If you make a play or two that is a HORRENDOUS bluff (you know a situation where the board isnt even that dangerous ) is there any value in showing your hand ?
Wouldnt this create a false meta image that the guy is capable of anything.
I was thinking your big bets might be more likely to get called when you have the goods ?
Disappointingly enough, it generally doesn't work out too Well. There are a lot of factors that have to go right for it to pay off : the players seeing it have to be paying attention, fall for it, *stay at the table long enough for you to capitalize on it by later*, b willing to adapt rather than stagnantly keep playing their strat.
You also have to have a similar situation crop up to do it for value.
The vast majority of the time, sadly, these things wont happen.
Online, regs will rarely notice that you showed your hand while multi-tabling and if they do they'll just think you're a fish. Maybe it could have value against live fish? I doubt it matters much even then tbh. I'd just never show my hand as a default.
Yeah, if I get the sense that showing someone a bluff that worked will put the opponent on monkey tilt and they'll donk several buyins away, I'd better not do that because never
Yeah, if I get the sense that showing someone a bluff that worked will put the opponent on monkey tilt and they'll donk several buyins away, I'd better not do that because never
How about showing your cards to the dealer to collect a pot on showdown.
The best way to exploit loose opponents, who call too much, is to project a wild and crazy image, so that they will be even more inclined to call you, but will also be scared to raise you. Showing a bluff is good because it reinforces the natural tendency of most of your opponents, which is to be too loose.