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Deciding what to grind? Deciding what to grind?

04-27-2015 , 03:21 PM
I am struggling to decide what to grind?

I am not interesting in cash games, and see my preference towards MTTs, MTTSNGs, and one table SNGs.

Im not a huge fan of turbos either, and although people say they are great ROI, I dont enjoy playing them, mainly due to the push/fold strategy that has to be adopted middle to late.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Obviously 9 man SNGs arent as 'sexy' as MTTs they may be better ROI?

Many thanks.
Deciding what to grind? Quote
04-27-2015 , 04:49 PM
You seem dis-interested in your interest!!

What are your $$ goals?
What time commitment do you have?
How's your bankroll?

I think we have a great advantage over other interests that there are so many options.

When I played on the internet I would play 1-table SNG and start one every 10 to 15 minutes to spread them out and play 4 or 5 at a time. That way it was easier to handle by not having 'all of them' HU at the same time. It also meant I was never more than an hour from being 'free' of my screen. MTTs take a time commitment that you really don't control or have the option of walking away from ... although I did sometimes cash in SNG that I left hanging instead of logging out of.

I always had a cash game going as well .. just in case the BBJ hit while I was online.

Some MTT players use cash games to cover their entries since (as you say) MTTS have a 'sexy' return, but she doesn't come around as often.
Deciding what to grind? Quote
04-27-2015 , 06:42 PM
forget about making money and play what you enjoy to play . Iff your good enough and learn the game the $$$ take care of themselves . Remember poker is primarily a hobby like fishing . To many people want to make x amount of $$$ per month or week at poker and it just a'int that easy.

Learn to enjoy the game iff your init to winit then you wont go very far you need to have a basic love for the game and it sounds like you find it all a bit of a chore and like your only doing it to grind a profit.

Remember the people that rise to the top of any game or sport start off because of the love of the game not for financial gain , financial gain just comes with the success of becoming good at what you do. Iff you enter something like poker without the love for the game thinking youll make money your on a hiding to nothing.
Deciding what to grind? Quote
04-28-2015 , 12:08 AM
I agree. If you don't love it in every facet, I think that will hurt you in the long run. You should get good at all aspects and all things from cash games, to SNGs, to MTTS. That's just my opinion. If you don't like Turbos, I would fire up SNGS with regular blind levels, and fire up 3-5 of them at a time to start and add more when comfortable. I think if you have some skill, you should be able to show some profit from this. Just my thought.
Deciding what to grind? Quote
