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06-10-2019 , 03:38 PM
Hello everyone,

A book I’ve been reading about NL tournament play recommends early in the tournament, 9 handed tables and large stacks, open raise with a certain % of hands from each position at the table.

It recommends opening with:
Early position -10%
Middle position -15%
Cut-Off -22%
Button -30%

Problem is I have no idea which hands make up these percentages at the BEGINNING of the tournament and the book really doesn’t make it clear.
Most of the info I tried to look up online gives hand %’s when you are heads-up at the END of the tournament.

Does anyone know which hands make up these percentages at the start of a tournament....or at least how I could find them?

Thanks in advance!
06-10-2019 , 03:48 PM
Could one of the moderators please move this thread to the “Beginners Questions” section please?
It was meant to be placed in there.

