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AA hand advice AA hand advice

03-18-2022 , 08:57 PM
Hello, I just had a bad hand and was wondering if I did something wrong.

I had AhAc in the big blind on 2/5c and UTG bet 10c and three others called. I raised it to 75c and the UTG called. Flop comes 4d,kc,9d and I bet 1.65 and UTG shoves all in for 3.59 and I called. They show kd/jd and river a 6d for the flush.

Is there something I could have done differently in this hand like mucking on the all-in? I felt I should be calling.


Last edited by Nightsong; 03-18-2022 at 09:14 PM.
AA hand advice Quote
03-18-2022 , 09:02 PM
Yeah, complain about the fouled deck.

Otherwise, he was gambling and you lost, it happens.
AA hand advice Quote
03-18-2022 , 09:13 PM
Oops, was king of clubs and 9 of diamonds my bad
AA hand advice Quote
03-18-2022 , 09:55 PM
No reason at all to fold the flop because he will hit the flush on the river. If you knew he would hit the flush on the river you could just fold preflop. Since you don't know, then getting it all in with those stacks, with the best hand, is clearly a good idea.

To make it really simple - there was close to $2.00 in the pot, preflop, and only about 2x the pot left in your stacks. This would be called an SPR of 2 (Stack to pot ratio). If you have that low of an SPR and you have an overpair, this is a no-brainer call. Given that you bet nearly pot, you are having to call less than $2 to win a pot of about $9 makes this an even easier call.

Don't look at the result and think that you must have done something wrong. If the river is the 6c instead of diamonds (or a whole lot of other cards), you would have won the pot and not even questioned your decision.

Your bet sizing is a little on the large size, both pre-flop and on the flop - I would probably take it down a notch - but other than that there really wasn't any other way to play the hand.
AA hand advice Quote
03-19-2022 , 09:43 AM
You played the hand fine. Could your sizing have been better? Sure, but you'd still be right to call the flop shove based on the texture and the range that shoves there. Play similar situations the same way and you'll show a profit.

When you post hands, include stack sizes and any reads you have on your opponents.

Never post results. The result of a single hand is irrelevant as to whether or not you played the hand well.

In this hand, the post should end when villain shoves on you and you ask whether or not you should call or fold. What happens after that has no bearing on how you made the decision.
AA hand advice Quote
03-20-2022 , 02:07 PM
Should have went all in pre, those opp., are not worth the effort to out play.
Yes you were wrong to think you have to even try to literally kill in a situation like that.
AA hand advice Quote
03-20-2022 , 02:10 PM
Also letting him shove was not ev, dominate but call and loser not good for that secret power �� your own estimate.
AA hand advice Quote
04-14-2022 , 06:26 PM
Bet bigger preflop so there’s aren’t as many callers
Hate playing AA in cash game. Much better in tournaments situations
Sometimes you have to know what the size betting will be like to only have 1-2 callers It’s vary by table to table. Some times I have everyone call to crack my aces. And some tables some bet scares everyone out.
So it’s one of the things I notice when I’m joining a table is how much to bet preflop to isolate 1-2 players
AA hand advice Quote
