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If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently?

09-16-2009 , 08:55 AM
What would I do differently? Hmm... Not start a "poker career." Too late now, I am hooked

Other than that:

I'd have

1. got a rakeback on FTP.
2. started with NL instead of FL.
3. started with 6max instead of FR.
4. Not bought a few useless books (won't mention them now, too ashamed ).
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by theskipirate
Started multi tabling right away. Didn't even try this untill 6 months in
yes, this too.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by DaBadGuy
Just curious why everyone is saying they wouldn't play tournaments/sng's
I like to be able to sit with a group of people for a short while and judge whether I've got a decent edge. If I haven't and I can't come up with a decent counter strategy, I get up and leave; if I have, I stay - even if I'd just lost an all-in. (That, and I suck at tournament poker, obv.)

It's not that I don't understand people that like to play tournaments, but I prefer playing cash games.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by TwoGemini
Is this for real or are you restocking the fish? (Not that I'm complaining. . .)
"Forget learning strategy. Trust your gut. And go straight to the high stakes. In fact, there's an open right here to my right . . ."
hahaha! Can't it be both?

Definitely learn strategy. Do NOT learn the bulk of your strategy, however, from people's comments in strategy threads. Most people are mediocre, and they tend to speak the loudest. Read books and articles, figure out who the best players on this site are, and read their material. Don't take things like "never be first to cold-call" or "20-buyin downswings are unavoidable" to heart just because you read them 10x a day.

When you 2-tabling your stakes and winning consistently: move up, rather than add more tables. You'll improve faster, and you'll make a ton more money in the long run. If you can beat your current level for a good amount, you'll be at least a small winner at the next one.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:37 PM
re: dario minieri: He made all of that on heads up SNG's, I was following him back in 2008 or so when he was on the sharkscope leaderboard.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Rek
I would have taken 4 years out of my life between 2003 and 2007, played every waking hour and then retired to spend my fortune on wine, women and song.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by raze

Definitely learn strategy. Do NOT learn the bulk of your strategy, however, from people's comments in strategy threads. Most people are mediocre, and they tend to speak the loudest. Read books and articles, figure out who the best players on this site are, and read their material. Don't take things like "never be first to cold-call" or "20-buyin downswings are unavoidable" to heart just because you read them 10x a day.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 06:02 PM
I think the single greatest improvement would be understanding that it's hard to win big pots with pretty cards that are usually heavily dominated, like AQ/KQ/KJ.

I also would have ditched playing fit or fold on the flop. Looking for fat value at the micros and less bluffing. Position position position. I should have started using HUD years ago, as well as tracking software. Man, there are so many things I should have started doing years ago. Fortunately there's a lot of poker left to be played and many things I've learned.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn
I am considering starting coaching.

This is a sample of my 100nl career. I moved up to 2/4-5/10nl since then.

PM me if interested.

(sorry for the sidetrack on the thread)
wrong type of game, nice ad tho
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 07:32 PM
Become uber nitty about BRM for super turbo's (500 BI )
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 07:33 PM
not read this thread

If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 08:17 PM
Manage my bankroll
Be more humble/realistic about my skills
Look for people to discuss strategy with
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 09:34 PM
Never play ACE TEN
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-16-2009 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by Rek
I would have taken 4 years out of my life between 2003 and 2007, played every waking hour and then retired to spend my fortune on wine, women and song.
+1. One of my big regrets was not playing more. I had assumed that the super soft games would always be there along with all the monthly bonuses, etc.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-17-2009 , 12:01 AM
learn cash first
play less MTT's
only play when I feel like it, not when I was tired
put in tons more volume
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-17-2009 , 12:04 AM
I wish i found the twoplustwo forums and read the theory of poker first
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-17-2009 , 12:08 AM
Not Play STTs.

Learn Heads-up.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-17-2009 , 12:13 AM
Read Books and follow proper bankroll management
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
09-17-2009 , 12:21 AM
I'd have never played poker in the first place if I had it to do all over again. So much wasted time and energy. But I suppose on some level it helped shaped the person I am today. Looking back I can see myself being way more productive had I never picked up poker. It's not my fault though as I was doomed from the start. I was the only 5yo on the block that could shuffle a deck of cards - thanks dad.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
12-02-2009 , 06:39 PM
1. Control tilt better.
2. Control tilt better.
3. Control tilt better.
4. Stop getting so angry when I get coolered or hit a downswing.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
12-02-2009 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Systolic
1. Control tilt better.
2. Control tilt better.
3. Control tilt better.
4. Stop getting so angry when I get coolered or hit a downswing.
Stop sickbumping old threads


- ban myself immediately from all cash games to force me to stick to tournament play
- don't take ******ed shots at BI levels I couldn't afford, in games where I was massively -EV
- check that I'd banned myself from cash games
- multitable to increase hourly (also helps to ignore chatbox too)
- make sure I'm still banned from cash games
- get on 2+2 and in the strat forums to speed up my learning about the game
- read books
- ???????
- profit

Oh, and did I mention banning myself from cash games?

EDIT, also, bonus whoring
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
12-02-2009 , 07:07 PM
ftp RAKEBACK!!!!

Bigger laptop
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
12-02-2009 , 07:08 PM
Realize I wasn't as good as I thought i was...
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
12-02-2009 , 07:09 PM
Start with heads up.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
12-02-2009 , 07:25 PM
I dont have any HUGE regrets. Ive made about 5k playing online poker including bonuses, etc, all playing no higher than nl25 and the money means quite a lot to me since Im young. I guess if I could start again though I would...

bonus hunt more/rakeback/play on multiple sites instead of being lazy
dont buy ANY poker books
move up more instead of putting in tons of hands at really low limits
play more
dont ever play drunk

read strat/watch vids - This is still my biggest problem. I watch NO poker videos or read ANY strategy at all. I post a few hands a week and read the responses but thats it.
If you could restart your "poker career", what would you do differently? Quote
