Originally Posted by limon
the best people to have at your table are fiery emotional people (from countries that are constantly at war with someone)
Love this. When I started playing live I always found these guys (from Balkan countries mostly where I live) very uncomfortable to play with. Guess I was afraid they would come after me if I won pots against them. But after some time you realize a very large percent of them are completely harmless despite their demeanor, unless you go out of your way to piss them off. And if you have just a little bit of people skills, the actual dangerous/criminal ones are pretty harmless as well. They bring large action a lot of the time and when you get to know them that fire and emotion is only funny and makes for an emotional and interesting game instead of robotic nit games.
1. What is the backstory of the name limon.
2. You seem like a person who is high IQ and definitely smarter than the vast majority of players. I find that people like you, unless they have Aspergers or something, generally shy away from poker after a while as it isnt stimulating enough mentally. I dont mean this in a condescending way, but why do you think you find most enjoyment out of lowbrow activities (poker, golf) despite your (I guess) high intelligence.
3. Any gambling stories from outside the US, or have you always been an LA player through and through=