Originally Posted by Dontletit
Hi Dr D , How bad are long loosing streaks and stress from overly worring about results in poker for mental/physical health in long run. Does this kind of stress realese cortisol etc. Does player need to take braeks (how long) if he feels angry /frustrated even when hes not grinding?
What is your recommendations for overcoming this kind of negative emotions.
Chronic stress is detrimental for your mental and physical health, no matter the cause of it. You can basically take any system of the body, the harm is enormous, from obvious consequences like depression and anxiety issues to not so obvious harm such as increased risk of cancer.
To cope with the issue you describe, imagine you have a bucket of energy, stressful activities drain it / the good stuff in life fills the bucket. Now there are 3 ways to fill the energy bucket:
1) reduce the drainage i.e. taking a break
2) fill the bucket (sleep, healthy eating, sports, time spent with friends and family, fun activities...)
3) work on your stress resilience (mindset and general mental wellbeing which Nr 2 contributes a lot to
If this kind of self-help doesn't work and you still feel stressed out / frustrated/depressed then don't shy away from seeking professional help.