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living the dream living the dream

11-30-2009 , 05:47 AM
You're actually getting some solid advice from people who know. Now go back and reevaluate for yourself why:

-It's self-deception to think you're beating the game "except for variance."
-It's wrong to think players who don't fold easily are a problem (*if* this is what your comment meant).

Then realize that deciding to go pro, or go semi-pro, or to take the game "seriously" are not really discrete decisions. Most people transition into it gradually, by playing their best, improving, then waking up one day a year or two down the line and noticing that they're already making enough money from the game that they don't have to take a radical plunge to go pro... they're already most of the way there.
living the dream Quote
11-30-2009 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
Also, variance isn't hurting your winrate. It just isn't. If you really believe this you don't understand variance.
Devilman as has already been suggested RoR depends alot on personal factors, withdraw is in effect a dampning of winrate, and RoR is strictly related to WR.

but almost as importantly, is the question how much experiance does op have? If he loses 10 bi right off the bat how is he going to deal with it? (completely assuming op can beat 200 for 2ptbb/100+ which is a stretch as already been said.)

The quoted statement is so important, the op does't understand fundamental poker theory yet he expects to be a professinal player at decent stakes? Sure if he has the "soulreading" ability, then maybe hes a winner, but tilt and lack of understanding will drive even a winning but unexperianced player insane on a tight roll; if say durrr wanted to after getting busted, he might be able to get away with 8-9bi at 200; but no way op has the experiance/maturaty to pull it off.
living the dream Quote
11-30-2009 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
Devilman as has already been suggested RoR depends alot on personal factors, withdraw is in effect a dampning of winrate, and RoR is strictly related to WR.

but almost as importantly, is the question how much experiance does op have? If he loses 10 bi right off the bat how is he going to deal with it? (completely assuming op can beat 200 for 2ptbb/100+ which is a stretch as already been said.)

The quoted statement is so important, the op does't understand fundamental poker theory yet he expects to be a professinal player at decent stakes? Sure if he has the "soulreading" ability, then maybe hes a winner, but tilt and lack of understanding will drive even a winning but unexperianced player insane on a tight roll; if say durrr wanted to after getting busted, he might be able to get away with 8-9bi at 200; but no way op has the experiance/maturaty to pull it off.

but if he decided to get serious about the game he could, I mean you did it so anyone can do it right?
living the dream Quote
11-30-2009 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Ctrl Alt D1337
DON'T DO IT!!! If you have to post this in the beginners forum, then you're not ready to go pro.
living the dream Quote
11-30-2009 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by Bannnnnnn

but if he decided to get serious about the game he could, I mean you did it so anyone can do it right?
I know you are being facecious, but if he decided to grind up and work really hard on his game, yeah of course. And its about expectation, is op willing to work 40 hours a week playin poker full time? look at what raze has done, he may be special, but if op applied half his work ethic he'd go very far.

edit: I know I was evangelical in that thread, but you guys were making fun of him for playing play chips while I struggled to beat that for 6 months or so; naturally was a little flustered.
living the dream Quote
12-01-2009 , 12:16 AM
thank you guys for the advice. tomorrow is payday and i plan on depositing a little bit of money onto full tilt, laying down the law and grinding it up. my dream will still be in the back of my head and my determination hasnt even begun to reach its peak. take care and ill see yall on the virtual felt.
living the dream Quote
