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2NL no one bets when i have a hand, they just fold 2NL no one bets when i have a hand, they just fold

06-09-2017 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by coldsteelbop
Again, this is just "my" opinion, and since I'm handing that out, here is another piece of advice (which is probably even less agreed upon). If you can't beat the micro levels then why are you playing higher limits? I'm a firm believer that if you can beat free and micro players then you'll be that much better at higher level stakes. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!
Thats why im sticking to 2nl, my current style works well in "free play" or play money games, i think thats where i also picked up my tendency to play super tight, i learned how to beat the majority of free play players full in full ring by simply waiting for the nuts and getting in to the flop at the cheapest price....then sit back as they throw money straight at my monster.

Its not real money so their alot more loose regarding which hands their prepared to commit their stack to.

but that simply cant be replicated on 2NL real money, as i have found out, sure i can hit the nuts but the buggers wont pile in all their money right into the mouth of my monster.

hence why i need to change, from being super tight and never attempting to bluff/ i cant rely anymore on playing the waiting game.
2NL no one bets when i have a hand, they just fold Quote
06-09-2017 , 06:04 PM
Can we swap opponents? This week, my c-bet success rate has been 13%.


Unless you've got a large sample size, you're probably just experiencing some short-term variance like I am. Sometimes your opponents keep making hands. Other times they whiff completely every time you flop the nuts.
2NL no one bets when i have a hand, they just fold Quote
06-09-2017 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Can we swap opponents? This week, my c-bet success rate has been 13%.

Yeah thats pretty much the situation i was/am trying to avoid, as for my opponents im pretty sure they figure out that if i call or raise post flop im holding a very strong hand, hence why they either shutdown if i call and they start checking, or they fold up if i start betting.

sure it sounds great to have players easily fold to you, but its not profitable given how long it takes to hit the board right, so when i factor into account the costs of 3-betting pre-flop then failing to hit the board, and the costs of paying the BB/SB, those folds simply dont cover my costs.

hence why i was so frustrated that i couldnt get people to put money into the pot when i do eventually hit the nuts, as that would more than cover my costs, and allow me to grow my stack.

but thats not happening for the reasons people have pointed out, ie: it's bleedingly obvious that i have the nuts, so i have to change how im playing.
2NL no one bets when i have a hand, they just fold Quote
