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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

08-05-2011 , 05:33 AM
Havent seen a post from a stars rep in here for ages, bit pointless suggesting things if your suggestion doesnt get answered by someone from stars imo.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:21 AM
Here's a quote directly from Pokerstars Steve referring to this thread, "The people directly responsible for deciding on and prioritizing such improvements read and consider every post in that thread." If he says they are listening I have to believe him, we just might not be as high priority as we would like.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bar Nuthin
The thing I've noticed in working with PokerStars a little bit, is that they try to do both.

Where this fails, imo - is that they try to do both all in one place - like table themes for example. They want all the high end grinder features and at the same time making the look and feel fish friendly. What they end up with is a layout that is disappointing to both.

My suggestion would be to determine what audience you're targeting when developing a specific theme layout and commit to it.

Make a layout that is specifically aimed at HUD or TableNinja users and don;t try to flower it up with friendly colors and jazzy buttons.

Make a layout for recreational players with chat bubbles and blinking avatars.

Make a layout that positions things best suited for stacking tables - make layouts with larger fonts for players who tile ridiculous amounts of tables. - not every layout has to meet every need - people will choose what they like.

The same goes for Lobby features - maybe more so. Make a beginner's lobby that is graphic rich and full of pizazz - but reward the loyal grinder with a stripped down - feature intense - no nonsense version.

As long as you try to please everyone with the same dish, no one will get what they fully want.

Well said. I would be happy forever if you just took the hypersimple table and imposed the dark theme seat arrangement. Stop overthinking.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 09:55 AM
I agree with Bar Nuthin - two different skins would be great. But when I'm asked what improvements I would like to see I'm naturally going to think of myself and say things which would make my experience better, as most people do.

Originally Posted by mme
nailes it 100%. and @Pascal-lF: where you got that notion of "small amount of time Pokerstars' development team has" from. feel free to share your insights with us.
Nice quote just to add 2 lines. And I think it's pretty obvious that PS development team doesn't have tons of time - if they did there wouldn't be a waiting list for features which will be coming in the future.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 09:59 AM
Guys easy on the ludicrous fishbait requests. Let's just assume they all are safely in your reach or have you actually seen anyone play somewhere else these days?

There are more pressing and basic matters like BIGGER FONTS when tiling tables. Pretty please Pokerstars!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 10:51 AM
I just think overall, for the size of company PS is they just don't give a damn about their software. People say stuff like, "Do you understand what it takes to make software changes to a system as big as Poker Stars?" I say, "No but I know PS servers/software is about 100 times less complicated than World of Warcraft and WoW does it on a daily basis." Two years for a new lobby theme? The only possible answer IMO is that since pretty much all poker software sucks, as long as PS is a little better than the competition they don't care about making it really good.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 12:57 PM
Please add a function to the Instant Hand History, to CLEAR the History
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 01:07 PM
Is there an option to disable the table themes popping up when you right click on a table? Cause when i rightclick on players, i somehow misclick a lot.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 01:15 PM
"view" -> "Right click ...." in the lobby .. its really a pain in teh ass when multitabling
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by blaze2007
You can also use the black/blue theme from the new stars theme. You can find it in the Pokerstars/themes map.
What black/blue theme? Im running the latest version (4.860) and don't see anything new.

Not sure what's the point of having 4 different Renaissance versions, doubt anyone ever used it.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 02:43 PM
It was explained to me ITT about 20 posts ago... if anything this shows that PS could make it a hell of a lot easier to change and customize themes. Not super user friendly.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by orangepeeleo
Havent seen a post from a stars rep in here for ages, bit pointless suggesting things if your suggestion doesnt get answered by someone from stars imo.
We do monitor the forum and every post in this thread is read and considered regardless if a representative replies to every single suggestion. The discussions on 2+2 have been extremely valuable for PokerStars and we very much appreciate the community here! Sometimes it is just not possible to reply or implement improvements as quickly.

Originally Posted by collincapone
Any way of making tournaments that you have already played and been knocked out of a different color in the lobby? This would prevent wasting time trying to reg for tournies that you can't play again. Thanks
This is a good suggestion -- perhaps we could change the "State" to something that reflects this as opposed to removing/coloring tournaments.

Originally Posted by lien
i don't know if this was asked before (i'm new at PS) but imo hero seat centered at the 6-max tables would be nice..
It has been asked before and it is in the works. I can't tell you when exactly it will be released, but it is not very far in the future.

Originally Posted by laixee
Oh, Stefan, stop that blinking, please!
Sure -- we will be offering an alternative to blinking in some of the next client updates.

