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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

11-16-2015 , 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by 4thstreetpete
Can stars incorporate an inbox for messages into the client? I hardly ever use email anymore and might miss some important messages from Stars.
Thanks for the suggestion. We have talked about doing something along these lines for quite a while. I let the team know there is still interest in it.


Originally Posted by keitho1986
Some issues in 8game mtts- In nl/plo my pre set buttons ie 2.1,2.5 etc seem to be disabled/ don't work. Also in stud games I cant click on my hole cards to pull them up from behind my avatar which means I have to stretch the table to see the suits and also cant show my hand when folding
No issues in cash games fwiw
We haven’t heard of anyone else reporting this. The next time it occurs could you please send your log files to Support? Go to Help > Log Files, add a description of the problem and click Send Log Files.

Also, it would be very helpful if you could post screenshots. Please capture the entire table window when you do. Thanks!


Originally Posted by anuj22
Please add an option where we can mark particular hand so we can review them later either in replayer or hand history or both
Thanks for the suggestion, it has been shared with the team.

please improve replayer/hand history specially when your table changes and you cant go back to your last hand unless you go to hand history and open your last table from all the tables you played which gets very messy when you're playing too many tables or when you get moved a lot
Not sure that I see a clean solution to this. Even if we added a big red “See Last Hand” button somewhere, if you’re playing many tables at once it will quickly lose relevance to the hand you’re interested in. Or maybe I don’t understand what you’re asking for.

Could you elaborate on what you’d like to have or how it would work?


Originally Posted by voin_bg
Amaya should try and invest some of our rake money into their software instead in lottery games for the donkeys to play(1 mil spin n go). For the past half an year I've been having terrible experience with their software and their customer service.
-PS freezes randomly on MTTs. Idk if that's the case for cash games but before BF tournaments were much much bigger and it never froze
-I got 3 PS crashes today which is great to happen when you play the Sunday tournaments
-I am missing the time sound on 3 different setups and tech support says they can't reproduce this problem WTF
-Every time I have issues PS support sends the same ****ty email stating my user.ini file is corrupted. Seriously I have deleted it idk how many times and it never helps... not only that I have to spend time adjusting my settings again.
Yeah instead of investing in 1 million dollar freerolls maybe you should try and invest some in your software.
Originally Posted by _Loki_
[1] In future... close PS & just save a copy of the user .ini to desktop or somewhere convenient. THEN delete the original
[2] If deleting the user .ini file doesn't solve your problem you can then put the saved .ini file back - your setting are back to where they were in seconds
[3] Your problems are most likely to do with your setup on your computer - for example your anti-virus or file permissions or 3rd party software conflicts. You think your problems relate to changes at PS when it is far more likely the problem [or problems] are at your end.
[4] Have you sent the relevant log files etc to PS support? It's a lot of work but if you send ALL the info they ask for they'll track down the problem.
Thanks Loki for your comments – all good suggestions and a sound approach.

voin_bg – I’m sorry you’ve been having problems. There are a very few players who experience lag, typically during Sunday majors, and to the extent that we have been able to investigate we have found most of the cases to be due to local issues (network, system configuration, third-party software interactions, etc.). However, we are willing to work with any player still seeing lag to investigate the source and improve our software if it is the cause.

If you are having your ini file corrupted, it might be related to how you’re shutting down the software. We have heard of cases where ini files get corrupted when players shut down their computer with the app running or close the app with open tables. The best way to exit the software is to first close all open tables and then click [x] in the main lobby or click Logout & Exit in the Account app.

If you are experiencing freezes or crashes, I mentioned a few days ago that we had found an issue in our software and were redeploying out clients with a resolution. However, if after updating you are still having freeze/crash issues, then we definitely want to work with you to get to the bottom of it. The next time it happens please send the following to and ask them to forward to PokerStars Keith:
  • Your log files (go to Help > Log Files, click 'Zip & Save'
  • Your client version (Help > About PokerStars, 5-digit build number)
  • Your 2+2 username (so I can tie this back to the forum)
  • Your PokerStars username
  • A description of the crash/freeze event (what you were playing, how many tables, what themes, what games, what was happening in game play, etc.)
  • Your computer OS version
  • Your computer system specs (CPU speed, RAM, etc.)
  • A list of all third-party applications in use
  • A screenshot of your desktop when the freeze occurs
Once I have that data, I’ll have the technical team open an investigation.

