Originally Posted by MrHrafn
psuedo random generaters are not random that is proven. The fact all book makers block any winners is also proven. Like wise Betfare also "taxs" anyone who makes over 250,00 per year. And lastly hackers can rig any game of any site if they so wish; there is no know means of protecting an online site even google has to run constant hacks on itself to keep afloat (fuzzing). So I agree playing online is not safe and if they can deny serve they can obviously interfer with any part of their operation, because the customer has waived his rights; Like the terms of serve of your blog sites; they can delete your account and data for any reason or no reason!
pseudo random number generators are not truly random but random enough for most applications.
hackers can absolutely not rig any game of any site. Thats the most outrageous statement i have heard in a long while and it shows that you have no idea how the infrastructure in online gaming actually works.
I am always flabbergasted when people talk about this nonsensical ways that they think casinos cheat them when in reality the scam that a lot of unlicensed online casinos run is to simply not pay out when you are winning.