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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

05-09-2015 , 07:34 AM
1) Whatever you type in search box and when you exit with that search entry saved('2-7' in my case) and when you open your ps client back , search box even though is showing what was previously saved search entry but is ineffective. This happens sometimes and not everytime.

^ You can see '2-7' in search but is ineffective.

2) Sometimes client opens not in full screen even though it was set to full screen before.

^ Sometimes it opens like this(I manually did this to show you how it appears) and when it happens it always messes my saved column position. I have to manually change column position everytime. Column position here means - Start , Game , Buy in - see their position. If it happens again I'll make sure I send you the log files.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by G3K0
Table Chat

Tourney Info

to be fair it's not terrible at default table size but when tables are minimized to ~ 80% default....
Thanks for the screenshots. I checked with the team and there was no font change with the latest build.


Originally Posted by elendil200
How about getting rid of the red "!" icon from the daily challengers button within the lobby and at the tables when there are no challenges available or upcoming. It is annoying seeing it displayed, and I feel like I am being trolled every time I click into it just to remove it.
No trolling, it’s just a bug and should be fixed with the next client updates, in about a month.


Originally Posted by randomuser1
Anyone else who currently gets, or earlier have reported, total crash when starting PS7?
(Blue screen when the the login box appears for me (WinXP)).

I've tried total uninstall + reinstall without results. Even removing my user.ini and other profile files.

The weird thing is that PS.FR v7 client is working just fine.
There have been some reports to Support about this from a few other players running XP, and I believe the recommendation is to update XP to Service Pack 3. Please contact for further assistance.


Originally Posted by burnJa
Pokerstars-- can you please please please make it so we can resize the Notes Editor window? It has actually gotten smaller since the upgrade to PS7
The Notes Editor window was reduced slightly because we removed the options to the Settings app (no sense taking up space on the screen for something that gets modified once and then rarely after that).

I could be wrong but I think the editing window is the same size as it was.

In any case, I have forwarded your suggestion for making it resizable to the team – thanks.


Originally Posted by kizk_
last version of mac im having this bug. usually appears when changing beetween google chrome and pokerstars client.

it last long for a few seconds, but its quite annoying.
Reported to the team, thanks. Does this happen whether or not you are using third-party tools?

Also, please let me know your client version (Help > About PokerStars, 5-digit Build number).


Originally Posted by anuj22
1) Whatever you type in search box and when you exit with that search entry saved('2-7' in my case) and when you open your ps client back , search box even though is showing what was previously saved search entry but is ineffective. This happens sometimes and not everytime.

^ You can see '2-7' in search but is ineffective.

2) Sometimes client opens not in full screen even though it was set to full screen before.

^ Sometimes it opens like this(I manually did this to show you how it appears) and when it happens it always messes my saved column position. I have to manually change column position everytime. Column position here means - Start , Game , Buy in - see their position. If it happens again I'll make sure I send you the log files.
Yes, please send logs. Both issues have been reported – thank you.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-09-2015 , 11:58 AM
have the "late registration ends in x minutes" to the right of the tournament list in the main lobby show for tournaments that haven't opened registration yet too.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-09-2015 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by davidv1213
have the "late registration ends in x minutes" to the right of the tournament list in the main lobby show for tournaments that haven't opened registration yet too.
Could you post a screenshot? I've been looking through the announced tournaments and can't find any with side panels saying "late registration ends in x minutes".

Which client version are you using? Go to Help > About PokerStars and look for the 5-digit Build number.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-09-2015 , 01:01 PM
I think it's just a bit miss worded I believe he is asking for a feature where it will show how long the late registration is available for in announced games on the sidebar just as you show how long is left on games that are in state of late registration. So essentially avoiding having to open the tourney lobby switch to structure and scroll to the bottom to find this information on announced games if you are trying to plan a days MTT session.

Did you know there was still an issue with clicking on your avatar at the top of the client where it will auto open then auto straight away closes the Account window so the account window will not stay open still.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-09-2015 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Could you post a screenshot? I've been looking through the announced tournaments and can't find any with side panels saying "late registration ends in x minutes".

