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Bankroll Question Bankroll Question

05-01-2022 , 08:18 PM
Hello, is there a way to determine what kind of stakes for MTT someone should be playing at with a given bankroll? Is there an equation or a ratio to go by? I basically want to know how much my bankroll should be to advance from micro stakes. Thanks
Bankroll Question Quote
05-02-2022 , 06:09 AM
Standard would be at least 100 buy ins
Bankroll Question Quote
05-02-2022 , 09:58 AM
Yes .. BR for tournaments is typically 100BI and cash is a min of 20BI for NL and probably 40-50 for PLO.

As a side note .. If you're not cashing at least 10% of the time in tournaments then your approach may need some work. Yes, running bad is always a part of it .. there is a thread you can search for on this exact topic also. GL
Bankroll Question Quote
05-02-2022 , 09:58 AM
Why do you need a bankroll? Are you trying to do this professionally? Are you challenging yourself - deposit $X and see how far you can get? Is poker just a hobby? How much can you afford to put in each month? Your answer to these - and others - will inform your answer.
Bankroll Question Quote
05-02-2022 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
Why do you need a bankroll? Are you trying to do this professionally?
Agreed. MrLemon needs to address this before this thread goes off on an unnecessary tangent.
Bankroll Question Quote
05-02-2022 , 11:40 AM
It’s just a hobby but I would like to improve my skills over time. I feel like I’m past the micro stakes but don’t want to loose a handful of small stakes tourneys and lose my bankroll.
Bankroll Question Quote
05-02-2022 , 12:02 PM
You should not look at it from a "bankroll" perspective.

Totally understand that as a rec player EVEN if you are striving to improve (aren't we all?)..... you should stick to a "budget".

(as an aside, it has something to do with the ease of depositing onto a poker site. If you are talking about live casino play, then a budget has other issues)
Bankroll Question Quote
05-02-2022 , 03:22 PM
If it is "just" a hobby, then feel free to take some shots. What's the worst that can happen? You need to reload. As KS said, set a budget. How much can you afford to put in each month? Bankroll management has its place (and it could be an enjoyable part of your hobby if so inclined) but for a hobby there's no reason to be slavishly devoted to it.
Bankroll Question Quote
05-06-2022 , 03:15 PM
If you are in a comfortable position financially and can deposit whenever required then you can afford to be more relaxed in terms of buyins.. But if you were depending on poker to support yourself / family etc and the pressure that comes with all that (risk of ruin etc) then i can only imagine having 100+ BI's is standard for high variance structures such as MTT's.

Why someone would want to sit and grind MTT's daily is beyond me, but each to their own i guess!?
Bankroll Question Quote
05-07-2022 , 09:14 PM
A shot is not necessary, if one just mixes in some higher limit; multitabling or not.
Bankroll Question Quote
