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I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing

10-02-2012 , 11:28 AM
For the last couple of weeks I've been spending my days playing cheap sngs at I am continually getting it in with the best of it and being sucked out on. For example, I'm calling shoves with AK and they have K7 and have been spiking the river an aweful lot. This has made me upset because I play with 100 buy-ins and I'm down to 50 buy ins through these kind of scenarios. Is it normal to be on a 50 buy-in downswing at the micros? The games I play are normally 6 man- sngs
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 12:13 PM
I hear MTTs are a bitch with regards to variance. Edit: tho you play 6man SnGs so... meh idk. But this is why we play with BRM to begin with.

Unfortunately when you take a kicking you can only soldier on and move down stakes.

The rake on those mini micro tourneys must be abysmal
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 12:22 PM
Arguably, only winning players have downswings.

If you have no record as a winning player, it could simply be that you're a losing player experiencing 'normal' results.

Not trying to be a dick. You just gotta be careful that you don't explain losses to 'variance', 'bad luck', 'downswings' when the truth could be a lot simpler, albeit a little less palatable.

How many SNGs have you played?
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 01:08 PM
im going through the samething at the moment as you, i feel the variance is a big factor when playing quick games such as sng's. Tho DiamondDog does have a good point

i made a post about it my recent experience

diamond your reply has given me alot to reflect on. i wouldnt mind if you gave my post your 2cents.
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 02:07 PM
50 buying is a lot... I would get sng wiz and start running some of ur hands
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 07:16 PM
lot of suck outs happen at lower levels because people get it in lighter. All you can do is keep getting it in good, eventually variance will even out - as long as you put iin plenty of volume (how much are you currently playing?)
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by chad0x00
lot of suck outs happen at lower levels because people get it in lighter. All you can do is keep getting it in good, eventually variance will even out - as long as you put iin plenty of volume (how much are you currently playing?)
This is 100% correct, but 50 buying at sngs low stakes is ALOT!! To say this is purely a downswing isnt correct. There are obvs leaks in your game and you should be worrying about those leaks
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 07:49 PM
the 6 man sng's you are plying, what is their format? how cheap buyin?
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
10-02-2012 , 08:15 PM
When people use words like 'contimually' get it in good, never, always run bad, constantly sucked out on .... they are usually overstating their case and just don't understand that:
A. When you are an 80% favourite that you should lose 20% of the time
B. They are almost certainly 'forgetting' all the times they got lucky or their hand held up or how lucky they were to double their bankroll right before they lost half their bankroll
C. They played way worse than they think and really aren't getting it in good all the time

That's not to say they aren't having an unlucky streak, they probably are.

Bob, in your case we really can't tell based on this thread although to lose 50bi in 6max micro Sngs is a lot because those games should have bad players who have exploitable leaks. It's probable that you are playing bad and running bad and tilting. Try playing less tables if mm multitabling so you can get better reads on villains and try posting some hands that you are unsure about. Goodluck
I'm not sure if this is just a very bad downswing Quote
