Originally Posted by limon
druff is a miserable limit holdem asperger grinder shitreg, he wanders around the casino looking homeless in a dirty, ill fitting "poker fraud alert" hat and mumbling to himself. He is jealous of people like me and feels like i have the life that he deserves and its become an obsession for him. He shows up in my threads and gloms onto my success in a pathetic search for clout chasing crumbs. This is classic MAGA victimhood and bitch ass whiner syndrome they get from their dear leader.
Whoa! Look at the projection here!
One of us does look homeless... it's the drunk with scraggly hair mumbling to himself at the Commerce bar as he drinks alone all day, every day.
One of us wanders around aimlessly Commerce all day, every day.... and the other only comes by occasionally to play poker like a normal human being, and leaves when he's done.
One of us has success to where he can do what he wants, when he wants to... and the other is forced to spend all day drinking alone at Commerce while he waits many hours for his hosted game to finish, just so he can take home a meager sum of money raked from it.
One of us creates threads calling himself a "literal legend" because he's an insecure 51-year-old drunk.... and the other... doesn't.
You aren't a success story from the world of poker. You were pushed out of the one lucrative thing you ever lucked into (Live at the Bike) because you are a miserable human nobody wants to be around. Now you scratch by hosting Commerce private games, yet rarely actually play in them, giving yourself a fate almost worse than death -- being trapped daily at the Commerce with nothing to do besides wait for time to pass.
If you're a "literal legend of gambling", they should use you as a poster boy as to why kids should stay in school and never gamble.
Last edited by Dan_Druff; 12-15-2023 at 11:37 AM.