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Bankroll managment for multi tabling .5nl and .10nl Bankroll managment for multi tabling .5nl and .10nl

03-15-2019 , 06:16 PM
Hi all,

first time poster, long time lurker.

I've decided to stop messing about taking shots at tournies and cash games and playing outside my bankroll so the time has come to finally listen to what everyone already knows and start at the bottom and work up. I've recently had what some would call somewhat of a mid life crisis. " I'm getting old, I hate my job, my life, the weather". (you get the idea!) So I'm packing in my job, working out my notice, I've sold the house and I'm moving from Ireland to Spain (Costa del Sol) for a year with the missus in tow. I've budgeted rent, food, living expenses bills, car rental.. etc etc so I've no bills to worry about and lots of time and the motivation to give this a proper go. Have PT4 and all the little add ons so my question is...

I plan on starting at 6 max cash .5nl or maybe even 2 or 3 tables .05/.10nl mixed in. I have a starting bankroll of $2000 and I plan on multi tabling between 6 to 10 tables at a time. This is the max I can do comfortably.

What should my bank roll be at these levels and for this amount of tables. I know people say anywhere between 35 to 40 buyins ( but is that single tabling?) I'm not a novice to all this and have had some pretty decent and steady cashes when taking shots at mid stakes tournies. Playing on Sundays when work and life allowed it. I just have always ended up cashing out for life expenses and work etc never gave me the chance to make a real go of something I love playing and studying for the last 15years doing my best to keep up with all the changes the game as seen since then.

I am really looking to start making use of the vast amount of knowledge and eagerness to help people on here so any advice or thoughts good or bad would be appreciated.

Not sure what you think but I'm possibly going to do some sort of daily or weekly blog on here in the appropriate thread once I get my ass settled and set up on the Costa del Sol in the coming month.

EDIT: Just to add I don't expect to be trying to make a living at these micro stakes I just want to start off on the right foot and go about things the right way and hopefully move up quick as playing a these stakes will be tough for me to keep my interest in playing as optimal as possible until I can get to .25/.50nl and .50/1nl

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this and extra thanks to anyone who decides to reply.

Last edited by Leixlip guy; 03-15-2019 at 06:27 PM.
Bankroll managment for multi tabling .5nl and .10nl Quote
03-16-2019 , 06:19 PM
With 2k you should be all set. For cash if youre starting at 10nl I would move up to 20NL once youve earned 20 to 30 buy ins at 10nl. Then win 30 to 40 bi at 20NL and move up to 50nl. And so on. If you do it this way you can be sure your skill is growing.

I wish I could edit my post but the other thing I wanted to mention was, since you are trying to prove and build skill don't mass table. It will stunt your growth. Play no more than 4 tables. Focus on trying to get into your opponents heads. Its hard to do this when you are 10 tabling. Once you get to a stake that you want to stick to (say 200NL) then start adding more and more tables. But be careful with it.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-16-2019 at 09:29 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
Bankroll managment for multi tabling .5nl and .10nl Quote
