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Advice for identifying leaks Advice for identifying leaks

11-16-2009 , 11:16 AM
I play a mix of microlimit and NL STT/MTT over at stars, and for a number of years I've been break even or slightly below.

I currently use poker tracker, but finding it difficult to pinpoint specific hands that I may have played incorrectly when I go back and analyze games.

Are there methods or other tools people use to help analyze their games? I know posting hands here can help....but not sure which ones I should be pulling out to post. I've also heard maybe sitngo wizard is helpful for push/fold advice in late maybe thats a start.

I'm been through several books, posts here @ 2+2, and videos at dueces and I have pretty good awareness of various strategies (although I may not be implementing them properly!). Just have a tough time figuring how to make best use of my time in identifying leaks. Obviously in a perfect world, I'd have a tool that tags every questionable hand, where I can then go and chase down the right play for that hand.

And advice is appreciated.
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-16-2009 , 11:56 AM
I believe posting AND responding to hands is the best way to learn. Choosing which hands are post worthy can be difficult.

Here's my thought on what to post (criteria)

-Don't pick ones that you received a cooler (kk vs AA)
-Don't be results orientated when posting hands
-Don't just post losing hands (just because you won doesn't mean you played well)
-Post hands that truly confused you. (Opponent put you to a decision on certain street)

When posting hands, try to give all the information you can about the situation (stats on opponent)

The other thing I find helpful with finding leaks, is talking to other people who are playing at your level. Sometimes hearing an opponents take on your stats and style can help a ton.

Hope this helped
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-16-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by skoehler122
I play a mix of microlimit and NL STT/MTT over at stars, and for a number of years I've been break even or slightly below.

I currently use poker tracker, but finding it difficult to pinpoint specific hands that I may have played incorrectly when I go back and analyze games.

Are there methods or other tools people use to help analyze their games? I know posting hands here can help....but not sure which ones I should be pulling out to post. I've also heard maybe sitngo wizard is helpful for push/fold advice in late maybe thats a start.

I'm been through several books, posts here @ 2+2, and videos at dueces and I have pretty good awareness of various strategies (although I may not be implementing them properly!). Just have a tough time figuring how to make best use of my time in identifying leaks. Obviously in a perfect world, I'd have a tool that tags every questionable hand, where I can then go and chase down the right play for that hand.

And advice is appreciated.
PT3 has a tool for this. On the little PT3 box that shows up on the top of your table. Click that, it has a "mark hand for review" option for previous hands.
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-16-2009 , 04:27 PM
Ive found it helpful examining my vpip and pfr in all positions seperately, to determine where Im weak and starting with hands that I should not be playing with. You might be strong in some positions and find your getting into trouble in others.
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-16-2009 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by GoCobbers95
I believe posting AND responding to hands is the best way to learn. Choosing which hands are post worthy can be difficult.

Here's my thought on what to post (criteria)

-Don't pick ones that you received a cooler (kk vs AA)
-Don't be results orientated when posting hands
-Don't just post losing hands (just because you won doesn't mean you played well)
-Post hands that truly confused you. (Opponent put you to a decision on certain street)

When posting hands, try to give all the information you can about the situation (stats on opponent)

The other thing I find helpful with finding leaks, is talking to other people who are playing at your level. Sometimes hearing an opponents take on your stats and style can help a ton.

Hope this helped
great post.

i recommend a replying to at least 10 threads by others for every thread you start.

OP, you have 11 posts in 2 years and confess to being a breakeven player. that alone should be motivation enough to get more involved in the forums. getting more involved in the forums can help you find the leaks you cant find by yourself. replying to other peoples posts is very important.
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-16-2009 , 04:49 PM
if you are still a break even player you probably have major leaks and not just need help playing hands.
start asking yourself every time you put a chip in, is this a plus or minus ev spot for me. i bet you stick money in based on emotions rather than good reasons. just a guess, am i right?
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-17-2009 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by VanIsleRyan
Ive found it helpful examining my vpip and pfr in all positions seperately, to determine where Im weak and starting with hands that I should not be playing with. You might be strong in some positions and find your getting into trouble in others.
especially call pfr.
CCPF but slightly less then above.
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-17-2009 , 06:04 PM
Your leak is the same as all break even players or small winners/losers.

You either dont play aggressively enough, or you play too many hands out of position, or a combination of the two.

Its that simple.
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-18-2009 , 11:24 AM
Thank you all for the advice.

In regards to the question about putting money in based on emotion, I don't believe so...but maybe I'm wrong. If anything, I'm guessing I lack aggression at appropriate times. In NL MTT I play tight early, but either blind down too much or pick the wrong spots/bet amounts later on to pick up blinds and pots. STT I'm thinking I probably play too tight in late stages. As for limit, I started at pokerstars years ago playing this, and just tried to get back into it after a long break and finding I've forgotten some of the starting hands and raising strategies that I picked up from Sklansky's small stakes limit book.

Loud and clear on the forum involvement advice, I'll start immediately spending more time reading and posting. Admittedly, it feels a little weird posting my own advice when my confidence in my game is kinda low....but sounds like that doesn't necessarily matter as long as I explain my logic behind any hand comments/advice.

Hopefully I can drive a positive turnaround to my game....
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
11-18-2009 , 11:35 AM
if your throught process is wrong on a hand you comment on... someone will be more than eager to correct it for you... you just need to be able to handle some criticism.
Advice for identifying leaks Quote
