Originally Posted by TheOJD
Hi Dylan,
Still nothing from support. Checked my spam folder too.
I would at least like them to acknowledge that they're looking into this even if there's no resolution yet. I haven't seen anyone else chime in with this issue so it's pretty strange.
Hi again,
Could you PM me your PokerStars NJ UserID so that I can chase Support to make sure this is being looked into?
Probably unrelated, but could it be a matter of validating your email which could have gone to your Spam folder?
Originally Posted by SteveL91
Don't suppose you have an update about the issue(s) with converting an existing PS account?
I assume you're referring to FTP Points. The person responsible for the FTP VIP Program was away today, but I will be chasing the issue tomorrow morning and hope to have an update. This unceratainty shouldn't prevent you from creating a PokerStars NJ account, as whether you maintain your ROW account or move to a PokerStars NJ account we will get you a fair resolution and you will receive the value of your FTP Points one way or another.
Originally Posted by raradevils
I just forwarded a solution to Dylan. I spent about a hour with optimum's tech support to get this problem fixed or at least the root cause of the problem.
Thanks for sharing raradevils, I have forwarded it straight on to the people responsible.