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3-betting pre-flop with weak hands 3-betting pre-flop with weak hands

01-24-2017 , 02:10 PM
So I see it quite a lot by professionals, and I've used it with some success. Somebody who's fairly active raises pre, and almost regardless of cards (like 84o) re-raise to 2.5-3x his raise to encourage a fold, either then or after c-betting the flop which they likely miss.

How wise is this, is there a recommended range for doing so, obviously position / stack size is important - but as a general strategy, what do you guys think of re-raising with sub-par hands?
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-24-2017 , 02:16 PM
If you don't know why you're doing it, don't do it
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-24-2017 , 02:31 PM
I know why I'm doing it, if I'm in position it gives me power post flop, and makes it much harder for him to just call with marginal hands pre. I just wondered whether there were theories / systems out there recommending different ranges, and the mathematical explanations behind them
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-24-2017 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by #41tomp
How wise is this, is there a recommended range for doing so, obviously position / stack size is important - but as a general strategy, what do you guys think of re-raising with sub-par hands?
Except in specific spots (such as tournament situations where ICM factors mean you have a lot more fold equity than usual), it's usually a mistake to 3-bet light with total garbage. When there is a decent chance that villain calls or 4-bets, your 3-bet range should contain "playable hands" that have solid equity/playability.
e.g. If MP opens, then the BTN might 3-bet hands like A5s or 65s by default (along with some monsters), but not 84o.
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-24-2017 , 04:02 PM
cool - thank you! it seems to have worked a fair bit, but then i get caught sometimes. I will take what you say into my play, cheers
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-24-2017 , 09:11 PM
If you do it often, you will get crushed. If it is a once in a blue moon kind of thing, not so terrible. It is best to do it with a hand that you can see improving, like mid pairs or suited connectors. Doing it with Q/4 offsuit is inane.

Aside from that, sixfour gave you some of the best poker advice you will ever get.
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-24-2017 , 09:14 PM
OK - thank you one and all. I will be thinking about this

Gonna start keeping files on all the advice and tips I get. This place is very cool - seems like there's basically only helpful people around - I appreciate it!
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-24-2017 , 09:22 PM
Listen, one thing to remember....what you watch on television is small snippets that occur over many hours of play. Just because ol Norm is yakking about one hand after another does not at all mean they occur anywhere close in time.

New players are obsessed with hero calls and bluffing. In reality, both are successful less than 10% of the time. It makes for great tv, but very bad real life translation.
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-25-2017 , 05:05 AM
That's handy to know!
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
01-25-2017 , 08:02 AM
You want to be doing it with suited connectors and suited wheel aces. You can mix in some off suit broadways but don't go overboard on these else you will be over bluffing preflop. By selecting these hands, you have strong playable hands that realize their equity well (meaning you can often continue post flop because you'll flop straight and flush draws). They also make nutty hands when they flop well.
3-betting pre-flop with weak hands Quote
