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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

05-19-2016 , 12:27 PM
cash rebates for stars coins has disappeared from my vip store? are these coming back?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-19-2016 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Slugant
cash rebates for stars coins has disappeared from my vip store? are these coming back?
Yes. They were taken down temporarily due to a technical issue and they should be back within a day or two.

In fact, some players have already reported that they are back, and I verified that they do appear in the VIP Store on the .com client.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-19-2016 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Arropero
It doesn't work, I'll contact FTP.
Worker for me, though i deleted the two garbages above it also. There were 3 ftp folders, used the newest.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-19-2016 , 05:08 PM
i'd also prefer a column for showing re-entries (or a general rebuy column, showing RE for reentries, 1r1a, R for regular rebuys, etc)

any reason why the filters aren't working for the 3-max events/sats?
i have "7-10 players per table" ticked, and it doesn't show 6-max, 4-max but doesn't work for the 3-max.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-19-2016 , 11:47 PM

Please can we get 6 Card PLO and not 5 card. 6 card was the only thing I played on FTP and its not included in the merger (it was the busiest PLO game on FTP).

Secondly I get "Low system resources" when I play a spin and go on the FTP client but not on Stars (system resources are not low! High Spec only thing running!!!)

Thirdly did my player notes auto move across to Stars? I had super detailed notes over the last 8 years and will they be applied to the screen names once the FTP players move to Stars?

Fourthly my FTP rakeback day was today, and I had a few hundred bucks in Edge payments. Will I get that come though?

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 01:44 AM
Hi Keith,
I was wondering how I can exclude live satelittes from my satelitte filter in Favorites, but keep in the estrellas and ept barcelona satelittes?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 01:51 AM
Also, one quick question.

What's the difference between ticking the box "satelitte" under the "variant" column as opposed to the "Type" column when creating a filter.

It's not clear to me what the purpose of the satelitte box under "variant" is..
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by roscoe91
i'd also prefer a column for showing re-entries (or a general rebuy column, showing RE for reentries, 1r1a, R for regular rebuys, etc)

any reason why the filters aren't working for the 3-max events/sats?
i have "7-10 players per table" ticked, and it doesn't show 6-max, 4-max but doesn't work for the 3-max.
Preference noted, thank you.

Regarding the filter, that may be a bug and we've reported it to developers. Thanks for letting me know.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by dibbla

Please can we get 6 Card PLO and not 5 card. 6 card was the only thing I played on FTP and its not included in the merger (it was the busiest PLO game on FTP).
I have shared your request and comments with the PRM team, thank you.

Secondly I get "Low system resources" when I play a spin and go on the FTP client but not on Stars (system resources are not low! High Spec only thing running!!!)
Thanks for reporting it. This is due to a bug which we are working to resolve.

Thirdly did my player notes auto move across to Stars? I had super detailed notes over the last 8 years and will they be applied to the screen names once the FTP players move to Stars?
Sorry, no. The FTP notes were not imported because the old FTP namespace does not align with the new PS/FTP namespace. Most FTP players have new/different usernames in the new FTP software, and some of the usernames in the old FTP software belong to different people in the PS namespace (for example, if there was a "JohnSmith" in both FTP and PS, they might very well be two different players). So, lots of things would break if we automatically imported old FTP notes to the new software.

There is an Import Notes function in the new FTP client (go to Tools > Player Notes Editor, and look for the Import Notes button in the panel that opens up), but this is designed to allow you to import notes taken through your PS client (if you used PS software previously to take notes).

Fourthly my FTP rakeback day was today, and I had a few hundred bucks in Edge payments. Will I get that come though?
There is a note in the FAQ on the Full Tilt website related to this:

Pending Edge Rewards
Any pending Edge Rewards will be credited to your account in real-money prior to the software upgrade.
If you have not yet gone through the migration process, there is an important step many players are missing which is causing problems with the transfer of their account info & assets:
When the new Full Tilt client opens for the first time, at the Login screen please ignore the fact that it asks for your "Stars ID" & Stars Account password, and instead enter your old Full Tilt username and password.
Logging in with your old Full Tilt UN/PW in the new FT client is what starts the migration process to move your assets over.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by PlzTeachMe
Hi Keith,
I was wondering how I can exclude live satelittes from my satelitte filter in Favorites, but keep in the estrellas and ept barcelona satelittes?
There may be other ways of doing it, but I believe you can do this using two separate filters and enabling them both. In the first filter you exclude all sats, in the second you use the text filter to exclude everything but Estrallas and EPT Barcelona sats. When you turn on both filters in your Favorites menu, you'll get the results from both.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by PlzTeachMe
Also, one quick question.

What's the difference between ticking the box "satelitte" under the "variant" column as opposed to the "Type" column when creating a filter.

