Originally Posted by CoachJoel23
Two caveats here: I am a cash-game pro, not a tournament specialist. Also, some tournaments have unique rules and custom formats.
With that said, I believe the standard approach would be for the 2 players that bust to split second place and share the second + third place prize money. This is what happened in past tournaments that I played in.
Hate to correct, but this is incorrect (in most TDA/WSOP/PokerStars tournaments). If its a final table and 2 players are eliminated at the same time, the one with less chips ends up in a lower position whether its 6th and 5th or 3rd and 2nd respectively.
You are thinking of a situation, where it is hand-for-hand on an actual bubble or final table bubble. In that case if two players at different tables get eliminated simultaneously they split the payouts.