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Building a BR from 20 dollars Building a BR from 20 dollars

02-20-2008 , 01:29 PM
Play $2 Turbo HU SNGs! You can average 5-6 per hour quite easily...single-tabling that is. If you are superman or on coke, you could probably multi-table. I can't...
02-20-2008 , 01:56 PM
i dont know if i dare to play HU on Stars. ppl have a way of sucking out on me
02-20-2008 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by PowellM
i dont know if i dare to play HU on Stars. ppl have a way of sucking out on me
Just be aggressive and read the stickies in the HU section of this forum. HU is a great way to become a bit looser and it'll also help your 6-max least it helped me.
02-20-2008 , 03:10 PM
I started with $20 about a month ago ans I'm up to around $220 now. I started off with 10NL which I was way underolled for but I built it up. Now I'm playing $5 HU sngs on Bodog. They seem fairly week and I really like playing heads up. My next big step is probably getting a cardrunners subscription with the money from grinding at this level.
02-20-2008 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by PowellM
wow, the last time i read you were strugglin' at 600ish

@Randompokerguy - are you playing on stars or FTP?
All on Stars right now, I kinda donked off my roll on Full Tilt playing .25/.50 limit.
02-20-2008 , 08:04 PM
I'm going to deposit $25 into a new client and try my very best. Hopefully I'll be able to make a nice second roll out of it, like a lot of people in this topic. Taking down a big tourney would be the best, obv.

We'll see. I'll post my progress.
02-20-2008 , 11:05 PM
I started doing this about 3 weeks ago with $5 I had in PokerStars and basically just floated $5 - $30 for 2 weeks. After going on a downswing all the way back to $5, I just kept at it, hoping the downswing would end. Then about a week ago I managed to grind it up to $40. I then moved up to 5NL tables and am now sitting at $86.

Those first 2 weeks were frustrating, but if you keep at it you should be able to get out of any slump at these limits. Just focus on making the right decisions.
02-21-2008 , 03:34 AM
I don't think anybody really cares all that much, but this 1k in 1 week, or building up from nothing, is entirely possible.

I pretty much suck, more or less, but I put my first deposit $35 in PS, and went, over 4 days, 85-110-300-1200-1080. Cashed out the 1000, took a day off, and tilted off the 80 and had to go hat in hand to my b-in-law who can competently manage BR and 12 tables.

Now I'm cheerfully hovering around $1 (the proof that I suck) after being up to 110 from 25, and today had to take an hour and a half in the 10FPP just to get enough, $.35, to buy in at .01/.02. Kind of pathetic. But still fun. And my wife did like going to the absolutely uber shi-shi-est restaurant in town.
02-21-2008 , 11:42 AM
Wild ride last night. I tried to push it so I could get to the 1k and reach goal. Not a good idea when your set of 2s has 1 out against a set of 8s, and when you're dealt KK against AA aipf. Later my hands did hold, and I made the usual 20ish gain.

Well, it's day 30, so I didn't make goal- but overall I'm happy with increasing my BR 864.00 this month. Hopefully Ill hit the 1k soon.

Currently at 883.

02-21-2008 , 01:11 PM
Switched over to HU last night, absolutely murdered 3 guys. and broke even with 1 before I went to bed. I stacked up 4 times on 1 of the guys. He was on absolute life tilt, I hope he didn't kill himself. He kept pushing every hand, I kept folding and folding folding for about 10 hands, got a nice JQs and called his all in with 93o and hit my jack on the turn. Guy was ****ing nutso.

Then handed a good beating to 2 other guys. I had much better results at 50 HUNL than I did at 10nl FR on full tilt.

Overall up around 85 bucks for the night.
02-21-2008 , 01:14 PM
So is it pretty much agreed upon that it is impossible to grow a bankroll playing *just* limit cash games? You have to play NL or SNGs or another game, right? I'm asking because I'm in this situation by necessity. My bankroll is around $22 from a $25 deposit I made a year ago to screw around with, and I'm reading SSHE right now. I've been playing exclusively limit microstakes, but I can't seem to get anywhere.
02-21-2008 , 01:18 PM
Heads-up is fun 'cause it's a "balls to the wall" play style. Very entertaining. Just make sure you DON'T TILT 'cause since you're involved in a lot more hands, tilt can destroy you very very very quickly at 200hands/hr+.
02-21-2008 , 02:03 PM
Took a shot at Nl25 (25 out of my 55$ BR) and i usually suck at cashgame but i won some money today. things are going the right way
02-21-2008 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Nyghtewynd
So is it pretty much agreed upon that it is impossible to grow a bankroll playing *just* limit cash games?
Limit is fine for building a roll with.