One further note – when we are unable to reproduce a problem reported by a single player, it often (though not always) turns out that the problem has a local cause. Problems that are either widespread (occurring to many players) or reproducible in our test labs are usually easy to resolve on our end. I understand how frustrating it is if you are the player experiencing an isolated issue, but quite often we do need your help in order to get to the bottom of it.


Originally Posted by randomuser1
Do pokerstars have any problems with mail atm?

The last few mails I've sent haven't got any response, even though some actions have been taken on your side regarding my account.
Originally Posted by The Moo
Ya stars support aint a fraction of what it used to be unfortunately I'm currently in same position as you i think regarding verifying account? And waiting 3 to 4 days for a reply and even then I think I only got an reply cos I emailed again asking what's up
Please let me know if you’re still having a problem with Support emails. You can send me a private message with your PokerStars ID and a description of the problem / issue / correspondence and I’ll ask someone to look into it.


Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
$215r aussie millions qualifier 1364370254 missing "im ready" during break with 4 left
Screenshot please, next time it happens.


Originally Posted by The Imp
Stellar Rewards have disappeared from the cashier in the UK client, replaced by another Steps bar. It was fine before with Steps visible in the lobby and Stellars in the cashier. It might also result in less frequent players becoming unaware that they've earned/are close to earning a reward.
Thanks for your comments. Removing Stellar Rewards from the cashier in the UK client is part of the switch over to the new VIP Steps program. We are working on polishing the user interface to provide more information.


Originally Posted by keitho1986
well actually in a live arena if ur not at the table when the cards are dealt ur hand is dead - if it folds round to the sb they'll win the pot as there the last player with live cards.

on another note how does stars still not have a dead button system?
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
thanks for the post keith.

what you wrote makes a lot of sense from a technical standpoint. but i think you'll find that as keitho pointed out, at live games (at least ones i've played/watched) if you are not seated when the first card off the top of the deck is dealt your hand is dead. usually they won't even deal the cards to your seat , instead just putting them straight in the muck pile.

in other words i think our point of disagreement lays here:
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith View Post
Generally speaking, tournament rules are such that a sitting out player's hand is killed (mucked, folded, declared dead) the moment it is their turn to act.
your response is much appreciated regardless and hopefully a discussion can ensue as to whether or not something needs to be changed
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
ideal solution would be if you're sitting out when a hand is dealt, you can't sit back in until the next hand

this would have the added benefit of discouraging players from timing out for fear of missing the next hand!
Thanks for your comments and perspectives – they have been shared with the team and discussions will doubtless ensue.

Regarding the “dead button system”, the prevailing opinion of the team is that millions of players have been getting along just fine at PokerStars without one for the past 14 years, and since adding one now would involve risky modifications to core code, it is not deemed worth the risk.


Originally Posted by sunnydunerz
Cheers Keith. What are some of the options within the stars client that would make the tables go smaller?
There are none aside from what I mentioned in my previous thread.

I can't ever remember the tables not being able to go as small as tilt tables as well. I have attached some images to show you the extent of my problem - 12 tables tiled on stars, 12 tiled on tilt, and a side by side comparison of how small I can make the tables right now. It seems ridiculous that the stars tables can't go any smaller than what they currently can on my computer. Is there anything else I can do? Thanks so much!
According to the team, the smallest table size we have now is exactly as it has always been. It was not smaller in the past. Sorry, I don’t have any other suggestions for you. Maybe some of the other thread readers might.


Originally Posted by steve575
It seems like the solution was very temporary as I have the exact same issue again. Could you please have a look at the log file I sent you? Thanks!
Okay, thanks for the update. The team is still investigating.


Originally Posted by efra

Why does that box checks by itself after like 2 minutes?? Annoying stuff, it WAS NOT like that.

Its been like 3 months since that thing... I want to see all the tournaments and its so annoying to uncheck it every 5 mins.

Mac here, oh as always, performance here sucks compared to PS6, but seems like you already do not care about that anymore, so if you please Keith help with that issue telling the "Team" to do something about it.

