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Beginner at Forums Beginner at Forums

11-24-2023 , 12:30 PM
Not sure if this is the right place for this post, but the title says it all.

I've been aware of this forums existence since I've started playing NLHE Cash Games couple years ago, but I've never made an account in or delved deeper in to it.. but now I'm here and wondering where to start!

I should probably be more specific to warrant a more specific response. I've been playing poker at micros online (now NL25) since late 2020, or when I turned 18. So that makes it few years in the game. However, I'm not happy with my progression. There are strengths I have and there are weaknesses, and the weaknesses seem to almost exclusively be the lack of effort I make towards the career I chose for myself. But I've decided that has to end. My mission here is to open myself up to more opportunities to learn and grow as a player, and to more importantly also recognize those opportunities and not let them pass by wasted.

And that brings me to the point of my first post on here: Where should I start? In terms of navigating the forums for the maximum amount of Juice that it presumably has. Now I know I'm still being vague, but I'll try to make it more malleable by asking the questions.

1.) What parts of the Forum do you guys think highly of in terms of educational content for yourselves and how do you practically use that content to get better at the game?

2. Perhaps you might have to look a bit in to the past for this one: which parts of this forum would you deem particularly useful for a player who is winning at NL25, but lacks some foundational knowledge in regards to theoretical play?

tl;dr: How to navigate this forum in such manner which increases the chances I stumble upon the largest piles of gold to speedup the learning process for theoretical play, and well why not for other things as well.

Thank you
Beginner at Forums Quote
11-24-2023 , 05:21 PM
you mentioned your chosen career. if you mean poker, then id say 25nl isnt going to cut it unless you crush 10 tables at a time, and or you live in an impoverished state.

if you mean something else, my mistake.

learn the shapes of proper starting ranges. learn how and why these ranges expand or contract based on positions, stacks, and reads.

learn how strong hands form the backbone of a strong betting strategy.

learn how strong hands protect draws and junk in strong checking strategies.

learn how draws and junk(semibluffs/low equity bluffs) increase the profitability of strong hands in strong betting strategies.

learn how betsizing makes it all come together to form a believable story (where the betsize represents both strong hands and a corresponding smaller group of draws and junk, or just strong hands and junk on the river)

learn how over aggressive players cause us to tighten up early in the hand by denying equity later in the hand.

learn how overly passive players allow us to loosen up early in the hand because of the excess free equity later in the hand.

learn the principles of river play. look up the (0,1) game and study it until u understand how and why it mirrors poker river play.

look back and think about how the starting ranges put it all in motion, and if executed properly subsequent river strategies will represent strong positions with healthy ev. (betting ranges are the most profitable. out of position checking ranges should be the least profitable. all decision points have a corresponding proper range, and the range as a whole should almost always have ev greater than zero. at no point should you be able to find a negative ev decision if considering your opponents range as a whole. if a call is negative ev, you fold.)
Beginner at Forums Quote
11-24-2023 , 09:31 PM
Thanks for the reply

Your post had a lot of relatable information! I apologize, since my wording was perhaps off in that I'm not looking for beginner advice on poker, rather beginner advice on utilizing this forum to the fullest. (I'm a total beginner when it comes down to forums, haha) And by NL25 I meant its the level of play I currently beat online, not the end goal of my Journey. I'm hoping to being able to play high stakes at some point, but quite a lot of traversing to do still.
Beginner at Forums Quote
11-27-2023 , 11:09 AM
The best way to use this site is to use the menu tabs on the left and choose the best area for your benefit. Then peruse for threads that may apply .. read and comment as you feel comfortable.

If you'd like to start a thread then do so .. The #1 suggestion in a Thread is to not give away too much of your thoughts OR the results in the initial entry. Be patient and wait for responses. You don't need to respond to each comment! Most posters will give comments as to your format and such.

Don't take comments personally, most comments are trying to be helpful. If you lash back then you will not get many new comments .. remember they are only working off the basics you are providing.

You can try to use the search function this site offers as well .. enter some key words (like 25nl) and you will see a list of threads and comments that include that phrase.

The best way to learn is just start clicking .. 100% you're going to make a 'mistake' in someone's view and that's just the nature of a public forum. Big Deal, it's just one opinion that you can take pause with, laugh at, discount or whatever you choose. GL
Beginner at Forums Quote
