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Your ideas are worthless, and I'm here to prove it Your ideas are worthless, and I'm here to prove it

10-11-2012 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by kingofsurvivorbb
^ check out
Yeah thats about exactly what I mean lol. Would use a different format though. Its still possible to do something like that for the dutch market right? How should I get it of the ground?
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10-13-2012 , 02:10 AM
How about a clothing store where everything is sorted by size. Instead of walking all over the shop to different sections asking, "hey you got this in XL"?

You walk in and head straight to the XL section, it has everything that fits you... shirts, pants, jackets, shorts, underwear.. all XL.. all in 1 section. Seems logical to me.
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10-13-2012 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by kingofsurvivorbb
A site where you auction off your virginity/sex. Obviously try and loophole around that.

The site is a site where guys can make bids to go on a 1st date with a girl. Seems to be no legal problem with that.

My idea is basically the same thing, but imply more sex. Apparently people are willing to pay a lot to take someone's virginity. I can take 10% or w/e. Only problem I see is how am I going to find hot girls who are real virgins willing to auction it off. A lot will probably be willing to do it once I get the ball rolling, but getting the ball rolling in the first place seems difficult.
This is ridiculous lol
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10-13-2012 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by cro0sh
This is ridiculous lol
I am pretty sure this was already done in Nevada, I doubt it would be legal in most places. It turned out to be a bit of a hoax, the girl never went through with it from what I heard.

I just remember Oprah kept saying it is "different" because she is selling her virginity as part of a master thesis.
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10-13-2012 , 09:16 PM
The virginity thing is like the million dollar homepage selling pixels.

The first one that does it gets mega-press, top exposure, and makes a boat load of money. All the subsequent copy cats don't get any press and make hardly anything.

If you're going to sell sex, forget the virgin angle and just set up some sort of Ebay auction site for 'dates'. I can actually see that working... bidding on 'dates'.
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10-14-2012 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by dc_publius
The virginity thing is like the million dollar homepage selling pixels.

The first one that does it gets mega-press, top exposure, and makes a boat load of money. All the subsequent copy cats don't get any press and make hardly anything.

If you're going to sell sex, forget the virgin angle and just set up some sort of Ebay auction site for 'dates'. I can actually see that working... bidding on 'dates'.
Had this idea the other day, haven't researched to see what's out there yet, but I've never seen women wearing them:

High heels that are convertible to flats - either by just folding them down or by removing the heel completely. This way women wouldn't have to carry flip flops or roll up flats or whatever else they do in their purses so that they don't have to walk in their high heels.
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10-14-2012 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by Gswaggg
Had this idea the other day, haven't researched to see what's out there yet, but I've never seen women wearing them:

High heels that are convertible to flats - either by just folding them down or by removing the heel completely. This way women wouldn't have to carry flip flops or roll up flats or whatever else they do in their purses so that they don't have to walk in their high heels.
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10-15-2012 , 10:14 PM
A chain of stores that sell electronic goods.
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11-15-2012 , 04:33 PM

Low quality punching bags with custom images on the outside.
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11-15-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by tmckendry

Low quality punching bags with custom images on the outside.
low quality + custom

doesn't mix well. It's going to cost to customize each bag, so consumers will pay a premium and get a low quality product.

IMO, either make low quality bags with faces people would generally like to punch (politicians) or higher quality customized bags.
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11-15-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Gswaggg
Had this idea the other day, haven't researched to see what's out there yet, but I've never seen women wearing them:

High heels that are convertible to flats - either by just folding them down or by removing the heel completely. This way women wouldn't have to carry flip flops or roll up flats or whatever else they do in their purses so that they don't have to walk in their high heels.
The issue with this is the structure of heels and flats is different. The post under yours shows some ideas based on this but not what you were going after. The one was just like a slipper inside a heel.

I always thought of a washer/dryer in one. Why do we load the washer then have to unload/load the dryer? Seems stupid to me. I had this idea 10-12 years ago and am sure by now, its out.
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11-17-2012 , 06:49 AM
Yeah I have a washer/drier in one.
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11-18-2012 , 12:44 AM
is there like a netflix for shoes/clothes?

For anyone that cares about fashion, it seems like a pretty good idea.
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11-18-2012 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by kingofsurvivorbb
is there like a netflix for shoes/clothes?

For anyone that cares about fashion, it seems like a pretty good idea.
not worth it for cheap clothes. for expensive items, it's too easy to scuff the shoes or stain the clothes, and then what? Someone has to pay $500 for that gucci shirt?
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11-18-2012 , 01:25 AM
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11-18-2012 , 04:20 AM
Just had an idea that I thought I'd get some feedback for:

Essentially you have a site set-up where people can design and sell scavenger hunts for a low price to other people wanting to go on an adventure and maybe get some exercise or solve a puzzle. You take a small fee from the sellers, this would be sectioned off by city obviously. Maybe not a dynamite idea, but I'm pretty sure its original.

I could obviously expand on this, but what say you, BFI?
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12-04-2012 , 02:22 PM
Beach covers...comfortable pants to wear to the beach which dry fast and soak up water. Button up on the side like basketball players warm up pants. I think this has the potential to be the next snuggie.
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12-04-2012 , 09:54 PM
I was surprised to google around and find that someone (Kayak) was doing this already. They must not be doing it very well if it hasn't caught on like priceline/hotwire: Essentially you say where you live, you name your budget, and it will build a trip for you. So maybe you don't want to go to New York, but you want to go somewhere with your girl for a weekend, and you have exactly $1100 to spend on flight and hotel. That sort of thing. To me we're entering an age where most people will build trips like this for pleasure.