We have not heard of this from other players. Could you please send log files the next time it occurs, along with a description of the issue? Thanks.


Originally Posted by LoneUltralisk
Did the latest update cause anyone else serious amounts of lag?

Or have I been visiting too many suspect porn sites....
When you can tear yourself away from the porn sites , please send us some details about the lag outlined here in this post:<br />


Originally Posted by roscoe91
a bit late on this one but don't play ko's that often.

this was using the classic theme and i couldn't see the bounty no matter the table size, from minimum size to full screen.
[sorry it's not a full-table screenshot, too late for that]

Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
i've never been able to see the size of my own KO while having holecards.
Thanks for getting back to me, Roscoe. I shared your info with the team, and the upshot is that we don’t feel it’s worth addressing at this point, mostly due to resources and priorities, and because it only has marginal gameplay importance and even then only for a few players. The vast majority doesn’t really need to see their own bounty all the time.


Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
currently 180 man lobbys display 25 stack sizes making bubble play difficult (27 paid)

would love if they could display 30
Originally Posted by Jaylee18
Would help alot +1
Thanks for the suggestion and endorsement. I have shared it with the team.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-16-2015 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith

[preset buttons greyed out in 8game big bet]

We haven’t heard of anyone else reporting this. The next time it occurs could you please send your log files to Support? Go to Help > Log Files, add a description of the problem and click Send Log Files.

Also, it would be very helpful if you could post screenshots. Please capture the entire table window when you do. Thanks!
Also had this in a WCOOP 8game tourney.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-16-2015 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
$215r aussie millions qualifier 1364370254 missing "im ready" during break with 4 left
Screenshot please, next time it happens.
same thing

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 02:54 AM
Keith, could you please give us the release notes for the latest update? Thanks!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by POZnan
Keith, could you please give us the release notes for the latest update? Thanks!
Yes, sorry that I'm a little behind. I'm working on them today and should have them by the end of my day.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by davidv1213
same thing

I think there is an option somewhere to always "press the button" by default. I'm fairly sure the option exists for at least the button at the beginning of STTs because mine never appears anymore. Could be that you have either enabled the option recently, or the behaviour changed and the option now (inadvertently or not) applies to final table breaks as well. Or the option doesn't exist and I'm spouting off a bunch of nonsense.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
When you can tear yourself away from the porn sites...
That sounds like it would be really painful....
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 10:50 AM
i experincing lags, connection lost and time outs today
my internet working fine
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by playr
i experincing lags, connection lost and time outs today
my internet working fine
Yeah, we all do. Stars is getting worse regardings servers, you should **really** not let that happen. Laggy/crappy servers have been the death of big sites before.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 11:17 AM
Cash game lobby stops allowing to join waiting list all the time and it needs to be restarted.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by krazykarter
I think there is an option somewhere to always "press the button" by default. I'm fairly sure the option exists for at least the button at the beginning of STTs because mine never appears anymore. Could be that you have either enabled the option recently, or the behaviour changed and the option now (inadvertently or not) applies to final table breaks as well. Or the option doesn't exist and I'm spouting off a bunch of nonsense.
There is an option to 'Mark as ready at start of SNGs':

though I'm not sure if it applies to breaks. I'll report this to developers.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by playr
i experincing lags, connection lost and time outs today
my internet working fine
Originally Posted by AvoidMe?
Yeah, we all do. Stars is getting worse regardings servers, you should **really** not let that happen. Laggy/crappy servers have been the death of big sites before.
Originally Posted by WilliamPrieto
Cash game lobby stops allowing to join waiting list all the time and it needs to be restarted.
Sorry you've been having problems. The team reports that we had a network outage in the UK data center earlier today that caused a number of our backend systems to run slowly. I'm not sure that this would have affected our gaming servers on the IOM, but it's possible there was a ripple effect. In any case, the outage has been cleared up and normal service has been restored.

So, if you are still experiencing lag and connection problems, please help us investigate the source by following the steps outlined in this post:<br />

Regarding the Cash Game lobby and joining waiting lists, this may also be related to the UK data center slowdown. If the problem persists, please send your log files to Support the next time it happens. Go to Help > Log Files, add a description of the issue in the text box and click Send Log Files.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
There is an option to 'Mark as ready at start of SNGs':

though I'm not sure if it applies to breaks.

