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[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread [PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread

06-30-2016 , 08:15 PM
Back when still in school, i remember there being this one course where we got assigned to do a bunch of group projects, where something like 75% of our grade would be coming from rating each other on our willingness to cooperate, take turns, etc. The idea being, that if we were cooperating, then the results should tend to follow ...

Guess the profs had noticed over the years, that sometimes when you get a bunch of overachievers into a group, everybody would be trying so hard, that rather than cooperating to come up with all sorts of great stuff, sometimes things would instead wind up being a bit of a disaster?

So the exercises were meant to give us practice in listening - our exchange kind of reminded me of that class lol ...

Thanks for taking the time to write those detailed explanations of what goes on behind the scenes - it's helped me to better appreciate things from your point of view, so apologies if earlier posts made it seem like i might be questioning whether you care, when you're clearly you do.

Last edited by TrustySam; 06-30-2016 at 08:21 PM.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
06-30-2016 , 08:18 PM
No more crashes since yesterday, and avatar is working now. Thanks a lot Keith!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
06-30-2016 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Thanks for your comments, TrustySam - I value your input always, even if we don't see eye-to-eye. [...] when we have a known crash bug under investigation, there is communication with the Support team. Depending on the nature of the bug, the front line staff will still have to run through triage steps of their own with the reporting players to make sure they don't feed any red herrings into the investigation...
TrustySam is one of my favourites on here. Interesting, positive, adds value & upbeat.

Which is more than I can say for the Red Herring - as you can see he survives another Crashed Bug. The fishy Baron & his Flying Circus will always be lurking 'up sun' ready to catch us unawares!

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
06-30-2016 , 09:50 PM
Guess when someone posts as much as me, eventually one or two things wind up being interesting by luck of the draw lol A lot of silly stuff too though

Thanks for the kind words Loki - have always thought the same of yours as well ... plus funny as well!!
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 12:56 AM
Keith, I realize you've been busy with more pressing software issues, but have you had the time to look at my post about popups?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Workin' on it!

The total settings wipage is something I haven't heard before as being related to the crash bug. Are you saying that when your client crashes, it wipes out all of your Settings? What, back to default values? And does this every time?

Please provide a little more information, if you don't mind, as well as which client version you're on (go to Help > About PokerStars and look for the 5-digit build number in the upper right). Thanks!
.......ummmmmm....... this is the user.ini problem bud. Well reported. I alone have reported it half a dozen or a dozen times over 6 months. Yea when it crashes u often lose all your settings. That is why every one backs up the user.ini file now. If I backtrack this thread enough, I could find a bunch of examples. But I am lazy, and it's been reported, so what's the point?

I am surprised that you are surprised by this. Happens to almost all crash victims, and very often.

That is essentially why support says to delete the file or back it up. I have told them that this is just a symptom of the problem.

Acting like this is news is borderline insulting. Maybe you just overlooked or are uninformed by support about these reports. But I know for a fact it has been well reported. I have reported it a lot myself.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by aariestiger
.......ummmmmm....... this is the user.ini problem bud. Well reported. I alone have reported it half a dozen or a dozen times over 6 months. Yea when it crashes u often lose all your settings. That is why every one backs up the user.ini file now. If I backtrack this thread enough, I could find a bunch of examples. But I am lazy, and it's been reported, so what's the point?

I am surprised that you are surprised by this. Happens to almost all crash victims, and very often.

That is essentially why support says to delete the file or back it up. I have told them that this is just a symptom of the problem.

Acting like this is news is borderline insulting. Maybe you just overlooked or are uninformed by support about these reports. But I know for a fact it has been well reported. I have reported it a lot myself.
Not sure how this is insulting to you - embarrassing for me, maybe...

Yup - you're right. But I was not acting - I didn't know. However, I checked with the team and learned that crashes can and do corrupt the user.ini file, wiping out the settings. Not all crashes wipe out the .ini (although every crash will prevent the client from saving any settings that may have changed during the session leading up to the crash, because the changes only get written to the .ini on graceful exit - that much I knew). But I understand now that if your client crashes 10 times the likelihood of the .ini file getting corrupted at least once is pretty high.

Nice to learn something new, innit?

I suppose some readers of this thread expect me to know everything, so let me take this opportunity to disabuse them of that notion - if the above gaff has not already done so. I am not so gifted, and we should expect there to be other things I won't know or that I will misstate. When it happens, feel free to correct and educate me - but in so doing please try to resist the temptation to impugn my honor and intentions. I'm just here trying to help.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by ChoakMyDee
Keith, I realize you've been busy with more pressing software issues, but have you had the time to look at my post about popups?
Thanks for reminding me. I'm checking again with the team but it might be next week before I have any feedback.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by AkrauZ
No more crashes since yesterday, and avatar is working now. Thanks a lot Keith!
Glad to hear it - thanks for letting us know!

For those still experiencing the crash - sorry for the disruption, and we're still actively working on it.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 03:22 PM
Downloading PokerStars at peak hours

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Keith
Not sure how this is insulting to you - embarrassing for me, maybe...

Yup - you're right. But I was not acting - I didn't know. However, I checked with the team and learned that crashes can and do corrupt the user.ini file, wiping out the settings. Not all crashes wipe out the .ini (although every crash will prevent the client from saving any settings that may have changed during the session leading up to the crash, because the changes only get written to the .ini on graceful exit - that much I knew). But I understand now that if your client crashes 10 times the likelihood of the .ini file getting corrupted at least once is pretty high.