Originally Posted by happyeaster

Is it just me or does the "do not steal focus when writing notes" option not work? I 5 table and whenever I'm writing something, tables are always popping up! Is this a known bug?
Not a bug. "Do not steal focus when writing notes" works the following way: You are writing a note on Table A and have the option on. Table B requires your action so it pops up to the front, but keyboard focus is left on Table A. So if you continue typing you will be able to finish your note and then act on Table B. Note that we cannot simply keep Table A at the front since then you might be timing out on Table B and that would be worse.

Originally Posted by Dynamics
when will the tournament deal feature be implemented across the board? will it be available in mtt sngs?
It should be rolled out to all guaranteed MTTs now.

Originally Posted by Sugar Nut

regulars who switched over to your wonderful site from that ****hole that recently went down with a bang will eventually get used to your software. There is a huge player base that has played at for ages and is just fine with how seats at your tables are arranged, fine with no Rush Poker and fine with not having the option to have our avatars show and angry face.

If you want to accommodate these guys' wishes by giving them their own little FullTilty theme, go right ahead. I couldn't care less. Please don't change anything globally for everyone though, just because people who have switched recently ask you to.
We always try to factor in the opinions and needs of different player groups when planning changes, especially ones that would affect a significant part of the player base.

Originally Posted by Anarchist
The annoying thing is when you move tables, it shows hands from your new table instead of hands you played.
I agree the replayer can be improved, but at this stage there are other more important things to be done. Once we clear those, the replayer will be updated as well!

Originally Posted by NoMeansYes_
Not sure if this has been posted, but when registering for a HUSNG, if you close the lobby just as someone joins the table doesn't load. This can be especially annoying when playing hyper turbos as I like to register and close lobbies so my screen doesn't get cluttered and people join pretty quickly at lower stakes.
This sounds like a bug that we have not heard about from other players. We will look into it. Btw, if you uncheck "Auto-open Sit & Go tournament lobby" from "Advanced Multi-Table Options..." you can register from the lobby without the lobby opening.

Originally Posted by DaBigBoss86
VIP Club Progress Bar still says 7,500 VPPs for PlatinumStar and so on ...

But it's VIP Club Mega Month!

Please fix it ...
Nice catch -- too late to fix for this promotion, but will keep in mind should we decide to run something similar in the future.

Originally Posted by Hoopman20
Yea that's sick. How do you change background? It ask's me for a file name... how can I make one exactly like the one you posted? Sorry for my lack of comp skillz. The only options I have are to use a custom file.
The entire system to customize table look and feel is subject to changes and this will be addressed then. No specific time line on the changes.

Originally Posted by ALEA JACTA EST
2) While Stacking the tables and a table that needs action pops up, if another table needs action put it behind the current one. This enables dragging your first table if you happen to have a hard decision in it, and use the timebank while you fastly make the decisions in the other tables in order to not time out.

3) why not always show cards in all in hands? checking the hand afterwards with the replayer is time consuming especially while multitabling.
Re: 2): This is a nice suggestion!
Re: 3): There is an option in "Options" > "Show/Mucking Hands" > "Show Hole Cards when All-In (Ring Games)". In order for the hole cards to show in an all-in situation in a ring game every player who is all-in needs to have this option checked.

Originally Posted by DoubleD
So I had to reinstall the PokerStars software cause a window popped up saying there was a problem with the new update. I did. Now all my notes are gone. Now what?
This is not supposed to happen -- please email and they will try to assist you.

Originally Posted by B T R O M Z
pls stars make disconnection time bank for MTTs.
There is a disconnection time bank for MTTs, but it only applies to the final table of MTTs.

Here is a tip for ring game players who always buy in for the same amount of big blinds:

Did you know that you can take a seat at a table with a single click directly from the lobby and no pop ups at all? All you need to do is to set up Auto Buy-In and then use "Seat Me".

Instead of double-clicking a table and looking for the empty seat, simply click "Seat Me" below the list of players to the right of the list of games. "Seat Me" would automatically sit you at one of the empty seats on the table. In addition, set up Auto Buy-In from "Options" > "Auto-Buy-In (Ring Games)" and next time you click "Seat Me" you will be immediately seated and bought in for the preferred amount -- no pop ups or extra clicks needed!

Here is some more info on Auto Buy-In:
Auto Buy-In:
Seat Me:
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Stefan
Sure -- we will be offering an alternative to blinking in some of the next client updates.
When will the next update occur? By my count, this is the second straight month without any updates (there was one client update to reflect the WCOOP schedule, but nothing regarding software improvements).

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 08:52 PM
Anything happening yet with regard to changing the way rebuys work? This is wayyy overdue. They need to be similar to auto-top ups/auto-buy-ins in cash games, so that preferences can be set out of the game so that we don't need to fidget and **** around clicking so many buttons in game for every rebuy tourney when our attention is needed elsewhere.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bar Nuthin
wait, wat?

you have preferred seats depending on how many players are left in a sng?

