Originally Posted by Darth Sagebrush
Eurogrinders don't play games that solvers don't exist for. And they don't go to places with tornadoes and MAGA and actual locusts.
I agree with your assessment if you're only talking about solved games in fashionable cities.
Nah, they go to Orlando sometimes too lol, they love cutting in theme park lines pretending they dont know how lines work.
Limon has and always will talk mainly about big market poker. Thankfully, the Euros are still experiencing brain drain from the age of exploration. Can you imagine how bad they would be if they werent all drooling nincompoops, talking about how great it is that gambling winnings arent taxed and theres no tipping in their awful country?? Meanwhile, the country is begging to join NATO or dealing with riots, or deciding how to ration out terrible healthcare for free in the smuggest way.
Heard a Eurogrinder tried to grind in the Deep South one time, got propositioned for sex by TBC, smugly won a lot by nitting it up, then got his head kicked in trying to find his Hyundai rental car, he was complaining about how stupid tipping was when he got jumped too, go figure!
My question is for Limon, do you have any funny stories of kicking beards out that were booking with you? And not the people betting the three biggest mlb favorites in a parlay everyday that you booted.