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I'm losing and I don't even know why I'm losing and I don't even know why

07-24-2017 , 10:58 PM
This might be a ******ed reason to make a thread. I've been playing for almost 2 months now playing mostly sit and go on poker stars. I was doing fine keeping even but lately I've been losing a lot. What's worse is that I don't know if its due to bad luck or just me being bad so I don't know how to fix it.

I don't even know what to fix much less how to fix it.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-24-2017 , 11:15 PM
Do you have hand histories or stats? Are you playing drunk or tired or after a breakup? Is your father on trial for fraud? Have you recently committed adultery? Did you suddenly become vegan?

Basically you have to tell us what's changed recently or we can't help you.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-24-2017 , 11:30 PM
Yes i use poker tracker but I'm not sure how to post the stats. Nothing changed in my life so it's not that. If anything I think I should be having more success. I've studied and know more about poker than I did when I was having very mild success. I don't even care about the money.

My biggest problem is that I don't know wtf I'm doing wrong and don't know what to do next to improve.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-24-2017 , 11:34 PM
You don't know what you don't know. This is a sign of being new to a skill set. I would recommend establishing a foundation; a base of core skills deemed essential by professionals.

In poker these fundamentals boil down to knowing when to put more money in the pot and knowing when not to put any money at all into the pot. Obviously in practice this is an extremely complex thing to understand at any given moment.

Start reading up. I am not qualified to give strategy advice, but I got a lot of value from Theory of Poker, The Grinder's Manual, The Poker Bank website, watching professionals stream poker at, and Upswing Poker's Post-Flop Engine.

As you establish a foundation of knowledge what you don't know will become more evident.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-25-2017 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by Drumao
This might be a ******ed reason to make a thread. I've been playing for almost 2 months now playing mostly sit and go on poker stars. I was doing fine keeping even but lately I've been losing a lot. What's worse is that I don't know if its due to bad luck or just me being bad so I don't know how to fix it.

I don't even know what to fix much less how to fix it.
If you were playing even, and now have started losing, it was more likely that you were just running good at first, and now are coming back down to reality.

The way I usually recommend players learn is in three stages.

1st, learn how to play your cards. Learn about the relative strengths of different hands, learn how to calculate pot odds and calculate equity based on board texture. Focus on understanding your hand

2nd, learn how to read your opponents. Learn to evaluate, based on history and action, their likely range, and learn how to calculate your equity against their range.

3rd, learn how to use your table image and your action to manipulate their read of you to influence how they act to your benefit.

To this end, the normal beginner advice is to tighten up. Play your value hands strong, play your drawing hands passively, fold your junk (and yes, Ace rag is junk, K4s is junk, 34o is junk). Fold a lot.

Once you start to get a handle on what types of hands your opponents are playing, you can widen your range. Once you get a handle on how they react, you can start c-betting and bluffing.

Tournament play, especially microstakes, turbo tournaments, can be very high variance, so don't get caught up in upswings and downswings. Don't focus on results, try and pick out some hands and analyze your decision making process.

Post those hands here, explain what you were thinking, and people here will give you their insight.

good luck
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-25-2017 , 03:32 AM
Losing when you start out is entirely normal. Even if you start working on your game from now expect to be a losing player for quite some time into the future.
As other people have noted the best way to identify mistakes/leaks is to post hands.
You can copy hands from PT into the converter on this link and post them here.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-25-2017 , 09:25 AM
As a relatively new player you are basically guaranteed to go busto at least once. There are things you can do to avoid it or minimize damage and turn it around. Here's what I did when I hit my first big Sit and Go downswing in my bankroll challenge.

1) record all final hands. You can do this by tagging the hand in progress in PT4 and reviewing it later or writing them down in a notebook. run the equities using equity calculator in PT4. See if you were getting you money in good or if you were spewing chips unnecessarily.

2) only play one table at a time until you get good enough to spread your attention around. This was big for me. I could pick up subtle tells and reads if I was really focused on one table, but that edge disappeared after adding more games. If you can identify who is loose and who is tight etc. You can make better decisions on what hands to shove, 3bet, call and fold.

Also, check out some of tonkaaaa YouTube videos. Just search his name and SNG and you can find a free class of sorts where he teaches you how to play sngs. It is higher stakes stuff, but still mostly applicable and it helped me.

Good luck man. It's not unusual to have a 20 buy in downswing where you just run cold and get coolered. But make sure you run the hands to see if it's a cooler or bad play.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-25-2017 , 09:50 AM
Not to mention that SNGs are high variance
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-25-2017 , 02:10 PM
I would offer to sweat a session or two but...

(1) I have no experience with SNG play.
(2) I haven't played NL in several years.
(3) I haven't played online since Black Friday.

Maybe someone with current experience can do a Skype session with OP....
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-25-2017 , 10:27 PM
all good advice above. but when you are losing over a longer period of time most all times you are playing too loose or too loose in part of your game.
very few are losing solely because they play too tight.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-25-2017 , 11:54 PM
I think i was playing too lose, today i played tighter and it was better.

My frustration came mostly from not knowing on what to improve. Like I said above I don't care about the money, the amount of money I win or lose is not significant at the stakes I play. I really just wanna get better and it frustrates me not knowing how to do it.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
07-26-2017 , 05:57 AM
The most important skill in poker is recognising if you are playing well or running well or vice versa playing bad or running bad. If you cant see it yourself you need more knowledge about the game you are playing. Meaning more fundamental knowledge about the structure of the game in terms of pot odds, hand combos, how ranges develop by action from certain position etc.

If you dont know the structure you wont be able to evaluate your game to see if you are playing good but variance is killing you. If someone needs to ask this type of question and want someone else to answer it really means you dont know what you are doing (in other words you havent developed a true game plan on how to beat the games you are playing). Developing this game plan is by far the hardest part of getting good, most players just (barely even this much) figure out to bet good pairs on dry boards not bluff on 4 to a straight etc.

So sit down take pen and paper and write down how you are going to beat your game. Not in the sense of betting good made hands fold weak draws etc but what does it take for you to long term make better decisions.
I'm losing and I don't even know why Quote
