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Your ideas are worthless, and I'm here to prove it Your ideas are worthless, and I'm here to prove it

01-07-2012 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by chromakey
There's no way I'm ever going to do this, but I would like to buy it. Hopefully, someone will run with this.

Selling half-loaves of sandwich bread. As a single guy, I never eat a whole loaf of bread before it goes bad. Sell me a half a loaf at a marked up price so I don't have to waste the other half by throwing it out. I have no idea why no one has done this yet.
It's super common here (in the netherlands)
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01-07-2012 , 01:20 PM
Well then we need it in the US
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01-07-2012 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by chromakey
There's no way I'm ever going to do this, but I would like to buy it. Hopefully, someone will run with this.

Selling half-loaves of sandwich bread. As a single guy, I never eat a whole loaf of bread before it goes bad. Sell me a half a loaf at a marked up price so I don't have to waste the other half by throwing it out. I have no idea why no one has done this yet., pairing up single bros with too much bread, lettuce, and other perishables since 2012
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01-07-2012 , 02:08 PM
Bread freezes just fine.
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01-07-2012 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Bread freezes just fine.
True, but it also only takes 5 seconds to chop a head of lettuce yet packaged salad is a gold mine right now. I don't understand what the challenge is, hypothetically they could make higher margins off idiots like me who want fresh bread, but don't eat a whole loaf in a week.
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01-07-2012 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
Agreed. I have some proprietary things in my business that I'm not going to roadmap for the world to see, although I'm pretty open about a lot of other things.
Again, there's a huge difference between laying out every single process in a business and not even being willing to say what it is you're selling, building, or providing.
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01-08-2012 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by crashjr
Wow, I probably would have never done it and this is awesome!
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01-08-2012 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I thought speed dating online would be pretty cool. But I tried to join (or something like that) one time just to see how it worked and they basically instantly try to push you into chatting when you're just starting to fill out your profile. And they just keep badgering you. Really annoying.
Do you get put in front of people all on video chat? kinda like chat roullete but for dating and it tries to match you up. Ofc there would have to be a ton of monitoring to prevent the eventual rise of a bunch of guys jerking off on camera.
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01-08-2012 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Pasghettos
An iPhone/Android app that allows you to exchange unwanted gift certificates for cash. Don't plan on using that $50 iTunes gift card you got for Christmas? Cool, spend it on my app and I'll send you a check for $45 or something.
Why sell to you over ebay, friends, regifting?
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01-08-2012 , 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Pasghettos
An iPhone/Android app that allows you to exchange unwanted gift certificates for cash. Don't plan on using that $50 iTunes gift card you got for Christmas? Cool, spend it on my app and I'll send you a check for $45 or something.
I see great potential with this. Good luck! The key is marketing it to teenagers imo, a lot of smokers in high school and college get gift cards because their parents know it doesnt go towards drugs. You're just what they've been looking for hehe.

My idea:

I think entertainment is in for a big change. If SOPA fails to pass, and I desperately hope it doesn't not just for business but for society's sake, then entertainment is in for an overhaul. Traditional methods of viewership are over, and the market must adapt.

My idea is audience participation in show, possibly from the cast to details of the plot. The krinks can be ironed out. The winning votes wouldn't be revealed until the premiere, and the only time to vote on the next show is during the commercial breaks for the premiere.

A) This brings in ton of advertising revenue as more people are watching at the same time.

B) By extension, there is more incentive for studies to crank out movies and tv shows people actually watch.

This platform would probably be pretty easy to code and people would love it. I mean, **** guys, think of your favorite show. What if you had a say in who played it, where it was shot, etc etc?

Tell me why it's worthless and won't make any money
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01-10-2012 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by krmont22
Why sell to you over ebay, friends, regifting?
Because it takes 30 seconds to sell to me, and my checks always go through.
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01-10-2012 , 06:29 AM
There's already a bunch of big sites that do the gift card idea.