Follow-up: The team confirms that this doesn't apply to breaks.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Asjbaaaf
$215r aussie millions qualifier 1364370254 missing "im ready" during break with 4 left
Originally Posted by davidv1213
same thing

Thanks to you both for reporting this. This was due to a scripting error on our part and has been corrected.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith

There are none aside from what I mentioned in my previous thread.

According to the team, the smallest table size we have now is exactly as it has always been. It was not smaller in the past. Sorry, I don’t have any other suggestions for you. Maybe some of the other thread readers might.
Hi,where exactly this previous thread you mentioned is?I might be currently experiencing some problems when sizing my tables,so that might be of some help.Thanks.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by goktrenks
Hi,where exactly this previous thread you mentioned is?I might be currently experiencing some problems when sizing my tables,so that might be of some help.Thanks.
Sorry, I should have said "previous post", not "previous thread". It was in this thread. Here is the post I was referencing:
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-17-2015 , 05:58 PM
Hi Please implement waitlists on PokerStars UK Mobile app
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 12:37 AM

Over the past couple of weeks we have updated both Win/PC and Mac versions of all clients with some new features and bug fixes.

We recommend that all players make sure they are using the latest client version for their site license and OS. Here is the list of recent desktop deployments:


.NET – Win: Build 11221 on 11-Nov-2015
.NET – Mac: Build 11196 on 05-Nov-2015

.EE – Win: Build 11220 on 10-Nov-2015

.BG – Win: Build 11222 on 09-Nov-2015
.BG – Mac: Build 11200 on 06-Nov-2015

.DK – Win: Build 11235 on 10-Nov-2015
.DK – Mac: Build 11241 on 10-Nov-2015

.UK – Win: Build 11237 on 10-Nov-2015
.UK – Mac: Build 11243 on 10-Nov-2015

.ES – Win: Build 11245 on 11-Nov-2015
.ES – Mac: Build 11248 on 11-Nov-2015

.BE – Win: Build 11246 on 11-Nov-2015
.BE – Mac: Build 11252 on 11-Nov-2015

.IT – Win: Build 11250 on 12-Nov-2015
.IT – Mac: Build 11256 on 12-Nov-2015

.FR – Win: Build 11251 on 12-Nov-2015
.FR – Mac: Build 11255 on 12-Nov-2015

.EU – Win: Build 11244 on 11-Nov-2015
.EU – Mac: Build 11247 on 11-Nov-2015

.COM – Win: Build 11249 on 12-Nov-2015
.COM – Mac: Build 11254 on 12-Nov-2015


To check your client version, look for the 5-digit build number in Help > About PokerStars:


The mobile builds containing these changes are:

Version 780 for Android (available now for all licenses)

New version for iOS (currently under review and expected to be available in the App Store within a couple of weeks). Not sure of version number at this point, but current version (based on October release notes) is 1.51, so it will be higher than that.


Here is a partial list of changes, bug fixes and improvements in these recent deployments (highlighting some of the issues mentioned by players in this thread). Unless otherwise noted, the changes relate to desktop clients.
  • Mitigation of the "Bubble Effect" in MTTs that would otherwise close Late Reg prematurely
  • All Games Lobby: Buy-In filter sorting FPP tournaments breaks when multiple sorting options selected
  • All Games Lobby: Edit the Sit & Go buy-in filter’s Medium description to match the range offered
  • All Games Lobby: Don’t open Tournament lobby when registering to Spin & Go games
  • Double Clicking some controls in the lobby header (such as Clock) may open a blank App screen
  • Clicking on blue "i" info control before tooltip appears should bring tooltip instantly, not cancel it
  • Windows desktop crash experienced by some players in some license
  • Some Mac desktop users on .NET in the US experiencing freeze/crash
  • Remove replay icon (“R”) that is covering hole cards in showdown
  • Remove 16-hour break from WCOOP Main Event replay
  • Notes that end with a line break (Enter) may be duplicated by clicking OK in Player Notes settings
  • Leader Boards: refinements to Leader board percentile calculation
  • VIP Steps: improve and optimize VIP Steps animations
  • VIP Steps: add one-time tooltip to raise awareness of VIP Steps for new players
  • Many other minor bug fixes and improvements

============= Detailed Notes & Screenshots:

Bubble Effect in MTTs

When players bust out of an MTT their finishing position is recorded relative to the number of players registered up until that point of the MTT.