My bankroll is around $22 from a $25 deposit I made a year ago to screw around with, and I'm reading SSHE right now. I've been playing exclusively limit microstakes, but I can't seem to get anywhere
I like SSHE but I haven't played much limit holdem since I bought it a couple of years ago. I started on limit holdem in 2004 with a $70 bankroll and got it up to $220 in six months (playing quite a lot, no records remain) just by reading Lee Jones 'Winning low-limit holdem' but I've no idea if the games are the same now (I was both terrible and the best player at the table sometimes)
A lot of the big success stories in this thread are the direct result of luckboxing* MTT scores early in the journey, managing to bypass a lot of grinding at pretty low levels.
Losing $3 in a year may put you in the top 30% of players online. Assuming you've played quite a few hands and managed to keep your head above water it's an accomplishment of sorts. How many hands have you played at what level?

Micro forum sticky

*that is to say irrespective of super-filthy pokering ability the actual outcome>>>>>>>an average outcome
02-21-2008 , 03:53 PM
I just played a quick match against that donk I murdered last night!!! haha he doubled his stack against someone else, I sat at his table and doubled my stack. lmao. Oh God I want to play this guy some more, he's so horrible and just throwing money away.
02-21-2008 , 04:48 PM
cant you add him as a friend pokerstalkerMatt
02-21-2008 , 05:13 PM
A quick transcript of my chat with him after he left. I went and observed a table he was at. he intrigued me. I wondered if he was some rich guy just blowing money down the tube on retirement. Obviously he's not.

HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): how much
money have you spent 8g?
8g: 400 bucks
8g: i lost
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): &$%%
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): in how many
8g: in 1 day
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): r u rich?
8g: stole credit card from mother
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): oh wow i hope
you dont get in trouble
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): so your mom
wont know her card is being used?
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): how much did
you deposit dude?
8g: 400
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): how much is
8g: i am now at 170
8g: so i made some in the last 50$
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): How long have
you been playing?
8g: 3 days
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): i meant like
poker in general
8g: the first 2 days with playmoney
8g: like 1-2 years
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): how old?
8g: 22
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): and you stole
ur moms CC? I thought you were like 12
8g: no lol
8g: i didnt steal it i memorized the numbers
HOLLYWOODMATT: your out gunned... go home
8g: i am not outgunned moron
HOLLYWOODMATT (Observer): is this your
profession now 8g?
8g: i am in the army

I highly doubt he's in the army, he's probably 14 at home on a snow day.
02-21-2008 , 05:39 PM
I'm inspired, Gina. I need to go on this run.
02-21-2008 , 06:56 PM
Lol matt. you should bring ham to some higher stakes!
02-23-2008 , 08:10 AM
Sick past couple of days... the br was @ like $360, $388, then yesterday I took it to $400 during my first session, then they Q'd the doomswitch. My account bounced between $380 and $280 for the last 100+ games...
KK loses to KK (no typo, 4 for a flush ), AQ vs AQ (again!), and a billion other similar situations all around the bubble/for 3rd.

Well, my first is bruised up pretty good, the wall will never look the same, and the poor dog wont come out from hiding under the table.... but at long last I've managed to fade it (at least for now) and the account is @ $410+ ... at least I've got some RakeBack coming my way

I've lost track of how much $$ I've transfered, so I don't even think I'm going to try and keep track of that, I'll just make the occasional update on the current BR.

I really need to hurry up and make a couple hundred thousand and get a big house, a fancy new car, and a whole new balla life, or else this whole poker thing is going to get old fast!

02-23-2008 , 08:54 AM
Bad day on tilt yday, dropped $30 at 10nl and had to redeposit for $30... but cleared a $10 bonus.

I have no discipline apparently.
02-25-2008 , 02:56 PM
I am a tilt monkey.

Back to 747 for me, after being at 900- then swinging down as low as 580.

I've withdrawn some money to take to vegas on my trip, and will only play mini-micros until the stress of this move, etc. is over. Clearly I am an idiot and can't play my A, B, or C game when this much is going on.

Should have made that 19 - 1k goal for 2 months instead of 1.

02-25-2008 , 03:19 PM
Sounds like a good idea to take it easy a bit while you got alot of other stuff goin on Gina, you know when you are on your game and off it, just have to discipline yourself to play low or just take the night off when you know you arent playing to your potential.

Also goals are good, but not the end of the world, its always best to set goals that are hard to meet as it pushs you, but cant let it over influence you. You've built alot over the past month and not to be disappointed, it took me months to do what you have done in under 1.
02-25-2008 , 03:20 PM
Last 2 weeks - +35.91 (9.2BB/100) good!
Equity adjusted - +67.05 (12.6BB/100) oof...

That little red line mocks me. I hate little red line.
02-25-2008 , 03:26 PM
im up to ~100 bucks on stars. grinding the NL25