Nice to learn something new, innit?

I suppose some readers of this thread expect me to know everything, so let me take this opportunity to disabuse them of that notion - if the above gaff has not already done so. I am not so gifted, and we should expect there to be other things I won't know or that I will misstate. When it happens, feel free to correct and educate me - but in so doing please try to resist the temptation to impugn my honor and intentions. I'm just here trying to help.
Well never said you particularly were insulting me, but the fact that it is treated as revelation is terrible. Not your fault Keith. Super surprising to me, you know; and yes support has been so dismissive over 6+months of the user.ini problem, that I am easily angered by this.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by PrsHarlequin
Downloading PokerStars at peak hours

"Dancing on PokerStars' grave" & downloading their software too? Your post would be more useful if you'd included info re which page you were downloading from & what you were downloading with - in the spirit of this being the "PokerStars Software Improvement Thread"

I tried the same experiment as you at 20:41 hrs BST from the PokerStars UK site, for the desktop client, via my broadband, using Firefox, to my PC & my download time was approx one minute including the time for my virus checker to inspect the .exe & OK the download. How 'bout you sweetheart? Serbia? Somewhere else in Europe?

Last edited by _Loki_; 07-01-2016 at 04:10 PM.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 04:22 PM
I noticed another minor error (a tournament guarantee being advertised as higher than it actually is).

[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 04:28 PM
FWIW I happen to think you are a top notch rep Keith

Edit: Not being sarcastic, you really do a great job.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by walkby
I noticed another minor error (a tournament guarantee being advertised as higher than it actually is).

Thanks for posting this - I will let the team know.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by aariestiger
FWIW I happen to think you are a top notch rep Keith

Edit: Not being sarcastic, you really do a great job.
Thanks! I appreciate the comment.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 08:21 PM
Hi Keith, one super small thing that I don't know why they haven't done. A small window pops up when you do the - Quick exit all tables and close next BB - The box says ''you've now been removed from all waiting list'' On that small window we need a don't show this mssg again boxes u can just tick.

Thx for any help, King
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-01-2016 , 10:51 PM
I've been suffering from what I assume to be the crash bug, well Pokerstars has started crashing. I sent the required log files over a week ago and have heard nothing from support since and all I did get was canned responses.

Frankly was it so hard for them to add 'this is a known however uncommon bug and we are having trouble reproducing it.'? I was on the verge of buying a new PC until out of desperation googled about it and found this thread. At least now I'll give it another week or so. I use a netbook I'm approaching being happy to fedex it to PS support so they can at least reproduce the bug in their lab.

I guess to keep abreast of Pokerstars software bug and fix information I'll have to follow a 3rd party forum site... makes sense...
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-02-2016 , 12:11 AM
Any idea when my player image will work?
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-02-2016 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by timchuk
Any idea when my player image will work?
It's fixed for me now after an update to the UK client.
What client are you? e.g. .eu
What build are you? Click on "Help" > "About PokerStars" > Client Version: PokerStars 7 [Build: xxxxx]
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-02-2016 , 12:57 AM
Poker stars . Com
Build 13424

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-02-2016 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by timchuk
.Com Build 13424
Going by previous posts in this thread that's an old build & there's an update to that which fixes the avatar thing.

Are you on purpose opening the PS client via the exe that doesn't update the client? If so then close PS & open via the normal shortcut to allow PS to update.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-02-2016 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by blades of steel
I found a fix for all the problems...
There's no fix for you foldemfedero

Has the staking dried up? To get the bankroll support you need to play on the one site you seem so obviously to despise? Did you come here to troll because your only potentially useful contribution in this thread didn't get the love you thought it deserved?

All that energy you could use for something positive dissipated in small acts of pointless childish foot stamping? Here is your life in your own words where you project it to someone else. But it's you sunbeam:
Originally Posted by blades of steel
Sorry for the redundancy here [...] I am really not trying to be annoying here or childish [...] passive, aggressive approach doesn;t seem to be working like it once did..
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-02-2016 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dan Dare
I've been suffering from what I assume to be the crash bug, well Pokerstars has started crashing. I sent the required log files over a week ago and have heard nothing from support since and all I did get was canned responses.

Frankly was it so hard for them to add 'this is a known however uncommon bug and we are having trouble reproducing it.'? I was on the verge of buying a new PC until out of desperation googled about it and found this thread. At least now I'll give it another week or so. I use a netbook I'm approaching being happy to fedex it to PS support so they can at least reproduce the bug in their lab.

I guess to keep abreast of Pokerstars software bug and fix information I'll have to follow a 3rd party forum site... makes sense...
Pokerstars first line of support dismisses everything. It's their job to pull verbatim script and only ever pass information and issues up if you complain to the point of asking for refunds (which if you miss a lot of hands I suggest you do ask for a refund) and/ or mention this thread.

You can downgrade to a working build tho

Is what I did- you will crash only like once in 3 days or not at all, but not every friggen 15 hands. Unless you play spins, in which case you are out of luck, from what I read few days ago.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
07-02-2016 , 08:42 AM
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its still ****in crushing and also i have some weird disconnect bug once in a while.

so what are my options? Is the downgrade version working fine ? I dont want to give up playing because of these incompetent ******s.
[PokerStars] Software Improvement Thread Quote
