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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

04-20-2013 , 07:01 AM
i say it once more, since pokerstars always ignores this, but a lot of player want this:

- being able to filter out Table Starters from the cash game lobby

Last edited by Slugant; 04-20-2013 at 07:01 AM. Reason: stop jamming it down our throats
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-20-2013 , 07:02 AM
I love playing on stars, but is there any way that you will offer the mobile client in the Korean store? It's not available in the Korean store, nor on the website does it allow me to enter my phone number to download the client.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-20-2013 , 06:09 PM
When playing at zoom poker, hands with empty seats causes HM2 HUD to get crazy.

Probably if tables showed the normal "empty seat" picture instead that no name circle this wouldnt happen.

Is some else having this problem?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-20-2013 , 06:27 PM
prob want to direct that to HEM support rather than stars
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-21-2013 , 09:07 PM
NEW RNG plz stefan cos the one your using fkn hates me with a vengeance
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-22-2013 , 05:29 AM
"" pokerstars GUI not responding ""

When is this getting fixed pokerstars, its pretty much un-playable on there atm.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-22-2013 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by keitho1986
A filter for 3x turbos and 2x turbos would be cool.
just type 2x or 3x in the search field, but making it an option is better though

I'll adress it like the xxth time, please introduce an overhaul of the rebuy.
(example with 1 Rebuy = 3k)
1. There are situations like losing with 6k to a 5,8k stack and sitting with 200 chips, unable to rebuy to 6k and rebuying to 3,2k isn't that cool either. So I have to shove anytwo in hopes of getting like 1-2k so the +3k will be near 6k or to bust and double rebuy

2. I'm blinding down from 6k to 3k but can't rebuy because the software doesn't recognize I'm actually below 3k. Like when SB is 150 with ante of 25 and I'm getting into SB with 3125 chips, upon folding SB (like when BTN shoves) im sitting with 2950 chips but can't rebuy. Now I'm getting like AA in the next hand and has to play it with less than 3k instead of 6k

Just make it like top up in cash games. So 3000 chips are 1$, so if I blind down to 2700 I may top up to 3k and pay 10cent, easy as that.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-23-2013 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Stefan
Yes, we will introduce them, but are waiting first for the port of the client to Cocoa to be complete. Right now we are hopeful that we will have the new client in May and then be able to add emoticons, font options, and ring game lobby views.

To clarify, this is not a new pop up that we have added. There was a previous pop up in the exact same slot that behaved the exact same way in terms of focus stealing. We added some extra functionality and one more button to the pop up.

If you had third party software that would auto close those pop ups and now does not work anymore, I suggest to contact the software provider and ask them to update their software. There was nothing changed in terms of focus stealing for people who did not have third party software.

That said, the idea to have a customization option as to whether those pop ups show at all is a good one and we will try to add this when resources allow.
And could this popup not steal focus or at least get into the queue with normal actions...?

(In general: i think the idea of prompting players to play another one is great! it just should not steal focus from another table that needs action)

Is anyone (successfully) playing stacked tables without third party software? I would appreciate a pm maybe i am doing something wrong...

Originally Posted by Uhrenknecht

Just make it like top up in cash games. So 3000 chips are 1$, so if I blind down to 2700 I may top up to 3k and pay 10cent, easy as that.

Thats a fantastic idea for a whole new tournament format right there...

Last edited by Eldorian; 04-23-2013 at 09:11 AM.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-23-2013 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Eldorian
And could this popup not steal focus or at least get into the queue with normal actions...?

(In general: i think the idea of prompting players to play another one is great! it just should not steal focus from another table that needs action)

Is anyone (successfully) playing stacked tables without third party software? I would appreciate a pm maybe i am doing something wrong...
I play stacked, and I'm forced to auto-close tournament tables when I bust as it's the only way I know of to get rid of that ****ing popup. I still have major focus-stealing issues elsewhere though, I posted this in MTTC but it's probably more suited to this thread:

Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Stars stealing focus from other programs (skype and my browser especially) is really pissing me off. I use my laptop for poker tables, and have a second monitor connected to show the stars lobby, skype and chrome. Even when I'm only playing a few tables, every time action is required I'm interrupted from typing mid-sentence and it's infuriating.

