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Buggy card catching on Suprema Buggy card catching on Suprema

05-25-2024 , 08:10 AM
Hand2Note4 doesn't catch all hands on SupremaPoker windows version. I have all updates installed. I already tried clean & rebuild.
I feel like around 30% of hands aren't caught comparing session stats from Hand2Note4 and Suprema client.
Randomly it stops catching for a player/table or just doesn't catch at all from the start but the HUD is immediately visible as soon as I sit down.
Buggy card catching on Suprema Quote
05-25-2024 , 10:51 AM

Could you please record a short video showing your issue?

1. Delete old logs from this folder: C:\Program Files\Hand2Note4\logs

2. Launch Hand2Note and start playing a regular session.

3. In the video you should show your PC time and titles of the tables while playing so that we can correlate with your logs.

4. After that, zip the logs folder: C:\Program Files\Hand2Note4\logs

And then send the video along with zipped logs folder to, and specify time codes where the hands were skipped and not imported.

You can upload everything to a file sharing site and send a link.
Buggy card catching on Suprema Quote
05-26-2024 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Hand2note

Could you please record a short video showing your issue?
OK, I think the issue is just tables with bomb pots (everyone has to post 3bb and the flop is dealt)

- As soon as a bomb pot happens all card catching stops for that table but the hud is visible
- HUD on that table get periodically (5-10min) updated for a player if I have him on another table accruing hands

I think I also saw few hands not being caught on regular tables but that is rare. I will try to play a session without any bomb pot tables to see if that still happens.
Buggy card catching on Suprema Quote
05-27-2024 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by yogi133
OK, I think the issue is just tables with bomb pots (everyone has to post 3bb and the flop is dealt)

- As soon as a bomb pot happens all card catching stops for that table but the hud is visible
- HUD on that table get periodically (5-10min) updated for a player if I have him on another table accruing hands

I think I also saw few hands not being caught on regular tables but that is rare. I will try to play a session without any bomb pot tables to see if that still happens.
Bomb pots should be supported on all apps in Hand2Note 4. But if you experience issues with the HUD display after such hands, we will need the logs as described in the instructions sent above.

Could you please record a video of the issue and send it to us via email? We will check and, if we find any errors in Hand2Note, we will fix them in a new update for Suprema Poker.
Buggy card catching on Suprema Quote
05-27-2024 , 07:11 PM
I've sent the video and logs.

I've also described another bug in the email.

"Another semi-bug is HUD stretching. When you have a table with HUD visible, you click the "+" button to look for another table and a new window with LOBBY pops up to the side, H2N treats it all like a regular table and HUD stretches over Lobby."
Buggy card catching on Suprema Quote
05-28-2024 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by yogi133
I've sent the video and logs.

I've also described another bug in the email.

"Another semi-bug is HUD stretching. When you have a table with HUD visible, you click the "+" button to look for another table and a new window with LOBBY pops up to the side, H2N treats it all like a regular table and HUD stretches over Lobby."
Hello, we received your e-mail, but we are unable to download the video from your file sharing service. Could you please send using another one.
Buggy card catching on Suprema Quote
