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C-BET and Stealing Vs Unknowns in 2NL and 5NL C-BET and Stealing Vs Unknowns in 2NL and 5NL

01-31-2012 , 01:01 AM
How do you guys treat stealing in a FR game in 2NL and 5NL? I've noticed the table action to be COMPLETELY random and full of passive and aggro fish.

Say we pick up A3o in the cutoff and it folds to us. Do you raise here to steal vs an unknown or do you guys generally wait until stats converge to get an idea?

How about hands as weak as Q6o? Is there a "default" line as to how wide you should be stealing in the button without stats on our opponents?

In terms of cbetting I noticed this to happen A LOT. I raise AK in EP . We get a caller in the button and its my turn to act. The flop comes 973r. Would you CBET here vs a complete unknown?
C-BET and Stealing Vs Unknowns in 2NL and 5NL Quote
01-31-2012 , 04:09 AM
everything else being unknown, it depends on your skill level vs other 2NL and 5NLers on average.

you can't really go wrong with A3o IP because it's likely to be ahead of the blinds ranges. Q6o i'd have to have a good reason, eg their fold pre and/or flop is very high.

AK i'd probably bet planning to follow through on good turns.

remember, in a vaccum and all else being equal, it's better to go for the aggressive standard in order to put your opponents to the test. that's how you go from readless to with reads, and it's much faster and more effective than waiting for stats to converge
C-BET and Stealing Vs Unknowns in 2NL and 5NL Quote
01-31-2012 , 04:47 AM
If the blinds are loose (30%+ VPIP in full ring) then I restrict my steals strictly to value hands (mainly big Broadways, pairs and suited aces). I also tend to leave the table if the guys to the left of me are loose. (They call too often when I'm stealing light, and have position on me in way too many other spots).
Q6 is an autofold in 95% of pre-flop situations. I might raise it in SB vs BB, but not if I've been stealing constantly, as it's a crap hand to play out of position if the BB calls, and you just don't know where you're at when the flop has an overcard or a flush draw. It's so much easier to play an ace-high hand, or something that can flop a draw.
If the blinds are tighter, then I'm stealing with anything "big", suited or connected. Hands like A2o, QT and even 54o can be used for steals against nits. Whether I c-bet or not will depend on the flop texture and villain's "fold to c-bet" stat.
I'll raise the occasional ace rag in the cutoff, but only if the button is a tight player. The last thing I want is the button having position on me, whether I hit top pair on the flop or not.
Flops like 973 are pretty bad for AK. If villain plays a lot of suited connectors, or floats IP often (low fold to c-bet), it's often best to check-fold. If villain checks behind, you can do a delayed c-bet on the turn, as you often have the best hand.
C-BET and Stealing Vs Unknowns in 2NL and 5NL Quote
01-31-2012 , 05:42 AM
I will steal with any two cards from the button if the blinds dont defend enough and if the btn is nitty? ill raise atc from the co as well. when they start to defend ill drop the worst hands from my steals like 38o, 5To etc. if they open up even more, same as Arty, Im off to a new table. I really think that stealing is super important to keep your stack ticking over while you wait for the big all in hands vs the fish to your right and if you cant steal, you have to leave.
C-BET and Stealing Vs Unknowns in 2NL and 5NL Quote