Don't know if they have an app, but I don't really see much value added in an app anyway. Anyone who wants to ditch their $50 gift card during christmas is more than willing to walk over from the christmas tree to the computer instead of using a dinky cell phone keyboard/swype to enter everything and hope nothing breaks.
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01-10-2012 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by chromakey
True, but it also only takes 5 seconds to chop a head of lettuce yet packaged salad is a gold mine right now. I don't understand what the challenge is, hypothetically they could make higher margins off idiots like me who want fresh bread, but don't eat a whole loaf in a week.
Just because there's a high markup doesn't mean its a gold mine.

Also bagges salads are rarely just iceberg lettuce.
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01-10-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend

I think one of the major factors with adoption of a service like this is how high school guidance counselors fit in. In my experience, coming from a private hs, the guidance counselors literally handed out packets of information with places on the web to go and to use for information about the application process.

As well, one of the problems that I forsee in this concept is again with the guidance counselors. The counselors at my school would all have log-ins for online resources (some were paid) and upon request, would print any documents that students requested using their own account. What would stop a guidance counselor from registering an account and printing information for students/ parents that ask?
Lol, high school guidance counselor. I got rejected from my two top choice and got a letter that my GPA wasn't high enough. I was the valedictorian so I found that odd. The loser sent out someone else's transcript with my application - I had was accepted over the phone the next day. That's about the extent of our interactions. I think quality guidance counselor experiences are greatly in the minority.
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01-10-2012 , 04:39 PM
Remote control fishing lure

I bet someone has already done this or is trying to do it but meh. Putting a lure in the right location is critical to getting bites. Especially in bass fishing. It would be cool if you could throw a bait towards a dock and then remotely swim it into the dock to trigger a strike. Could also design a bait that doesn't swim but just kinda quivers or shakes at the touch of a button on your reel.
This is awesome and execution would be rather easy. Similar to the automatic jigging machines.

I fish off of my dock and I'd love to be able to pulsate the bait from my couch while I watch sports. Would pay tons for that.
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01-10-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by chromakey
There's no way I'm ever going to do this, but I would like to buy it. Hopefully, someone will run with this.

Selling half-loaves of sandwich bread. As a single guy, I never eat a whole loaf of bread before it goes bad. Sell me a half a loaf at a marked up price so I don't have to waste the other half by throwing it out. I have no idea why no one has done this yet.
Years ago laws in several states were put in place that required bread to be sold at minimum 1 pound. Stupid now, obviously, with modern packaging and labelling. But unless one changes the law you cannot sell bread weighing less than one pound.
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01-10-2012 , 05:33 PM
Senior activity coordinator

I was thinking there maybe a % of seniors out there that would like to be a little more active but, for whatever reason, they can't go do the things they want to do alone anymore. Their kids are to busy with there families so they are kinda stuck at home.

Could put a flyer in the paper offering to take seniors on trips to do things they want to do. Put a few ideas out there ie bird watching, ice fishing, photagraphy, hunting, camping ect. Charge a trip fee plus all expenses. Basically you would take them wherever they want to go and help them out with whatever they needed.

I think there are people or companies that do this or something similar but this would be more personalized to the client. As a side business you could also offer to go grocery shopping for them or do some chores or odd jobs around the house for them.

The only thing I would be worried about is one of them dying on me during a trip. Think I would need some serious insurance. The start up fee would be $500 to get the flyers in the paper and then see if anybody called.

Last edited by waterwolves; 01-10-2012 at 05:39 PM.
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01-11-2012 , 04:13 AM

My idea comes from a personal experience, my parents got a quote for a trip overseas from our local travel agent, a very detailed quote with name of hotels etc....

I booked myself their entire trip through internet, and they saved about 30% of their original quote for the exact same trip...same hotel, same cruise at the same time and so on

Any idea if this business could be viable?

A simple page where people fill in or upload their quote and then I would check if I can beat by going through their quote.

They will pay the money plus small fee and then received the details of their trip in a document...

Any Ideas? Opinion?

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01-11-2012 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by bitos86

My idea comes from a personal experience, my parents got a quote for a trip overseas from our local travel agent, a very detailed quote with name of hotels etc....

I booked myself their entire trip through internet, and they saved about 30% of their original quote for the exact same trip...same hotel, same cruise at the same time and so on

Any idea if this business could be viable?