Which client version are you using? Go to Help > About PokerStars and look for the 5-digit Build number.
i was suggesting a feature like they said ^
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-09-2015 , 09:58 PM
Mac client: Build 10123

Filters on the Events -> SCOOP tab do not work. The games that show are based on the Tournaments' tab filters. To be clear, if I set the SCOOP filters to show all the games up to $27 and the Tournaments' filter to show all the games up to, say, $11 I will only see SCOOP events up to $11 on the SCOOP tab. If I change the Tournaments' filters to show up to $1k then I would see SCOOP events up to $1k even though the filter on the SCOOP tab is still set to only show events up to $27.

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-10-2015 , 08:02 AM
So what that you need to find the solutions to the lag, thats not the customers problem and we shouldnt have to put up with these unplayable laggy conditions specially during scoop.
We are not guinea pigs and didnt sign up to testing your software that was designed by an idiot

Give us back stars 6 and hire people to play on stars7 to help u find the solutions and dont bring stars7 back till its ready

sick of this bs
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-10-2015 , 03:01 PM
Am I blind or is the hotkeys button missing from Nova theme on Stars 7 for Mac?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-10-2015 , 09:49 PM
Apart from the issues above ^

Today I first played on PS7 for Mac since the latest mandatory upgrade and, even though tables still lag, it's way better. But there is still some lag on the tables. I don't know if it was server side but actions took a bit once I hit the buttons. I won't talk about animations because I have them disabled and maybe that's one of the reasons why I was able to play without much issues.

Build 10123
10-12 tables
MTSnGs and MTTs
Animations disabled
PT4 running with an HUD
Custom layout (mixture of tiled and stacked tables)
Nova theme
External HDMI screen
OS X 10.9.5
i7 2.3GHz, 16GB RAM, SSD, 650M, Retina display
Internet speed - 100/10 Mbit/s. From where I play, connected by Wifi I get a 30ms ping, 41/7 Mbit/s
Safari, Transmission and Vox running (apart from PS and PT4 obv)

Main issue is still with the Lobby. Both the Main and Tourney Lobbies. The Main Lobby still lags a lot when there are some tables open. Changing tabs takes forever, registering/unregistering takes forever (you can't even tell if you already hit the button or not because it takes so long to act). Also, when opening some of Tourney's Lobbies I would get a beach ball for 5/6 seconds and Stars would freeze until the Lobby opened. This, as you may imagine, sucks when you have a lot of tables open.

I'm sorry but I couldn't test without PT4 running and couldn't record what happened. This time of the year is too important to be testing software. I will send you log files and ask support to forward them to you. Anything else you might need, let me know.

PS: I also experienced the two issues reported above (filters and hotkeys button missing).

PPS: Forgot to add my 2+2 username when sending you logs but username's are almost the same here and on Stars.

Last edited by dastinger; 05-10-2015 at 10:05 PM.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-11-2015 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by centebakkie
I assume the Scratch & Match promotion is just for recreational fun players.
But after doing about 20 of them I didn't have any prize yet. That's worse the RL scratch cards. Can't complain about anything free but I think it should hit a bit more often to fun at all.
Originally Posted by centebakkie
2 weeks long scratching a few a day. Still nothing. LOLZ
Yeeey I got a school pass ticket before I got to scratching my 100th+ ticket in 30+ days.

But sorry I can't have my friends (or anybody) waste their time on this.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-11-2015 , 10:53 AM
I have a hot-key suggestion. Any chance to add the ability to increase/decrease by BB/SB? E.g. click the + key 3X to increase my bet by 3BB in the bet window.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-11-2015 , 06:41 PM
Similar to other suggestion ^, show the "next place paid" in the tournament lobby when youre not itm yet too so you can more easily see the mincash.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-13-2015 , 01:04 PM
Which table theme let us see our tourney rank on that table only? And why don't I see how many fpp's I earned when playing cash games on info box anymore?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-13-2015 , 06:55 PM
For heads up tournaments would it be better to display a heads up bracket, so you know who you may potentially have in the next round. Once both players have won their round they can get on with playing straight away rather than waiting for everyone to finish round 1. The scoop event took nearly 6 hours to play 2 rounds, this method would drastically reduce waiting times and add more excitement being able to see who you may face in the next round.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-13-2015 , 08:46 PM
Anyone still having massive issues multi tabling (+6 tables) on Mac?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-13-2015 , 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by davidv1213
have the "late registration ends in x minutes" to the right of the tournament list in the main lobby show for tournaments that haven't opened registration yet too.
Originally Posted by OditeRussia
I think it's just a bit miss worded I believe he is asking for a feature where it will show how long the late registration is available for in announced games on the sidebar just as you show how long is left on games that are in state of late registration. So essentially avoiding having to open the tourney lobby switch to structure and scroll to the bottom to find this information on announced games if you are trying to plan a days MTT session.
Thanks for the clarification, Odite!