It's not clear to me what the purpose of the satelitte box under "variant" is..
There is no difference, really. Having the Satellites option in both just gives you more flexibility to fine-tune your filters.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 10:29 AM
Can we get other themes to Fulltilt client? Lobby and table theme are so ugly.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by The Moo
when will scoop replays be deployed in client and how long will they stay there?
All of the SCOOP Replays should be deployed at the same time when the series concludes. Typically, they stay up for a couple of weeks, sometimes until the next major series starts.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by kasperi
Can we get other themes to Fulltilt client? Lobby and table theme are so ugly.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. There are plans to build a new table theme for the FT client based on the racetrack format, but at this time I do not have any information about when that would be deployed.

Regarding the lobby, we had discussions about creating multiple lobby themes back when we developed the PokerStars 7 version of our software, but there were too many other more important functions to focus our resources on. Given the fact that players spend far more time looking at tables than they do looking at the lobby, we will probably continue to prioritize table themes over lobby themes.

In any case, I will let the team know of your interest.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 01:30 PM
Will player to player transfer facility ever be available on the app? I asked this a few years ago and you said there were plans to implement it
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-20-2016 , 06:51 PM
Can you consider adding a 3-max progressive knockout zoom tournament to the weekend mtt schedule? The scoop version today was very fun.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-21-2016 , 11:36 AM
hey there,

i have trouble starting the .eu client.
Started 3 days ago that randomly closed shortly after i opened it (no error etc.)
This morning i opened, was able to log in and after a while it closed randomly again.

Now its not working at all for me. i Click the .exe, it tries to start and i see it for only a few milliseconds before it just closes again (goes super fast).

The only thing i changed a few days ago was "run pokerstars.exe as administrator", changed it back this morning to see if it works again. Nothing.
Any Ideas?

If i need to reinstall pls let me know what to back up to save my PlayerNotes and if i want to back up something else.


/edit: using win10 if that is of any help

I guess i fixed it
I started PokerTracker4 and then stars client and it works again. Does that make any sense?
Cant even reproduce it now by starting stars without PT4.

Last edited by C.Br0wn; 05-21-2016 at 11:46 AM.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-21-2016 , 11:40 AM
not sure why this is happeneing but i have no avatar selected on stars and since the ftp merge when i start the client its showing the 1 of the ftp avatars now i changed it back to default no avatar yesterday when it happened but log in today and its back i go into images and i cant even select the ftp avatars from the selection so not sure why this is happening

i also dont even have ftp installed now i uninstalled it
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-21-2016 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by C.Br0wn
hey there,

i have trouble starting the .eu client.
Started 3 days ago that randomly closed shortly after i opened it (no error etc.)
This morning i opened, was able to log in and after a while it closed randomly again.

Now its not working at all for me. i Click the .exe, it tries to start and i see it for only a few milliseconds before it just closes again (goes super fast).

The only thing i changed a few days ago was "run pokerstars.exe as administrator", changed it back this morning to see if it works again. Nothing.
Any Ideas?

If i need to reinstall pls let me know what to back up to save my PlayerNotes and if i want to back up something else.


/edit: using win10 if that is of any help

I guess i fixed it
I started PokerTracker4 and then stars client and it works again. Does that make any sense?
Cant even reproduce it now by starting stars without PT4.
I had the same issue with .eu client today. I opened the Stars client, it ran for a few second and then it closed itself before showing the lobby window. The funny thing is, that launching PT4 before launching Stars solved the issue (so thanks for advice).

Also, it's maybe worth mentioning, that I had similar issue with FullTilt client a few days ago after installing the new update. It refused to start and I had to reinstall it completely.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-23-2016 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by ptrylb
I had the same issue with .eu client today. I opened the Stars client, it ran for a few second and then it closed itself before showing the lobby window. The funny thing is, that launching PT4 before launching Stars solved the issue (so thanks for advice).

Also, it's maybe worth mentioning, that I had similar issue with FullTilt client a few days ago after installing the new update. It refused to start and I had to reinstall it completely.
Not working for me, even if I launch PT4 first. Pokerstars runs fine the first time I open it after re-installing (have reinstalled it 4 times), but then nada.

Running PT4/Pokerstars as admin or not does not seem to effect it at all

Anyone else with this problem that has found a solution?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-24-2016 , 01:56 AM
I haven't played on FT for a year or so but since the merger i thought i'd play on its skin as i preferred it. but some things that are (small but) annoying enough that i cant play on it currently, namely:

1) The FT lobby options are not the same as pokerstars and you cannot have the game tabs as you do on stars.
2) Can we get a direct instant hand history link on the FT table skin - as of now you have to open the replayer - then options - then instant hand history

this probably isnt the place to bring up bugs and these may have been mentioned, but ive noticed players name plate sometimes going black until the hand is over, ive also had the felt turn white on its own and the replayer not work once opened and wont let me close it (have to restart the software to fix).