Previously, when only a few players had registered at the start of an MTT, it was possible for a player to bust in a relatively "high" position (for example, 9 people start and a player busts immediately and is recorded in 9th place).

However, when subsequently many more players registered for the tournament during Late Registration, the field could become large enough such that the previously busted player’s position would become one off the pay table for that field size, and Late Registration would close immediately at that point – in many cases prematurely with respect to the advertised Late Reg period.

This obviously disappointed many players who thought they had more time to participate in the Late Registration, or who took a chance in early play figuring they could re-enter during Late Reg if they busted early.

To resolve this, from now on player positions are not recorded until the advertised Late Registration ends, at which time any early bust-outs will be recorded in the finishing order based on the final field size.


Buy-In filter sorting FPP tournaments

In the All Games lobby, sorting by the Buy-In works correctly when filtering for FPP tournaments.

However, if players tried to add a secondary sort criteria through the Column Settings panel (by clicking the gear icon), then the sort order would break.

In this example, we first sort by FPP Buy-In, then by State, but the Buy-In column is no longer sorted correctly.

This has been corrected.


PM SNG Buy-In Filter Medium Range

Previously, the All Games lobby Sit & Go Buy-In filter for Play Money displayed a Medium range of 25K-250K, and a High range of 250K+, but the 250K games do not appear in the filter results for the Medium selection. So we corrected the Medium display to read 25K-249K, making it consistent with other filters.

This is what the Buy-In filter looks like now:


Registering to Spin & Go

Previously, when registering to a Spin & Go game, the Tournament lobby would inadvertently open automatically, requiring players to close the T-lobby manually. There is no need to automatically open the T-lobby when registering for a Spin & Go.

This has been corrected.


Double-clicking opened blank App

Some players naturally double-click controls, even though only a single-click is needed in most cases with our controls. Sometimes, double clicking a few of the controls in the lobby header (such as Clock, or VIP Display settings) would open a blank App screen:

… and then players would have to close the app screen and re-click once to see the correct content.

This has been corrected.


Blue "i" info control

We improved the behavior of the small blue “i” info controls that appear in the Quick Seat lobby, All Games lobby and Tournament lobby. They are designed with a slight delay on hover before the tool tip appears to display the info content (so that just passing the mouse over the button on the way to something else doesn’t cause the tool tip to appear inadvertently).

Here is one in the All Games lobby:

And here are several in the Quick Seat lobby:

Previously, if a player hovered the cursor over the button and clicked it before the tool tip appeared, that action would cancel the appearance of the tool tip, which is not what players expected. We changed the behavior so that a premature click will now bring up the tool tip info content instantly. A second click will dismiss it, as will moving the cursor away from the button.

There is still one version of the button that works the old way, and that is one that is embedded within an info tip, like this:

We hope to correct this in a future update, but have no date for when that will happen.


Windows Desktop Crashing

A few players reported crashes on windows desktop versions of the poker software after various lengths of time. Sometimes the app would crash, other times it would freeze. Our investigation revealed a recently introduced resource leak, which is why players only experienced it after playing for longer sessions.

This has been corrected.


Mac Desktop Crashing in US on .NET

This was a limited-scope issue, only affecting some US players on .NET with desktop systems running Mac OSX 10.6.8. The software was crashing on login, becoming unresponsive.

This has been corrected.


Replay icon covering hole cards

A large red “R” (Replay icon) was appearing during showdown, obscuring hole card rank for the upper left seat position:

This has been corrected.


Remove 16-hour break from Replay

The WCOOP Main Event replay had a problem, in that it included a 16-hour break, due to the fact that recording started when the final table was reached (on the last hand of Day 2). We have removed the 16-hour break from the replay, so that we can show the actual replay of the game play on Day 3.


Player Notes – Duplicating Entry

An obscure bug in the Player Notes function would appear in notes text entries that end with a line break (by clicking <Enter> after typing in the latest entry on a player). This entry would be duplicated any time the editing player uses the OK button to close the Player Notes settings app. Here is the OK button in question:

This has been corrected.