I'm curious about the logic at work here.

Also, where do you find 6-Max sng's with 10 seats - "spots"?
There are actually 9 spots on the table that I can sit via "Sit Here." But I can only click "Sit Here" on spots that are filled. In a 6-max sit and donk, only 6 spots are filled, so I can't click "Sit Here" on the spots with no one there. I can however, click "Sit Here" on someone else to make someone move to that spot, which I then "Sit here" on.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by TheNiggler
There are actually 9 spots on the table that I can sit via "Sit Here." But I can only click "Sit Here" on spots that are filled. In a 6-max sit and donk, only 6 spots are filled, so I can't click "Sit Here" on the spots with no one there. I can however, click "Sit Here" on someone else to make someone move to that spot, which I then "Sit here" on.
my question was aimed at the fact that when you start a sit-n-go all seats are filled. why would you wait until players bust out before you decide you want to switch seats?

also, poker stars has a preferred seat option that will always place you in your favorite spot when you join a table "Options>Preferred Seat.."
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 11:07 PM
Would it be possible to use the shift and ctrl keys to select and register on multiple SNGs/MTTs concurrently?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-05-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by broken_jia
When will the next update occur? By my count, this is the second straight month without any updates (there was one client update to reflect the WCOOP schedule, but nothing regarding software improvements).

Next immediate update will be soon, but it won't have the non-blinking option. I don't want to give out more details as things might change, but I will make the usual update post here when the update time is finalized.

Originally Posted by WhiteRabbito
Anything happening yet with regard to changing the way rebuys work? This is wayyy overdue. They need to be similar to auto-top ups/auto-buy-ins in cash games, so that preferences can be set out of the game so that we don't need to fidget and **** around clicking so many buttons in game for every rebuy tourney when our attention is needed elsewhere.
Good point -- we do have plans to improve rebuy interface for MTTs and that includes ability to set default settings!

Originally Posted by leviathan74
Would it be possible to use the shift and ctrl keys to select and register on multiple SNGs/MTTs concurrently?
We could make this possible, but we have some other things we want to do first and then evaluate how much this is needed.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2011 , 07:28 AM
too many steps to run through in the Replayer

eg: after i click on 'reset' squared button to get me to the beginning of the hand, and i start to gradually click 'step forward' i encounter to many steps.

i don't want to click once to see each player get dealt. just take me at the point where the players are supposed to voluntary act (like post bb or raise)

it is so annoying when i want to quickly glance a HH from its beginning and have to click 8 times before seeing UTG act first.

and also those buttons (step-forward, step-backward, ...) seems so unresponsive to me... or the required nr of clicks... not easy enough when try to look fast to a former hand during play

maybe is iy just me... used to the FT software which Replayer usability was way better!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2011 , 07:32 AM
SNG filters:

The values that you can select to filter by "buy in" need changing to reflect the new buy in values implemented across the board a few months back.

Using 50-50s for EG, buys ins are now .....$7, $15, $30, $60, $100, $200, yet the values that you can choose to filter with are ....$5, $10, $20, $50, $100, $200.

This causes me problems when I want to play just at the $60 level, but I have to select $50 min and $100 max, meaning that I cannot isolate just the $60 buy in level, but have to include the $100 buy in games too.

Please can you make the buy in filters match the values of the buy ins?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2011 , 08:35 AM
An option to auto check/fold with right mouse button
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2011 , 08:41 AM
Also something is need to be done with hand replayer

if you play it step by step. Steps are too small like you have to click 6 times to see everyone post antes.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2011 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by ALEA JACTA EST
2) While Stacking the tables and a table that needs action pops up, if another table needs action put it behind the current one. This enables dragging your first table if you happen to have a hard decision in it, and use the timebank while you fastly make the decisions in the other tables in order to not time out.

currently, you have to decide first in the "tough spot table" before doing anything else, which is annoying.
Originally Posted by PokerStars Stefan
Re: 2): This is a nice suggestion!
Indeed. It is very much needed.

thanks for your time.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2011 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by steelerian
SNG filters:

The values that you can select to filter by "buy in" need changing to reflect the new buy in values implemented across the board a few months back.

IIRC, you can write whatever you want in those boxes, you don't necessarily have to select from the list. The problem that I noticed is that you cannot write fractional numbers (i.e. $5.50).

Originally Posted by Bingas
An option to auto check/fold with right mouse button
Get TableNinja (and there are probably a ton of other scripts)! It would be nice if PS would have all the shortcuts integrated in their software, but I don't see it as a priority.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
08-06-2011 , 10:31 AM
new increased showdown time sucks balls

reverse it plz

takes the fun out of sweating

who cares if we play 2 less hands per hour
obv if you keep it, have to assume u just want faster rake
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