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-24-2016 , 04:01 AM
Why isn't this problem a higher priority? It's so incredibly misleading and it has been a problem for ages. I can only imagine how many recs have though they have won a seat to something when infact they were nowhere near. It really really needs fixing.

Last edited by theMBK; 05-24-2016 at 04:11 AM.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-24-2016 , 04:06 AM
Favourites filters are disappearing still. Was supposed to be fixed in April we were told.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-24-2016 , 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by FUrake
Will player to player transfer facility ever be available on the app? I asked this a few years ago and you said there were plans to implement it
We still have plans to implement it for mobile devices but the mechanism of delivering that has changed, which is why it is not there yet. Unfortunately, I don’t have any specific information about when it is likely to happen, so for the time being you will have to rely on the Cashier in our desktop software versions.


Originally Posted by Fludae
Can you consider adding a 3-max progressive knockout zoom tournament to the weekend mtt schedule? The scoop version today was very fun. Thanks!
Thanks for your comments and request – they have been shared with the Tournaments team.


Originally Posted by The Moo
not sure why this is happeneing but i have no avatar selected on stars and since the ftp merge when i start the client its showing the 1 of the ftp avatars now i changed it back to default no avatar yesterday when it happened but log in today and its back i go into images and i cant even select the ftp avatars from the selection so not sure why this is happening

i also dont even have ftp installed now i uninstalled it
Sorry about this and thanks for posting. We have a known issue with the avatars which is being investigated. The fix for it won’t be in the current build cycle that is due to be deployed in the next couple of weeks, so it will likely be in the following build cycle (expected a month or so after that).


Originally Posted by Scar18
I haven't played on FT for a year or so but since the merger i thought i'd play on its skin as i preferred it. but some things that are (small but) annoying enough that i cant play on it currently
Thanks for your comments, they have been shared with the team.

1) The FT lobby options are not the same as pokerstars and you cannot have the game tabs as you do on stars.
The primary differences between the PS and FT lobbies (aside from no Tabs for the main lobby control style) are that the Zoom and Spin & Go tabs are renamed to Rush and Jackpot Sit & Go, and the Leader Boards, Home Games and Poker School options are not on the app bar. Other than that, the lobbies are functionally identical, so I suspect that your primary sticking point is the Tabs control style but we have no plans to import this legacy function from our old PS clients to the new Full Tilt software.

Was there anything else with respect to differences between the lobbies that you found bothersome?

2) Can we get a direct instant hand history link on the FT table skin - as of now you have to open the replayer - then options - then instant hand history
Your request for a menu option is noted. In the meantime, you can use the same hotkey at the Full Tilt tables that works on PokerStars: typeCntrl+I to open the Instant Hand History panel. Another alternative to the Replayer is bringing up the main lobby > Tools Overview screen that also has a link to the IHH.

this probably isnt the place to bring up bugs and these may have been mentioned, but ive noticed players name plate sometimes going black until the hand is over, ive also had the felt turn white on its own and the replayer not work once opened and wont let me close it (have to restart the software to fix).
Actually, this is a good place to bring up suspected bugs because sometimes we may send you to Support for further assistance, sometimes we may have suggestions or questions for you, or other players may have suggestions for workarounds, or we may be able to let you know it’s a known issue, or we might explain that it is a product feature.

In this case, the three items you mention are new, we have not had any reports of this behavior so far. So, the next time you encounter these, please send your log files to Support so they can investigate further. To do this, go to Help > Log Files, add a note in the text box providing as much information about the issue as you can, and click Send Log Files.


Originally Posted by theMBK
Why isn't this problem a higher priority? It's so incredibly misleading and it has been a problem for ages. I can only imagine how many recs have though they have won a seat to something when infact they were nowhere near. It really really needs fixing.

Thanks for mentioning it. We are looking into it.


Originally Posted by MilkMan
Favourites filters are disappearing still. Was supposed to be fixed in April we were told.
This is why we generally try to avoid predicting a given month for a solution to be implemented – there is never a guarantee that a given task will make a specific build.

We do expect the solution for the Favorite filters problem to be included in this build cycle, which should be deployed over the next couple of weeks for the PS clients in the various licenses. The FT clients should not have the problem, as they were launched on this same build.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-25-2016 , 04:49 AM
thank you for your reply Keith, I had the freezing issue again today and have forwarded the log files.

one suggestion - would it be possible to simply add the full tilt table theme to the list of available themes on pokerstars? the main reason i like it is its spacing allows my HUD to fit easier on the table without overlaps than the circular stars themes do.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
