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50% of my life is spent drunk or hungover in a somewhat unsatisfying ratio; (LC/NC); NSFW maybe 50% of my life is spent drunk or hungover in a somewhat unsatisfying ratio; (LC/NC); NSFW maybe

08-13-2010 , 04:46 AM
Two spiders floating in my pint of water this morning, soo pleased I didn't reach for a drink without looking.
08-13-2010 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by sheeprustler
I'm gonna get drunk and randomly top the bop $5 low orbit leaderboard. watch this space ---->>>
anyone want to make a small prop bet on this? played some sngs last night have 336 points from 13 games
08-13-2010 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
havent posted ITT yet so here i am. its also friday arvo after work. Lovin my timezone!, put that in your warm beer and drink it. hehe.
sighhhhhhh, so ****ing jealous, enjoy ur saturday hangover, while i have a friday night cold pint or maybe a big mutha ****ing glass of saintsbury cava at £3.49 a bottle, its just wrong!!! ye ha 4 hours to go!!

also, for naked pic's, the brew in the mirco stakes forum is outstanding these days
08-13-2010 , 07:41 AM
Season starts tomorrow wooop. If she thinks I'm spending the day with her she is sadly mistaken.

Anyone entering a team on the sun ff? Having problems picking my team
08-13-2010 , 07:55 AM
im entering the suns one as always

my defense costs 5.5mil
then my midfield/str
joe cole


ye ha imo
kirkland for keeper, so im hoping i score lots of goals and concede very little
08-13-2010 , 08:04 AM
I'm thinking;

Ireland (if he joins Villa obv)

But I want Lampard/Cesc/Rooney/RVP/Torres
08-13-2010 , 08:08 AM
this timezoneaments game can be infinitely played. I mock u for doing boring stuff when im at home chillin with beers and mock me when its my monday morning and im at work and you are chillin on a sunday night with beers and pokers. horses and roundabouts....but for the moment, i wins.

oh and Mark, I dont do hangovers...they suck when you have kids and a wife who dont subscribe to 'let me sleep, i had a big night' the on the morning after, so i have a hangover avoidance system which involves lots of water and frequent peeing in place of said hangover. yikes.

of course, i also have an extra weapon at my disposal and im not afraid to be using it
08-13-2010 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by Cruzerthebruzer
You'd should always spend money on something +EV.
omg you still exist?!?
08-13-2010 , 08:45 AM
Ass end of my timezone right now...around 9am and I'm late for work fml
08-13-2010 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Since when do thread titles make sense? Isn't it a wookie rule that thread titles have to be used as they were typed?

ban leroy for not knowing the rules.

Or perhaps it breaks down into:

50% of life sober
50% of life drunk or hungover.... where the % of drunk != % hungover.
Reading comprehension FYL, IMO.

Does "this doesn' make any damn bit of sense" mean this thread title sucks?

It's nonsensicality just takes it from brilliant insight to standard drunken rambling.
08-13-2010 , 09:36 AM
The confusion is in the fact that we are dealling with a 2nd "hidden ratio" here

Of the 50% of my life that is drunk or hungover, I'm getting at the fact that too much of that 50% is spent hungover instead of drunk
08-13-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Leroy2DaBeroy
Reading comprehension FYL, IMO.

Does "this doesn' make any damn bit of sense" mean this thread title sucks?

It's nonsensicality just takes it from brilliant insight to standard drunken rambling.
08-13-2010 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
cool, let me know if you go.
Will do. May save my bullet for wsop 2011 but pop down anyway for a look.

This is about the least sucky LC thread title we've had imo but it's not like I really even remember previous ones.

Just applied for an hours reduction to 4 days a week (to help the firm save money obv). Only trouble is they pay me so little they wouldn't save much.
Discrimination imo
08-13-2010 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
08-13-2010 , 01:13 PM
Leroy.. I sent gamble a pm but I'll let you know too (although I probably should just put it in the thread) that if you need an escrow still for the weight loss bet, I can do it for you guys.
08-13-2010 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by TBobLP
Ass end of my timezone right now...around 9am and I have a job fml
08-13-2010 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Originally Posted by Cruzerthebruzer
You'd should always spend money on something +EV.
omg you still exist?!?
We wanted to see what you guys rated that satanic chick. But no one cares so he'll never come back.
08-13-2010 , 02:50 PM
crusier spotted itt

We wanted to see what you guys rated that satanic chick. But no one cares so he'll never come back

I dont like the satanic look, to pasty also imo, also my gf'd friend always use's that pose when self taking photos. And it improves her from a bit [wouldnt be hard imo] so im going to give ~5

This isnt a pointy elbow thing, i just dont like that style and anything that reminds me of gf's friend loses points also

I wish it was friday arvo here, and not the morvo.

Pretty sure I should not be operating any heavy machinery today.
And what heavy machinery is there in there in an insurance office. I doubt youll lose a limb in the printer or photocopier

Although it is you so........

havent posted ITT yet so here i am. its also friday arvo after work. Lovin my timezone!, put that in your warm beer and drink it. hehe.
I was going to post that you have monday morning earlier than me but you pointed that out already also i dont even think ill get a beer tonight and a fyi for future reference, no point in trying to annoy me during our daytime about you being at home drinking as i wouldnt get to read it till im home myself

wow long post ftl
08-13-2010 , 02:54 PM
I've never really understood the rating system. I mean, whatever, have your fun, but do you have a rating that you draw the line at tapping? Does this change from girl-to-girl? What qualifies each independent rating?

My rating is 'would bump girly bits with her, would not bump girly bits with her'. Works for me.
08-13-2010 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
wow long post ftl
and ftw
08-13-2010 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by whydowe_fall
I've never really understood the rating system. I mean, whatever, have your fun, but do you have a rating that you draw the line at tapping? Does this change from girl-to-girl? What qualifies each independent rating?

My rating is 'would bump girly bits with her, would not bump girly bits with her'. Works for me.
Its just curiousness. Everyone's rating of people is subjective and this girl happened to get rated very differently between cruzer and I. So we were wagering on who was closer to the normal opinion.

Said girl was a self proclaimed 10.

She started it.

Last edited by Bacon; 08-13-2010 at 03:11 PM. Reason: PS: I don't do any tapping.
08-13-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by whydowe_fall
I've never really understood the rating system. I mean, whatever, have your fun, but do you have a rating that you draw the line at tapping? Does this change from girl-to-girl? What qualifies each independent rating?

My rating is 'would bump girly bits with her, would not bump girly bits with her'. Works for me.
i think the 0-1 scale is fine also

i also believe that with enough alcohol most 0's can become 1's

On teh risk of sounding corny i do believe that personality etc has alot to do with what a woman should be rated, ie -she could be hot but really annoying or bossy etc. But if we are only talking about tapping once then forget tha last part

For my above post wrt camera angle


Last edited by Bacon; Today at 02:11 PM. Reason: PS: I don't do any tapping.
YGOS? jk

Last edited by crazyfool1985; 08-13-2010 at 03:17 PM. Reason: self proclaimed 10 drops her more imo
08-13-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Bacon

Said girl was a self proclaimed 10.

She started it.
Ok, no way in hell. Haha. You can never rate yourself, let alone a 10.

I'll just throw out there that she's not on my 'tap that' list. Haha.

I don't care if you use it, I'm not offended or anything (you guys should know by now that it would take A LOT to do that), I was just curious.

Originally Posted by Bacon
PS: I don't do any tapping.
08-13-2010 , 03:20 PM
I'm religo or something :O
08-13-2010 , 03:25 PM
FF Team is done.

Who's escrowing?

On the scale of -10 to 10 she is in the negative.
