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Did I play this correctly? Did I play this correctly?

12-30-2008 , 11:44 PM
So I'm at a Casino that i go to every now and then, the game is no limit texas holdem, 1-2 dollar blinds.

I was playing very conservative all night, and established a tight table image. So im delt 66 and its limped around to me, I raise it 15 dollars. The guy next to me calls and everyone else folds.

The flop comes J86, so theres a flush draw and a pot of 46 dollars. Action is on me and I push all in, I dont like the diamonds and I'd be happy with whats in the pot right now. The guy next quickly calls, but keeps his hand hidden ( can players do this? I thought when two players are all in, both show, however I could be wrong), the turn comes like a 5 I can't remember, and the ******* rivers his king winning the hand.

I think I played the hand fairly well and he just made a bad call on the flop, however I figure you guys know more than I do on this.
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12-30-2008 , 11:50 PM
In tourney play cards are turned up, in cash games it is entirely optional.
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12-30-2008 , 11:50 PM
bbv is that way. And no, you played it bad.
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12-30-2008 , 11:56 PM
OK, you must of remembered the hand wrong, because it had to been 3 way for pot to be 46$.

We have the nuts, we want value from flushdraws/Js/8s. Not just QQ/KK/AA, bigger set/j8.

bet about ~35, which sets you up to shove turn.
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12-31-2008 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
OK, you must of remembered the hand wrong, because it had to been 3 way for pot to be 46$.

We have the nuts, we want value from flushdraws/Js/8s. Not just QQ/KK/AA, bigger set/j8.

bet about ~35, which sets you up to shove turn.
Originally Posted by Letitride
I was playing very conservative all night, and established a tight table image. So im delt 66 and its limped around to me, I raise it 15 dollars. The guy next to me calls and everyone else folds.
It's possible for this hand to have been played 2 way, although the OP doesn't give many specific details to shed light on the hand.

Consider for example an eight man table, with the OP playing from the SB. Six limpers ($12), and the OP in the SB raises $15, making it $17 to go. The pot at this point is $31 (the original BB, the SB's total bet of $17, and the six limpers' $12), with action on the BB. BB calls (+ $15), and limpers fold. That should do it. $46 pot.

I'm not sure if this is how the betting developed. Perhaps the OP can give a few more details, such as position.
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