A simple page where people fill in or upload their quote and then I would check if I can beat by going through their quote.

They will pay the money plus small fee and then received the details of their trip in a document...

Any Ideas? Opinion?

I feel like the kind of people that would use a travel agent in the first place, would be people that arent that tech savvy. So it would probably be hard to inform them about your service.

Even if you didnt focus primarily on those kinds of people, the travel space is really crowded and really cut throat.
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01-11-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
Ok, so a few things on this thread.

1) We've been posting ideas here for about a month. Does anyone really feel like their idea is no longer viable because someone else has taken it and run with it? Is there anything currently stopping you from starting a successful business that does XYZ because it got talked about in this thread? I sure don't think so, but maybe someone feels differently.
I am late to reply to this, but I kept up with this thread for a while, and there is 1 idea in here I think is amazing, and I did discuss doing it with someone, but will probably not have time to work on for at least a few months, by which point someone may well have executed it awesome already or whatever. It's only been a month!

Everytime I see this thread title, it annoys me. It should say "Your ideas are worthless by themselves" or "Your ideas are worthless without execution". As provocative the title is, it's not really true.
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01-11-2012 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by cts (disclaimer: i am an owner)
Nice plant guys. What about a training site for aspiring poker players where people post videos of their real life play? Ha, Jk. Draft day execution was really, really impressive. Best of luck .
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01-12-2012 , 05:34 PM
I'm a little late to this thread but I thought I'd chime in with a few ideas. Hopefully none of these are repeat ideas:

Smart Shopping Carts:

Shopping carts that understand what you put in it to save the time of standing in line and dealing with checkout, not to mention reduced labor costs in not needing as many cashiers. This could be executed in two different ways.

1) Each cart comes with a hand-held scanner. Consumers scan anything they put in the cart and then they receive a receipt / bill when they are finished at a kiosk.

2) Carts have the ability to track what's in it (through RFID or some other method) and then you simply take your cart to a station and the cart can insta-calculate its contents.

I also feel like there is a largely untapped market in the golf industry in both the information and the service industry. As a whole, the entire golf industry just doesn't embrace technology (aside from advancements in golf equipment).

Digital Yardage Books

A ton of initial groundwork would need to be done with this but how awesome would it be if you could get yardage books on your phone? For those unfamiliar with golf, yardage books would include the length of the hole, the layout of the hole, and any other relevant information (e.g. length from teebox to front-edge of lake is exactly 260 yards).

Most courses have some sort of course layout or yardage book in-place, but they aren't digitized and/or shared in a collective library. It would be wonderful to be able to go to a site and download (even for $.99/download) a courses yardage book. There is a lot of local knowledge when playing a course for the first time that can really impact your experience / level of enjoyment. So it's win/win.

Tee Times

Courses are starting to get involved with sites like or, but they still suck. Empty tee times are like hotel rooms that go unoccupied. Also, the current services aren't very time-sensitive and still require you to book tee times several days in advanced and at a minimal discount. It'd be great if there was an alert that used your location to notify you of open tee times.

So for instance, pretend there is a course in Orlando with open tee times from 3:00 through 3:30. The service would text anyone located within a 30 mile radius at 2:00 with a special offer for those tee times. If the price is right, I'm positive people nearby would consider changing their afternoon plans.

The biggest hurdle with this is that a lot of golf courses have an elitist attitude, and they fear that offering discounted green fees will diminish the prestige / appeal of playing on their course. Courses like Pebble Beach ($500 / round) are immune to this, but the good majority of upscale public courses have been really struggling in this down economy.

Oh yeah -- and we should design refrigerators using the material that can be frosted / unfrosted with electric current. It would be totally eco-friendly since it will end our behavior of opening the fridge and contemplating if/what we want, while maintaining the aesthetic quality of our house guests not seeing the contents of our fridge.
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01-12-2012 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by UCBananaboy
Hopefully none of these are repeat ideas:

Smart Shopping Carts:

Shopping carts that understand what you put in it to save the time of standing in line and dealing with checkout, not to mention reduced labor costs in not needing as many cashiers. This could be executed in two different ways.

