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HUD hotkeys and functionality in hand2note4 HUD hotkeys and functionality in hand2note4

08-03-2024 , 07:19 AM

thanks for your splendid work. I have two questions.

1. As the site I'm playing on won't allow auto hud I've created a lot of specific huds which I'm switching between ingame via the hot key function. Because of this I really like your "Hide if Hot Key is pressed"-function as the screen would get all too cluttered if all my different huds were showing simultaneously. With this function I can, by assigning the same hot key for hiding my main hud as for showing my alternative hud, switch hud with only one key press.

My question: is it possible to do this for multiple huds? As it stands now I seem to have to choose only one hot key to hide the main hud with. The problem that arises is that I can switch main hud A and alternative B with one key press but not additional huds. If I want to see alternative hud C the main hud still remains leading to a cluttered experience. In conclusion: is there a way to make hand2note4 hide the main hud if hot key A, B, C or D... are pressed?

2. When I open a new table all my different huds are showing until I post the big blind which makes the table completely cluttered. As soon as the big blind is posted all the alternative huds disappear with only the main hud showing. This is, albeit not critical, quite annoying as I have to move around all the alternatives hud just to be able to see the cashier enabling me to buy in and post the blinds.

My question: is there a way to make only the main hud show from the start?

Best regards,
HUD hotkeys and functionality in hand2note4 Quote
08-03-2024 , 10:22 AM

1. At the moment, you can only create several HUD panels with the required stats and then assign hotkeys for each panel:

• For the main HUD, enable the option: Hide if Hotkey is pressed - then this panel will hide after pressing the assigned hotkey.
• For the additional panel with stats, disable this option and just assign a hotkey.

This way, you will be able to press one hotkey to show the additional HUD and another hotkey to hide the main one. Moreover, you can assign one hotkey to both these panels so that pressing one key hides one panel and shows the other.

In future updates, we plan to add the ability to set hotkeys to switch HUD profiles in Game Types, as in Hand2Note 3, to completely switch HUDs with different panels, but currently, this feature is not available, unfortunately.

2. Regarding the second issue, unfortunately this also cannot be fixed at the moment. The problem with hidden panels when opening table is known and the developers will fix it in future updates. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.
HUD hotkeys and functionality in hand2note4 Quote
