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50% of my life is spent drunk or hungover in a somewhat unsatisfying ratio; (LC/NC); NSFW maybe 50% of my life is spent drunk or hungover in a somewhat unsatisfying ratio; (LC/NC); NSFW maybe

08-03-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
wait! what???? wtf am i doing working like a wanker over here for. FML thats probably better pay than what i get.

over here you get ~£55 a week up to 25yo, 25+ get £65 pw.
That sucks I get 2k a month

Just had an interview today and will prob be taking a job that pays less than unemployment just so I can escape this prison I've been trapped in for 2 years.
08-03-2010 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99

Or ****ing?

Or ****ing?

Not sure which.
Like they do on the discovery channel...
08-03-2010 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99

Or ****ing?

Or ****ing?

Not sure which.
****ting imo
08-03-2010 , 05:21 PM
Or maybe ****ing?

Oh, I see Blane. ****ing
08-03-2010 , 05:26 PM
Nothing wrong with a little ****ing, but don't forget to either **** or **** her ****.
08-03-2010 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
Leo, you went travelling, either to multiple places or to keep an easy story to one place abroad, that had sunshine and beach.

You worked in a handful of bars and restaurants, and came back to England to get a proper job and a career once it was out of your system.

Worked for me. But I actually did that too

Oh and when employers ask you questions about the skills you have, being a team player or what responsibilities you had it's pretty easy to make them up. Particularly if you have ever done any of these jobs.

Explains the gap, and obv no references will be obtained.

And if you are young enough, late teens early twenties it is very plausible.

Bewbs pls. Not mens either.
I'm 22 so I guess that could work. Problem would be with the lies, I know it sounds silly but seriously I just can't lie. My face goes bright red and I start mumbling etc.

I worked at Ladbrokes for just under a year so I can mention the skills I picked up there (how to sit and watch tv with feet on desk imo) Plus gcse's and A levels.

Another thing I thought about, I could say I've been caring for a relative all this time. Which is true so I wouldn't have a problem with any lies etc. I just can't prove that, again I didn't claim the benefit.

Hopefully I will have an interview sometime next week so I will let you know how it goes

For your time sir.

08-03-2010 , 06:00 PM
Depending on the job, and I'm presuming it's one that doesn't require a lot of specifc technical knowledge, you will be asked lots of very general questions, about why you think you are right for the job, what skills you can demonstrate from previous jobs that would be good for this one.

So use everything you did from previous jobs, even if it seems small and you only did it once, to embelish - not lie.

Also, and this is key in interviews imo: know the company so do a little reasearch on the web so you know about them, their history, culture or w/e and drop it in to conversation or ask about something you saw on their website.

And always, always, have a good question to ask them. Particularly one that makes them think so they remember you.

And wear a suit
08-03-2010 , 06:05 PM
yea leo, definitely go with the travel or caring for a relative story. Having the ladbrokes thing is good for you as in its a professional company etc and not something else. Also do you not have any friend/relative who owns a business who could give you a reference.

What kind of jobs are you looking at? i had trouble finding work and got my current one by pure luck. Local company looking someone, i rang about it, she said she'd post a form. I told her i lived close so id pick it up. Went in and talked a little, ended up seeing the boss and got a week trial which went well and now im working [while wishing i wasnt ldo lol]

Also have you thought any more about the open university thing. I looked at it and think i may do a tech&design course followed up by a pgce [teaching cert] as i think teaching may be a cool job and then id always have the tech degree to fall back on.
08-03-2010 , 06:31 PM
The truth would be for last 18months I've been doing very little, taking care of a relative and playing a lot of poker and snooker. Not what they wanna hear I'm guessing.

I would prefer admin type work tbh, but right now I'm willing to try pretty much anything, get to uni and do something with my life! I applied for few admin positions with the nhs but I'm not too confident with those. Friend of mine said he would get me a spot with him in a warehouse, not the kinda work I wanna be doing but it would purely be to fund the open uni and boost confidence, get me back in the swing etc
08-03-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Leo19
Friend of mine said he would get me a spot with him in a warehouse, not the kinda work I wanna be doing but it would purely be to fund the open uni and boost confidence, get me back in the swing etc
Thats how I landed my current job. Temp work in the warehouse ... sure it was about 1/4 of the pay I had before, but a spot in IT opened up and I was right there with a foot in the door. Now I get paid 1/2 of what I got in the city. But at least being under paid meant that I wasn't one of those that was laid off when the economy tanked.
08-03-2010 , 06:59 PM
thats what im doing atm. Im going to use my current job as funding for my study. I want to save up enough that i can pay for all my study stuff and possibly even quit to study and maybe get a part time bar job or something for extra £££ also hopefully get a few $$$ from poker

I gotten to tolerate my work by now. Its just meh tbh and id say itd probably be okish if i didnt have to work with the biggest wanker i have ever met in my life. And i work with him side by side all day every day.