Originally Posted by davidv1213
Similar to other suggestion ^, show the "next place paid" in the tournament lobby when youre not itm yet too so you can more easily see the mincash.
Thanks, I have forwarded both suggestions to the team.


Originally Posted by OditeRussia
Did you know there was still an issue with clicking on your avatar at the top of the client where it will auto open then auto straight away closes the Account window so the account window will not stay open still.
No, I did not know this. I tried to reproduce it on both the .COM and .UK clients (using PC/Win 7), and it works perfectly for me (click avatar, Account app slides open and stays open until I click to close it). I even tried double-clicking the avatar to see if I could force it to open & auto close and I can’t.

So, I’ll ask you some of the standard questions:

Have you tried this without any 3rd-party tools running? Are you on the latest client (Build 10095)?

Is this an intermittent issue (happens occasionally) or reliably reproducible (happens all the time, every time)?

Next time it happens, can you Zip & Save your log files and send them to me?

I think you’re on Win8, so I’ll ask our QA team to test that.


Originally Posted by dastinger
Mac client: Build 10123

Filters on the Events -> SCOOP tab do not work. The games that show are based on the Tournaments' tab filters. To be clear, if I set the SCOOP filters to show all the games up to $27 and the Tournaments' filter to show all the games up to, say, $11 I will only see SCOOP events up to $11 on the SCOOP tab. If I change the Tournaments' filters to show up to $1k then I would see SCOOP events up to $1k even though the filter on the SCOOP tab is still set to only show events up to $27.
I reported this to the team, they tried to reproduce and could not do so. They ask if you can backup your user.ini file, (temporarily rename it or copy to a different folder) then delete the original user.ini file and try the Events filter again. Please let us know whether the problem persists or not.

If it doesn’t come back with the user.ini file deleted, you can try putting your original user.ini file back and see if the problem returns. If it does, please send a copy of that user.ini file to us and we’ll try to emulate it in our lab.


Originally Posted by dastinger
Am I blind or is the hotkeys button missing from Nova theme on Stars 7 for Mac?
It should be there, but the button only appears if you have hotkeys enabled in Settings. Please check to see if they are by checking Settings > Gameplay > Hotkeys and look for the Enable Hotkeys button to be active.


Originally Posted by dastinger
Apart from the issues above ^

Today I first played on PS7 for Mac since the latest mandatory upgrade and, even though tables still lag, it's way better. But there is still some lag on the tables. I don't know if it was server side but actions took a bit once I hit the buttons. I won't talk about animations because I have them disabled and maybe that's one of the reasons why I was able to play without much issues.

Build 10123
10-12 tables
MTSnGs and MTTs
Animations disabled
PT4 running with an HUD
Custom layout (mixture of tiled and stacked tables)
Nova theme
External HDMI screen
OS X 10.9.5
i7 2.3GHz, 16GB RAM, SSD, 650M, Retina display
Internet speed - 100/10 Mbit/s. From where I play, connected by Wifi I get a 30ms ping, 41/7 Mbit/s
Safari, Transmission and Vox running (apart from PS and PT4 obv)

Main issue is still with the Lobby. Both the Main and Tourney Lobbies. The Main Lobby still lags a lot when there are some tables open. Changing tabs takes forever, registering/unregistering takes forever (you can't even tell if you already hit the button or not because it takes so long to act). Also, when opening some of Tourney's Lobbies I would get a beach ball for 5/6 seconds and Stars would freeze until the Lobby opened. This, as you may imagine, sucks when you have a lot of tables open.

I'm sorry but I couldn't test without PT4 running and couldn't record what happened. This time of the year is too important to be testing software. I will send you log files and ask support to forward them to you. Anything else you might need, let me know.

PS: I also experienced the two issues reported above (filters and hotkeys button missing).

