Originally Posted by bucski
4.(re ArtySmokes) I agree with your continuing range. So you are saying we fold 80% of our range on this flop? Seems very high no? Surely we would also have a lot of Ax hands in our 3bet calling range? I guess my 3bet calling range would be something like 99+, AJ+, would prob fold KQ, maybe a little wider re a light 3bettor.
If your calling range pre-flop is 99+/AJ+ (And you 4-bet KK/AA) then on a flop like this, you have AK, AQ and AJ in your continuing range. QQ-99 would be folded, unless you want to call one street with QQ.
In terms of combos, if you have offsuit AQ and AJ in your range, you'd actually have top pair 60% of the time, so wouldn't be folding as often as I would.
I personally think calling the 3-bet with AJo is a mistake (and AQo is really iffy) but the suited versions are fine, although they make up fewer combos. Since my own range for calling the 3-bet is less ace-heavy than yours, I'd be folding this particular flop more often than you. I'd be more able to continue on Kxx/Qxx/Jxx though, because I've got a few suited Broadway hands in my range.