Second idea is also being done, but not being done anywhere near me. Phone/web ap that allows the average Joe to accept a credit card payment from someone who wants to rent his parking spot. His spot can be displayed geographically, etc...

Third idea I've seen done in one place, and nowhere else. I can't do it in my town because of the liquor laws. Essentially all the booze in the bar runs on an inventory through a database. As people buy things, the types of alcohol and their prices are displayed on a stock-ticker style board. The more people ignore a type of alcohol, the cheaper it gets. In turn as stock of a popular type of alcohol lowers, it gets more expensive.

And finally the last one is going to be one that will make someone rich, and most likely ticketmaster is going to have to really look long and hard at it. The concept of using price elasticity for all concert events, particularly mid-sized GA events that sell out, where the scalpers are currently making all the money. Would have a game changing effect on the music industry and for promoters too. It has applications in events selling poorly also, since the average price can drop to try to sell more tickets.
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12-07-2012 , 01:39 AM
Idea: a web app that sends email notifications to users when books, albums, games, or movies they like or might like are released.

I'm picturing a site that aggregates release schedules from publishers/studios/labels/etc into a searchable, sortable calendar. Users can select certain events they want to be reminded of and/or plug in writers, bands, and genres they like and let the site make recommendations.

Example: I hear Jared Diamond has a new book coming out this month. I find the book in the site's database and add it to my notifications list. They then send me an email on December 31st when the book launches.

Example #2 to demonstrate slightly different functionality: I plug in that I like Kanye, Jay-Z, and Outkast. The site, making a smart guess about my preferences, emails me on December 11th to let me know Big Boi just released a new album. If I already knew he had one coming, this is a good reminder, and if I hadn't yet heard he was working on anything, I am pretty psyched to find out.

Monetization should be straightforward, since your core service is providing a list of links to things people have already shown some interest in purchasing.
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12-07-2012 , 09:18 AM
Any New Books? does this with books. I haven't used their service before so I don't know just how good it is, but at least that's the idea.

Agreed that it would be awesome to be able to tie in other media as well and monetization is definitely straight-forward.
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12-07-2012 , 03:04 PM
got another one: e-books on a micro USB stick which you can put directly on your e-reader. Nicely packed in a cover with the same summary on the back as a regular book..
Is think there definitely a market for this as books are such a gift item. But is this patent-able in some kind of way do you guys think?
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12-07-2012 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by ludacris
not worth it for cheap clothes. for expensive items, it's too easy to scuff the shoes or stain the clothes, and then what? Someone has to pay $500 for that gucci shirt?
I agree
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12-07-2012 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
Any New Books? does this with books. I haven't used their service before so I don't know just how good it is, but at least that's the idea.

Agreed that it would be awesome to be able to tie in other media as well and monetization is definitely straight-forward.
Yeah, there are definitely similar or partial services out there, but I don't think anyone's really tied it all together yet. Any New Books frankly seems kind of half-assed, although since this business model has basically zero startup costs, I can't blame them for wanting to just get something online even if it's not perfect. They have 2200 fans on Facebook, so they must be doing something right.

Can anyone who has experience with Amazon's affiliate program tell me what kind of revenues you get? If I get 100 people to spend $15 bucks each on books or music clicked through my links, how much do I get?
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12-07-2012 , 04:45 PM
You start at 4% of revenue for most products, and that number goes up as you sell more stuff in a month.

But to answer your question, 100 orders of $15 a month would earn you at least $97.50 (more if it's certain product types)

Last edited by mmbt0ne; 12-07-2012 at 04:56 PM.
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12-08-2012 , 12:29 AM
I don't really think this idea would make a lot of money but it would do "more good" in the world.

I noticed that there is a new thread almost every week on 2+2 about help with dating/procrastination/getting fit/social skills/making friends/anxiety/depression/being lazy etc etc. If you consider how big the internet is, there is probably a new thread/post about this topic every nanosecond.

OP in these threads almost never makes any progress even after being given solid advice. There's obviously tons of resources out there such as forums/support groups/websites/youtube/books/podcasts, but none of this gets through to them. I've had similar issues when I was younger so I can understand why. It's easy to just get stuck in the same cycle.

I think if there were more people who contacted these losers (lets be real) through skype/phone/in person/email (least effective but better than nothing), then the chance of improvement is probably 10x higher. They would be like a mentor/therapist/life coach. It's kind of like the difference between working out by yourself and having a personal trainer. Particularly the kind that calls you, keeps an eye out on what you're doing.

So I'm thinking a big website where there is a team of people who's job is to seek out losers on the internet on forums websites etc. Another team of people to work with the losers to help them. Hopefully everyone is a volunteer since this is sorta like charity? If it takes off, then money can come from donations/sponsors/advertisement.

So what are the problems? liability issues? you can't really give advice unless you're certified? Where am I gonna find people who are willing to spend time doing this? Seems to be a lot if you look at depression forums though they're just making posts which is a lot easier I suppose.

Money isn't the motivation for doing this. Honestly just want to help people. These losers making threads aren't making any changes.
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