hey cry me a river, i was reading harringtions cash book. just wondering do employ his tactic of randomizing checks,bets and raises. (seems tedious to me, especially if you MT) excluding when you have monsters and the deck crippled. i mean do players at 50nl even notice you limp K's pref? i doubt it. is this a tactic better suited for higher levels.?
I would think it's valuable mostly live, where everyone is playing the same table, and it's yet slower than online. The decent players at the table will be observing and thinking about every hand that is played at the table, because they have nothing else to do anyway. If you do the same thing all the time, they'll likely figure you out, and this might give them an advantage in situations where you clash, even if it's not that that important. Online microstakes to small stakes however, everyone who is good enough to figure you out is playing at least a few tables, it's way more profitable for them to increase volume against players against whom they have a massive edge, rather than maximise the minuscule edge they might have against the better players. Live, it's worth maximising that minuscule edge, because you have nothing else to do at the table anyway. Likewise for you, if you can do more work, then add tables and seek confrontation with fish rather than trying to outplay the decent players. The higher the stakes, the better the competition, the less the fish, so you will probably have to start doing it. But definitely, definitely not 50NL.