PPS: Forgot to add my 2+2 username when sending you logs but username's are almost the same here and on Stars.
Thank you for this detailed report and your log files. They have been forwarded to the team investigating lag reports.


Originally Posted by centebakkie
Yeeey I got a school pass ticket before I got to scratching my 100th+ ticket in 30+ days. But sorry I can't have my friends (or anybody) waste their time on this.
I’m happy to hear you finally got something and I can understand your frustration. The problem with statistical distribution of random events is that the results will not be uniform, especially if the sample size is very small.


Originally Posted by poker_mad
I have a hot-key suggestion. Any chance to add the ability to increase/decrease by BB/SB? E.g. click the + key 3X to increase my bet by 3BB in the bet window.
I believe you can set up a custom hotkey to do that. Go to Settings > Gameplay > Hotkeys, click the ‘Choose an Action’ dropdown and select ‘Bet/Raise X Big Blinds’, then key in your desired hotkey combination and click ‘Add’, then click OK or Apply Changes to save your settings.


Originally Posted by BishBashBosh
For heads up tournaments would it be better to display a heads up bracket, so you know who you may potentially have in the next round. Once both players have won their round they can get on with playing straight away rather than waiting for everyone to finish round 1. The scoop event took nearly 6 hours to play 2 rounds, this method would drastically reduce waiting times and add more excitement being able to see who you may face in the next round.
Thanks for the suggestion – I have forwarded to the team for review.


Originally Posted by cheferlix1
Anyone still having massive issues multi tabling (+6 tables) on Mac?
The latest client updates seemed to improve PS7 performance for many players, but there are still a few players experiencing lag and we definitely want to hear from you – both to gauge how many players are still impacted and to gather more information about the lag effects for our investigation.

I have posted a set of instructions for how you can best provide details to help us track down the sources of the lag you may be experiencing:

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 04:00 AM
22k posts FFS! You'd think they would have got it right by now.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 08:12 AM
I think new opened tournaments have more focus than may have... When i register any new tournament, it takes focus over actual action and over actual tables... Look at focus of new opened tournaments please...
It is doing from like two weeks ago...
Try it at Stacked table layout with mtt mainly...

And please start show how much $received from bounty instead of number of KOs in normal knockout tournaments lobby.
Or at least start show halfs of that KOs when you can split it...

Originally Posted by sqwerty12
22k posts FFS! You'd think they would have got it right by now.
hh, good point... still no good... mainly casino is running
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
I reported this to the team, they tried to reproduce and could not do so. They ask if you can backup your user.ini file, (temporarily rename it or copy to a different folder) then delete the original user.ini file and try the Events filter again. Please let us know whether the problem persists or not.

If it doesn’t come back with the user.ini file deleted, you can try putting your original user.ini file back and see if the problem returns. If it does, please send a copy of that user.ini file to us and we’ll try to emulate it in our lab.
I moved my user.ini file to another folder, configured everything again and the issue was fixed. Then I noticed I did one thing differently when configuring this time. I chose to use PS7 Tabs and not PS6 Tabs as before and thought that maybe the issue was with that. And it was. As soon as I moved my original user.ini file back to it's location the issue came back so I just went into the Options panel and chose to use PS7 Tabs. Issue fixed. As soon as I moved back to PS6 Tabs the issue came back. Could you try it in your lab, please?

Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
It should be there, but the button only appears if you have hotkeys enabled in Settings. Please check to see if they are by checking Settings > Gameplay > Hotkeys and look for the Enable Hotkeys button to be active.
I have Hotkeys enabled as I use them everyday to play and the coloured boarder is there. I tried with the new user.ini file and the button is still nowhere to be found on Nova theme. It is there on Mercury, not on Nova.

Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Thank you for this detailed report and your log files. They have been forwarded to the team investigating lag reports.
No problem, I want to see Stars running smoothly as much as you do
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by odGin
I think new opened tournaments have more focus than may have... When i register any new tournament, it takes focus over actual action and over actual tables... Look at focus of new opened tournaments please...
It is doing from like two weeks ago...
Try it at Stacked table layout with mtt mainly...
Thanks for reporting this - I will let the team know so they can investigate.

Could you please tell me which client version you are using? Please go to Help > About PokerStars and look for the 5-digit Build number at the top.