1) Each cart comes with a hand-held scanner. Consumers scan anything they put in the cart and then they receive a receipt / bill when they are finished at a kiosk...

Digital Yardage Books

A ton of initial groundwork would need to be done with this but how awesome would it be if you could get yardage books on your phone? For those unfamiliar with golf, yardage books would include the length of the hole, the layout of the hole, and any other relevant information (e.g. length from teebox to front-edge of lake is exactly 260 yards)...

Oh yeah -- and we should design refrigerators using the material that can be frosted / unfrosted with electric current. It would be totally eco-friendly since it will end our behavior of opening the fridge and contemplating if/what we want, while maintaining the aesthetic quality of our house guests not seeing the contents of our fridge.
Handheld scanners to expedite self checkout has been done in at least a couple supermarkets here. Didn't seem to take off at the local Albertson's where I usually shop and they scrapped it entirely.

The yardage thing is already available at an even more useful level with overhead sat terrain maps that tie to the GPS on your smartphone (you can click on the overhead view of the course and get distances to anything between you and the hole like a bunker, carry over hazard distances, distance to front of green, that one damn tree that always gets in the way of your approach shot, etc). Makes those $300 GPS things you used to use to check yardages seem like a toy, and a laser distance shooter might as well be a buggy whip now.

A fridge like you described would be cool but presently be a luxury item due to cost. Glass is already expensive, tempered glass that would be needed here moreso, insulated double pane even moreso, not to mention the electronic dimming stuff. This sounds more like an improvement than a product itself, although I imagine LG/Bosch/Miele have at least considered it for flagship models. Stephan Pyle's restaurant here has that stuff on the bathroom door which kind of weirds me out.
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01-12-2012 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by WutRUTryin2Hit
I am late to reply to this, but I kept up with this thread for a while, and there is 1 idea in here I think is amazing, and I did discuss doing it with someone, but will probably not have time to work on for at least a few months, by which point someone may well have executed it awesome already or whatever. It's only been a month!
The fact that it takes a long time to execute isn't less of a reason to open up, it's more.

a) You don't want to be going down the wrong path for 4 months if you aren't talking to anyone before you realize what's wrong.
b) Nobody is going to swoop in overnight and do what you couldn't. And if they can, then you weren't going to survive as a company anyway imo.

As soon as I finish up a couple quick work things I'm going to go back through this thread and comment on a handful of ideas. Sorry it took so long!
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01-12-2012 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by alexeimartov
I actually was building a site for a while called CrossFeed which was like Crossfit for meal plans for athletes. You just joined up, it gave you shopping lists 2x weekly, it micromanaged the meals so that they used up all the food by the end of the shopping list cycle (eg if you bought celery as a snack, it would probably be that you would stirfry it or something in another dish that week), recipes would be on the site to cook things.

The idea was you would basically just blindly follow it and end up with no wasted food, easy to cook recipes with all the calories etc broken down for you, etc.

I started thinking about stuff like celebrity meal plans after this. That lead me to the thought of a site called "EatWhatIEat", a kind of 'feed' where you could log on and find peoples meal plans. It would be great for example if you could see the sort of plans that, day to day, Hugh Jackman was eating as he prepared to be wolverine, or what others were eating.

It could also be managed as a kind of site for amateur but serious athletes, like i mentioned, a food based Crossfit style site.

I've since moved past caring about these ideas but i feel like there was something there...
Originally Posted by crashjr
I have a restricted medical diet and this would be huge. I already do this for myself and another person, but sometimes stores run out of certain things and you have to modify on the fly. You would need to account for that somehow.
The first thing I thought of was a friend of mine who just had a kidney transplant. For the 18 months or whatever he was on the waiting list he was SUPER limited in what he could eat. Something like this would've been great for him as he was trying to transition to a new diet.

That said, I suddenly got really interested in what Hugh Jackman was eating to get into Wolverine shape too, so nice job with the example.

There's certainly going to be a problem in effectiveness because people suck at changing habits and sticking to things. I wonder if that would really hurt the user retention for a service like this, or if they would still use it and just not apply it religiously.
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