I've only noticed this problem in the past few months, but I've not played much poker for a while so it may have been going on longer. It's really affecting my ability to grind, so if anyone can help that'd be great. FWIW, this is what my advanced MT options settings look like:

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-23-2013 , 09:46 AM
Yeah the major focus stealing issues is also what i am experiencing. I am playing tiled for the only reason that its easier to react to sit out situations that way, but i would prefer to play stacked but cannot as i always am sat out on some table and time out without ever being prompted again to sit back down or having a second chance to act...

is there free third party software that just sits me back in when sat out?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-23-2013 , 02:34 PM
Lost Ostrich: you posted that you were "typing", in chat I assume, but yet you have the checkbox checked for the "Don't steal focus from chat and notes" software feature. Uncheck that box and see what happens.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-23-2013 , 04:33 PM
fwiw, the 'dont steal focus from chat & notes' fubars the hotkey system for the Mac, or at least it seems to for me. [hotkeys are sent to the table you are chatting/note making on while another table takes focus...go figure]
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-24-2013 , 06:16 PM
I get a nasty bug after a few hours of playing: parts of table turn black, i can't see buttons, wrong cards are shown etc and if i continue playing the lobby and all the tables will eventually freeze. I use PT4, TableNinja, Black theme and stacked tables.
If anybody has any idea what causes this problem that would be deeply appreciated.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-25-2013 , 08:51 AM
Steal focus at the end of tournaments still exists. Latest update did not fix it. It's so unbelievably tilting and being a stacker doesn't help either. Please release an update ASAP. This is not a minor bug. This is a MAJOR one. This is huge and devastating for those who mass multitable. And thank you!

Last edited by kwanho1; 04-25-2013 at 09:04 AM.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-25-2013 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by rooy
Please make this a priority. This popup is driving me insane. And to be honest with you i think popups in general is something that belongs in the 1990's. I doubt many players like this thing; on the contrary i believe a lot of players hate it. It's fixing a non problem. It's not hard to register from the lobby if one wants to play another one.
I'm sure Pokerstars runs extensive testing on this stuff, as to whether pop-ups do or not encourage more people to play. Taking a guess with no stats or evidence to back it up when Stars has a lot more and has made this decision will just make you think everyone wants the same thing as you
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-25-2013 , 01:46 PM
Just want to say that the implementation of the Fast Deposit button on tables is a superb one. Good job!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Stefan
To clarify, this is not a new pop up that we have added. There was a previous pop up in the exact same slot that behaved the exact same way in terms of focus stealing. We added some extra functionality and one more button to the pop up.

If you had third party software that would auto close those pop ups and now does not work anymore, I suggest to contact the software provider and ask them to update their software. There was nothing changed in terms of focus stealing for people who did not have third party software.

That said, the idea to have a customization option as to whether those pop ups show at all is a good one and we will try to add this when resources allow.
Most regs have so much extra software and so many tables running that they never actually see the text on this popup, even if they do see the outline of the popup box itself flash briefly on their screen when the table busts. So, if it's not aimed at people who are playing umpteen SNGs at once, presumably you introduced this pop up because you think it encourages more play from recreational players in the long term; if so then a customization (ie switch-off) option is probably bad.

But I do like Eldorian's suggestion of putting it in the queue with other actions; this satisfies the regs' desire for it not to steal focus and interrupt an action required on another table, while still maintaining the prompt for casual players to try again.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 04:03 AM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
So, if it's not aimed at people who are playing umpteen SNGs at once, presumably you introduced this pop up because you think it encourages more play from recreational players in the long term; if so then a customization (ie switch-off) option is probably bad.
Disagree. The popup is essentially a sales device, and that's fine as it's in everyone's interests that as many people as possible are encouraged to load up more games. But not only does the behaviour of the popup seriously annoy a good number of regs (aka valued customers), I'm sure there are a good few recreational players who resent being so blatantly encouraged to keep spending money.

