Originally Posted by KingFatBoy
I put 50 dollars on PS and i have been playing the $1.00 +.20 SNG's. Is that the right game to be playing with the money i have. I also play .2/.5 cash games. I do pretty good in the SNG's, should i step up into bigger games.
Another question i have is when i play the SNG should i play tight to start, i know i shouldnt be playing trashlike hands, but i know i cant wait for big hands all the time. I try to steal blinds when i can, but can i play hands like
A6 suited in middle position. It seems everyone in the game just calls the blinds, do i need to loosen up a little more. Any advice would be great thanks.
I think you're probably playing a bit high on the cash side, especially if you're already planning on moving up. Make some money playing 1c/2c and think about moving up to 2c/5c when you have about $100. If you're doing well in the $1.20 SnG's then just stick to 'em until you have about 20 buyins for the next level and you should be fine.
As a general rule, start out pretty tight and don't worry too much about stealing blinds when they're small. When the blinds go up and you get closer to the bubble you can begin to loosen up--but be careful not to get too committed to a bad hand in bubble situations.