James Grimaldi
Do your research. I was a gambling legend decades ago before I could even legally step foot in a casino (and I was doing it anyways playing $100/$200 no limit at the Commerce with the likes of Jeffery Katzenberg, Bruce Parker (RIP) & another gambling legend none other than Twin Caracas!!!) beating megadonks like Guy @ 200/400 NL
Tournaments are a waste of time everybody knows this. Stick to the cash games dawg and bum hunt the fish. Be friendly. Show down your hands they like that stuff and rake in the profits. And if you’re playing in a live cash game where the entire rest of the table has a drink then it’s a venial sin to not have a drink as well. You’re welcome.
Just play donkaments with your Donk friends at home games if you like it so much. And when you win the donkament you can have someone take a photo of you with all the chips and you’re lucky winning hand throwing up a thumbs up or middle finger or gang sign of whatever you want and tack to your fridge or Facebook or whenever. Problem solved.
Tournaments are certainly an enjoyable thing to do. There’s just no money in it in the big picture trying to chase the big events and be a pokerstar like dnegs. Ask that guy zinno.
I’ve been banned before on this site. More than once. More than twice. Hell more than I can count on my fingers and toes probably. Maybe it happens again. Maybe it doesn’t. Who knows who cares.
All the cash games have dried up as a result of Donks running at expected ev in longnrun and going bust and quitting and finding new hobbies combined with daily increasing rake to $12+$3 in most casinos and 2/5 is biggest game I see running lately and the 1/2 is always juicer than 2/5 98% of the time.
You went from playing 100/200 and 200/400 NL decades ago, 5/10 six years ago, and now 1/2? And yet you claim to be a legend of gambling? Seems more like you're struggling to keep up with the game. There's probably hundreds like you out there who did well during the poker boom when few knew how to play but can't keep up in today's environment. Do you at least have some epic stories to share?