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Bankroll question 1-2 NL Bankroll question 1-2 NL

11-21-2009 , 11:41 PM
This question is about the proper bankroll when playing 1-2NL $100min-$300 max buy in. I will also vent about about the beats I took (sorry).

This afternoon I played at PH 1-2NL. I bought in for $300. The table was mostly tourists, mostly drunk tourists, mostly tourists having a good time. Very little raising pre-flop. After the flop was lots of all-in's, some real loose action. I stayed out of trouble for about 15 minutes when I got KK in the small blind. 7 people limped before me including the button. I raised to $22. Everyone folded except the button. Button went all in. He had about $400. I insta called. I put him on A/K. He turned over 10/6 off. Flop was 10/6/7/. Down $300. Not happy. I had to go take a walk after that...

I buy in for another $300. I get **** cards for another 15 minutes when I get 6/6 in middle position. I limp for $2.00 with 6 others. Flop is Ks-6s-8d. I flopped a set but I know there's a flush draw out there. I bet $40 (the pot is $14). Everyone folds. BB raises all in. He's got well over $500. I call. Spade hits on the river. I am busted. Out of money. Time to go home.

I am pretty sure I made the right moves on both of these hands (If you disagree how played these two hands, please comment). I lost. I know I was a big fave on both hands. That's poker. I can accept that.

So was my bankroll too small for this game? Do I need to have a larger bankroll when playing in loose and wild 1-2 NL games like this. Obviously bad beats are part of the process... What should I have in reserve if I am going to sit down for $300 at a 1-2 NL limit table and take a $600 lost like this? Should I have $3000?

Thanks JH.
Bankroll question 1-2 NL Quote
11-21-2009 , 11:45 PM
$6000 .... at least 20 buy-ins for any limit
Bankroll question 1-2 NL Quote
11-21-2009 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by ReyzorXxX
$6000 .... at least 20 buy-ins for any limit
at the very very least
Bankroll question 1-2 NL Quote
11-22-2009 , 12:09 AM
Yea a game like this requires at least 20 BI's. The more you are going all-in the greater the variance will be.

I know I will be bashed for saying this but you may want to consider buying in for less. I know you are losing value when players are calling with terrible hands but it should help reduce vairance if you are not rolled. I wouldn't advise short stacking but $200, 100BB, is not a short stack imo.
Bankroll question 1-2 NL Quote