Other guys have said hes sneeky and tbh he seems like an angle-shooter. Tries to make you look bad and will say things to put you down. Although iv told him to stfu once lol

Sample story is hes driving forklift to lift the work i had done. All sitting ready to go so i go to toilet. I come back and he starts complaining that i left him on his own [he had to get off forklift to move something - fat lazy c**t] and says you cant walk off and leave me like that just to go to the toilet. WTF

/rant lol
08-03-2010 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by obviously.bogus
Thats how I landed my current job. Temp work in the warehouse ... sure it was about 1/4 of the pay I had before, but a spot in IT opened up and I was right there with a foot in the door. Now I get paid 1/2 of what I got in the city. But at least being under paid meant that I wasn't one of those that was laid off when the economy tanked.
yea and ££££ is ££££ and its experience too for other jobs. And ffs get on the dole lol you'll pay enough tax in your life, take what you can get.
08-03-2010 , 08:33 PM

I think lying is pretty bad in a position like that. Rather tell the truth and have a positive spin on it. Also, nobody says you have to tell the whole thruth.

Oh, and I pity you guys for not having free college and government support while studying.
08-03-2010 , 10:59 PM
poker is easy

Full Tilt Poker $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: $69.55
BB: $38.50
UTG: $99.40
Hero (MP): $67.60
CO: $26.55
BTN: $84.20

Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is MP with K K
UTG raises to $1, Hero raises to $3.50, 4 folds, UTG raises to $99.40 all in, Hero calls $64.10 all in

Flop: ($135.95) 7 6 6

Turn: ($135.95) 2

River: ($135.95) 2

Final Pot: $135.95
UTG shows T T (two pair, Tens and Sixes)
Hero shows K K (two pair, Kings and Sixes)
Hero wins $132.95
(Rake: $3.00)
08-04-2010 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg

I think lying is pretty bad in a position like that. Rather tell the truth and have a positive spin on it. Also, nobody says you have to tell the whole thruth.

Oh, and I pity you guys for not having free college and government support while studying.
Do you pity me enough to pay my student loans?

I am quite jealous that you were able to receive those things from your gov... meanwhile my gov charges me like 6% or whatever on the loans they are giving me.
08-04-2010 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Do you pity me enough to pay my student loans?

I am quite jealous that you were able to receive those things from your gov... meanwhile my gov charges me like 6% or whatever on the loans they are giving me.
6%!? When in hell did you get your student loan!!? The interest on my loan is 0% at the mo, as was everyone elses I thought due to the the recession etc.
08-04-2010 , 04:41 AM
are we still allowed to be drunk in this thread, because this **** is getting heavy

i just want to get drunk and student loans, really? OOT is that way
08-04-2010 , 04:50 AM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
are we still allowed to be drunk in this thread, because this **** is getting heavy

i just want to get drunk and student loans, really? OOT is that way
True story! WTF was I thinking!?
08-04-2010 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
are we still allowed to be drunk in this thread, because this **** is getting heavy

i just want to get drunk and student loans, really? OOT is that way
You paged me? Just got back from pub lunch......
08-04-2010 , 03:24 PM
So I just got back from the vet after my gf's sister rings to say their ill cat is more or less comatose and doesn't know what to do. Call the vet who says bring her in, she's either having a stroke or a heart attack. Died en route in my Peugeot-cum-ambulance

Too late to sit down for a proper session so will shortly be getting drunk and annoying people in the 10c 360's.

Off work the next 2 days tho, so yay.
08-04-2010 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
So I just got back from the vet after my gf's sister rings to say their ill cat is more or less comatose and doesn't know what to do. Call the vet who says bring her in, she's either having a stroke or a heart attack. Died en route in my Peugeot-cum-ambulance
There's a moral in this story.

Don't drive a Peugeot.
08-04-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Jimbo_Mac82
There's a moral in this story.

Don't drive a Peugeot.

Peugeot is nearly dead too. Going to DVLA in Chelmsford tomorrow or Friday to retain my plate so I can get rid of the car and buy a new one.

It's a joke, if you have both cars you can transfer the plate for £80, otherwise I have to pay £80 to take it off my current car and retain the rights to it for a year, then another £80 when I buy a new car and want to put the plate on that one!
08-04-2010 , 05:46 PM
Meh, 0/5 in the 360's but 1 bottle of wine.

Some heated HU4Rollz? action tho at one point when Bogus got moved to my table.
08-04-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by whydowe_fall
I'd vote LirvA for admin if he had decent taste in threadsavers in the slightest. Those make somethingfishy's picks look great...
Mine are great thanks. But since you're the only one, that ever disapproves I will continue to keep the sexy ladies to myself.

South point casino cocktail waitresses get three thumbs up from me. But why do the hot ones think its ok to come around once an hour? Especially for a nick every time. Ill take the mildly attractive ones that are attentive over them any day. Its really not worth it for the 8 seconds I see you. /rant
08-04-2010 , 08:47 PM
Cute poker room cocktail waitresses are the worst. It's a combination of them being constantly hit on by scummy guys so they are in no way in a rush back and those guys overtipping even though the service is subpar.

That said, I have totally contributed to the problem as recently as this week. The best cocktail waitress at Borgata is like a late 30's earl 40's 6'3 black chick who is super friendly and just hustles. Love when she's working and I'd wager she gets way more cash then the cute girls.