When you go to McDonalds for a Big Mac and shout your order into the driverthru intercom, you know they're going to ask you if you want fries and/or a drink with it. Imagine how annoying it would be if they asked you this the moment you joined the queue, then at each window, then came out to your car with the food and asked you again. Not a perfect analogy I know, but you see the point I'm sure.

Adding the ability to prevent the popup not only improves the experience for regs, it allows the more savvy recreationals to opt out of the constant sales spiel and focus on enjoying their games. Contrary to popular belief, not all recreational poker players are brainless mugs. There are a good few really smart people out there who just happen to suck at poker, so let's not treat them all like morons.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Stars stealing focus from other programs (skype and my browser especially) is really pissing me off. I use my laptop for poker tables, and have a second monitor connected to show the stars lobby, skype and chrome. Even when I'm only playing a few tables, every time action is required I'm interrupted from typing mid-sentence and it's infuriating.

I've only noticed this problem in the past few months, but I've not played much poker for a while so it may have been going on longer. It's really affecting my ability to grind, so if anyone can help that'd be great. FWIW, this is what my advanced MT options settings look like:

If you re on other programs then:

Uncheck "popup table whenever action is required".
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 04:24 AM
^^ thanks, the problem is I stack tables so I can't do that. I'm sure the tables used to popup for action without stealing typing focus from other programs, but maybe I'm wrong and it's always been this way.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Disagree. The popup is essentially a sales device, and that's fine as it's in everyone's interests that as many people as possible are encouraged to load up more games. But not only does the behaviour of the popup seriously annoy a good number of regs (aka valued customers), I'm sure there are a good few recreational players who resent being so blatantly encouraged to keep spending money.

When you go to McDonalds for a Big Mac and shout your order into the driverthru intercom, you know they're going to ask you if you want fries and/or a drink with it. Imagine how annoying it would be if they asked you this the moment you joined the queue, then at each window, then came out to your car with the food and asked you again. Not a perfect analogy I know, but you see the point I'm sure.

Adding the ability to prevent the popup not only improves the experience for regs, it allows the more savvy recreationals to opt out of the constant sales spiel and focus on enjoying their games. Contrary to popular belief, not all recreational poker players are brainless mugs. There are a good few really smart people out there who just happen to suck at poker, so let's not treat them all like morons.
Again, complete conjecture. You'd be surprised at how dumb people really are. They want things served to them on a plate. "I'm sure there are a good few recreational players who resent being so blatantly encouraged to keep spending money." - there may be a few, but I'd bet that there are way more who need to be encouraged to play over and over with constant calls to action to get the best conversion rate possible.

That said, all that's needed is for TableNinja to release an update which deals with it OR Stars to put an option to turn it off somewhere deep within the menu system.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Pascal-lF
Again, complete conjecture. You'd be surprised at how dumb people really are. They want things served to them on a plate. "I'm sure there are a good few recreational players who resent being so blatantly encouraged to keep spending money." - there may be a few, but I'd bet that there are way more who need to be encouraged to play over and over with constant calls to action to get the best conversion rate possible.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 02:47 PM
please change the 8c structure to that of the 11c. its 1000000000x better in the 11c
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
^^ thanks, the problem is I stack tables so I can't do that. I'm sure the tables used to popup for action without stealing typing focus from other programs, but maybe I'm wrong and it's always been this way.
I also stack tables. Instead of relying on tables popping automatically through the client, get a program which gives you a hotkey that brings up a table requiring action manually. Actually, Stars own client has that function.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
04-26-2013 , 04:11 PM
awesome, thanks. I'll look into it!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