Leader Board Percentile Calculations

Based on player comments, we improved the algorithm for calculating Leader Board percentiles.


VIP Steps Improvements

The VIP Steps feature in the UK client has several minor improvements, including optimization of the animations and a one-time tool tip to raise awareness of VIP Steps with new players.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by POZnan
Keith, could you please give us the release notes for the latest update? Thanks!
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Yes, sorry that I'm a little behind. I'm working on them today and should have them by the end of my day.

Long day - sorry it took so long.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith

Bubble Effect in MTTs

When players bust out of an MTT their finishing position is recorded relative to the number of players registered up until that point of the MTT.

Previously, when only a few players had registered at the start of an MTT, it was possible for a player to bust in a relatively "high" position (for example, 9 people start and a player busts immediately and is recorded in 9th place).

However, when subsequently many more players registered for the tournament during Late Registration, the field could become large enough such that the previously busted player’s position would become one off the pay table for that field size, and Late Registration would close immediately at that point – in many cases prematurely with respect to the advertised Late Reg period.

This obviously disappointed many players who thought they had more time to participate in the Late Registration, or who took a chance in early play figuring they could re-enter during Late Reg if they busted early.

To resolve this, from now on player positions are not recorded until the advertised Late Registration ends, at which time any early bust-outs will be recorded in the finishing order based on the final field size.
Finally And tyvm for those notes - very helpful
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 02:17 AM
Now if only the client could stop lagging so horribly at peak times
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 09:37 AM
Why not adding HU for 5card PLO ?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Bubble Effect in MTTs

When players bust out of an MTT their finishing position is recorded relative to the number of players registered up until that point of the MTT.

Previously, when only a few players had registered at the start of an MTT, it was possible for a player to bust in a relatively "high" position (for example, 9 people start and a player busts immediately and is recorded in 9th place).

However, when subsequently many more players registered for the tournament during Late Registration, the field could become large enough such that the previously busted player’s position would become one off the pay table for that field size, and Late Registration would close immediately at that point – in many cases prematurely with respect to the advertised Late Reg period.

This obviously disappointed many players who thought they had more time to participate in the Late Registration, or who took a chance in early play figuring they could re-enter during Late Reg if they busted early.

To resolve this, from now on player positions are not recorded until the advertised Late Registration ends, at which time any early bust-outs will be recorded in the finishing order based on the final field size.

Originally Posted by anuj22
Finally And tyvm for those notes - very helpful
Clarification on the Bubble Effect - the infrastructure for making this change was included in the latest client update, but we have not turned it on across the board yet (so my "from now on" statement was a bit premature ).

The team wants to start slow by testing it in a few main tournaments next week.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by LUCIUS VARENUS
Hi Please implement waitlists on PokerStars UK Mobile app
Request noted, thanks. It is in our plans for Mobile, but at this time we don't have information about when it will be implemented.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Clarification on the Bubble Effect - the infrastructure for making this change was included in the latest client update, but we have not turned it on across the board yet (so my "from now on" statement was a bit premature ).

The team wants to start slow by testing it in a few main tournaments next week.
Yes, I was going to ask you why are we still seeing the ranks of eliminated players. Anyway that's a very very good news.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
11-18-2015 , 11:28 AM
Bubble Effect in MTTs

When players bust out of an MTT their finishing position is recorded relative to the number of players registered up until that point of the MTT.

Previously, when only a few players had registered at the start of an MTT, it was possible for a player to bust in a relatively "high" position (for example, 9 people start and a player busts immediately and is recorded in 9th place).

However, when subsequently many more players registered for the tournament during Late Registration, the field could become large enough such that the previously busted player’s position would become one off the pay table for that field size, and Late Registration would close immediately at that point – in many cases prematurely with respect to the advertised Late Reg period.

This obviously disappointed many players who thought they had more time to participate in the Late Registration, or who took a chance in early play figuring they could re-enter during Late Reg if they busted early.

To resolve this, from now on player positions are not recorded until the advertised Late Registration ends, at which time any early bust-outs will be recorded in the finishing order based on the final field size.
When will this be effective in There has been lots of problems with this matter in the past.

Good to know it's finally fixed.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
