
How do you calculate pot odds to get a percentage with out using a calculator, simple way please.
Here is an example of how you calculate Pot Odds:
If there is $90 dollars in the pot, and a player bets $10, you have to call $10 dollars to win $100

100-to-10 is the number we have now = 10:1
When we get 10:1 pot odds, we need to win it 1 out of 10 times to break even.

1 out of ten is 10%. Equity(odds to win)

Originally Posted by TopCat79
And which sites are spyware free e.g pokerspy etc.. and better regulated?
I don't know what you mean by this. Can you reformulate your question?
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07-01-2010 , 10:27 AM

I've been reading these great forums for a while and registered today so this is my first post.

Lately I have started to learn poker seriously and spending hours each day reading and practising.

I have decided to start from limit holdem micro stakes after reading Small stakes holdem book by Miller, Sklansky and Malmuth. I of course have a lot of different questions floating in my mind but for this one I would really like to get an answer:

In micro stakes (playing 0.05/0.1) it obviously feels that I'm not making that much money but how much BB/100 is actually good amount and when I should consider moving up if my bankroll is sufficient?

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07-01-2010 , 11:05 AM
You should set a limit for how many BI's you should have before you move up to the next level. 20 is a good number for micro stakes.

So when you get below $200, move down from 10nl.
When you get to $500, move up to 25nl.
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