And please start show how much $received from bounty instead of number of KOs in normal knockout tournaments lobby.
Or at least start show halfs of that KOs when you can split it...
A few other players have suggested this as well, and I will let the team know we have one more. Thanks.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by dastinger
I moved my user.ini file to another folder, configured everything again and the issue was fixed. Then I noticed I did one thing differently when configuring this time. I chose to use PS7 Tabs and not PS6 Tabs as before and thought that maybe the issue was with that. And it was. As soon as I moved my original user.ini file back to it's location the issue came back so I just went into the Options panel and chose to use PS7 Tabs. Issue fixed. As soon as I moved back to PS6 Tabs the issue came back. Could you try it in your lab, please?
Thanks for the additional information, we confirmed that there is a bug - however the bug appears only if PS6 tabs are set globally in Settings > Lobby > Lobby Display. In our testing, we found that if you witch to PS7 filters in Settings and then manually set the individual Tournaments tab to PS6 tabs, it should work fine. So this may be a temporary workaround for you.

A bug report has been filed with developers to fix the global PS6 tabs option.

I have Hotkeys enabled as I use them everyday to play and the coloured boarder is there. I tried with the new user.ini file and the button is still nowhere to be found on Nova theme. It is there on Mercury, not on Nova.
Sorry, my mistake - that button was developed as part of the Mercury theme project and has not been ported to the older table themes. There is a task on the books to bring some of the Mercury features to most of the other themes, but we have no information as to when that will happen.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by OditeRussia View Post
Did you know there was still an issue with clicking on your avatar at the top of the client where it will auto open then auto straight away closes the Account window so the account window will not stay open still.
No, I did not know this. I tried to reproduce it on both the .COM and .UK clients (using PC/Win 7), and it works perfectly for me (click avatar, Account app slides open and stays open until I click to close it). I even tried double-clicking the avatar to see if I could force it to open & auto close and I can’t.

So, I’ll ask you some of the standard questions:

Have you tried this without any 3rd-party tools running? Are you on the latest client (Build 10095)?

Is this an intermittent issue (happens occasionally) or reliably reproducible (happens all the time, every time)?

Next time it happens, can you Zip & Save your log files and send them to me?

I think you’re on Win8, so I’ll ask our QA team to test that.
Sorry yes I am on the latest build using Windows 8.1 on the .UK client using a built in touch pad on a laptop , I have never been able to click the avatar and have the account tab stay open without snapping back this happens every time I click the avatar without any third party apps open. Ill forward the Logs now cheers.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by OditeRussia
Sorry yes I am on the latest build using Windows 8.1 on the .UK client using a built in touch pad on a laptop , I have never been able to click the avatar and have the account tab stay open without snapping back this happens every time I click the avatar without any third party apps open. Ill forward the Logs now cheers.
Are you able to open the app and have it stay open when you click the Account button in the App bar? Just want to make sure that it's only the avatar-click in the header that isn't working, and that you can get to the Account screen otherwise.

A couple of other things to quickly check if you don't mind - there are two other functions in the header that will slide open the Settings app:

Clicking the clock in the upper right will open Settings > Global > Time Zone.

Clicking the tiny gear icon next to the VIP progress bar will open Settings > VIP > VIP Club Progress Bar.

When you click those features, does the app slide open and stay open, or does it auto-close like the Account screen?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
05-14-2015 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Thanks for the additional information, we confirmed that there is a bug - however the bug appears only if PS6 tabs are set globally in Settings > Lobby > Lobby Display. In our testing, we found that if you witch to PS7 filters in Settings and then manually set the individual Tournaments tab to PS6 tabs, it should work fine. So this may be a temporary workaround for you.

A bug report has been filed with developers to fix the global PS6 tabs option.

Sorry, my mistake - that button was developed as part of the Mercury theme project and has not been ported to the older table themes. There is a task on the books to bring some of the Mercury features to most of the other themes, but we have no information as to when that will happen.
Thanks for your reply.

Regarding filters, I'll just stick to PS7 tabs on everything.

Regarding the button, it's a shame that a feature that was already implemented on Stars 6 was removed on an upgraded version of the same software. If that was a Mercury theme only feature I would understand but it was available on Nova and other themes on Stars 6 so I think it should also be there on Stars 7.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
