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Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread

11-22-2017 , 07:19 PM
Pauly, I sure hope you didnt buy those LSK you were harping about

Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-22-2017 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
KB24 I use Bittrex right now, but am probably going to switch to Binance for lower fees soon. Bitfinex was by far my favorite but they closed their doors to USA.
I can't find anything on this using the googles do you have a link?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-23-2017 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by KB24
Where do you guys altcoin like NEO? I have coinbase where there are only 3 options
Get your alt coins at poloniex. Best volume.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-23-2017 , 03:56 PM
I’m kind of lazy to switch to mining zcash but the main appeal is getting paid more often. Eth is like two months between payment increments.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 01:52 AM
Anyone got any thoughts on vertcoin?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 09:29 AM
book recommendations that cover cryptocurrencies as a whole? At this time I am looking to understand them. If they are the future, I want to understand why. I am also looking for something that is on the easier side of reading to start, words sound more encouraging than numbers to me at this point. I have some Google Play credits and there seem to be some choices for books there, please recommend some.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by p2 dog, p2
book recommendations that cover cryptocurrencies as a whole?
Cryptoassets by Chris burniske
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by p2 dog, p2
book recommendations that cover cryptocurrencies as a whole? At this time I am looking to understand them. If they are the future, I want to understand why. I am also looking for something that is on the easier side of reading to start, words sound more encouraging than numbers to me at this point. I have some Google Play credits and there seem to be some choices for books there, please recommend some.
i bought a package of books once to support the authors ...

here's is a dropbox link to all of the books. feel free to download.

Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
I’m kind of lazy to switch to mining zcash but the main appeal is getting paid more often. Eth is like two months between payment increments.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
So basically they are telling me...

But you are telling me its possible to lose money if you invested in a coin like lisk where you bought 1000 shares at 5 dollars or lets just say 0.0007 btc. Then when the price hits 6 dollars... lets just say 6 dollars is now 0.00065 btc. Then you sell it for btc. So here, moneywise you should be up 1000 dollars minus fees. But you get back less btc than you started with.

So here, this is NOT what you want to do?

However, you do make around 1k profit minus fees though right since even though you receive less btc than you invested even though the price went up, well that 0.00065 btc is worth more than the 0.0007 btc that you initially used to buy lisk?

So in this example, you can't lock in any profits and send money to your bank account to lock in the 1k minus trading fees? Because i thought you would transfer whatever btc amount is around 1k to lock in your profits? Or it does not work this way?

Yes this concept is confusing. Because here... when you invest in altcoins and it goes up... you need bitcoin to either stay at same price or go lower in order for you to get more bitcoin right? However, what if you already are holding bitcoin that you don't touch etc and want to invest in altcoins. Because i obviously do not want bitcoin to go down because i have a lot more money in bitcoin than investing in altcoin.

So do daytraders either daytrade bitcoin/eth/litecoin because they can deal with usd only? Or they only trade altcoins and don't own bitcoin because if bitcoin goes up, then they lose bitcoin if altcoins go up etc assuming bitcoin goes up enough?

Would like if any daytraders can explain this to me. I do understand how if a coin goes up from 5 to 6 dollars and you sell it, you get less btc than you originally used to buy lisk. But even though you have less btc than you started with... well that less btc is worth more btc than you started with right? Now the other thing is what happens if btc price goes down etc? That means btc could go down and altcoin could go down... then you dont lose much btc? But if btc goes down and altcoin go up, not only do you get more profit, you gain more btc? However, the issue is most daytraders do still own btc that they hold right? But right now im looking at profits that you can lock in to cash to your bank account etc. And the replies i got back seem to say dont' look at usd price at all. I could understand this a bit if you are planning to just keep holding btc... but if you are doing this for daytrading profits, does you getting less btc because btc went up matter or not? I thought it did not unless you just plan to hold btc etc.

I asked my question on another forum. The guy who replied back is a very knowledgeable poster and has been daytrading for many years. He mentions the most important thing in my example is USD profit. He mentions when you buy an altcoin or any coin, the goal is to sell it at higher price than you bought it at. Thus if you buy lisk at 5 dollars and sell it at 6 dollars, you have profit... and btc going up or down is does not affect it... besides if you might have made more or made less had you hold the btc instead of using it to buy the altcoin.

So to the posters here... when you trade altcoin... thus you need btc first... im talking about those coins that cannot be traded against usd or usdt... is your primary purpose to make usd profit? Or to get more btc than you started with? Thus you buy lisk at 5 dollars and bought 1000 shares. BTC is at 5000 so you spent 1 btc to buy it. Lisk goes to 10 dollars and you sell it so you make 5k usd profit less fees. But btc would have went from 5k to 15k. So btc went up 3x as oppose to lisk at 2x. Here when you sell lisk, you would get back less than 1 btc... thus less than 1 btc than you started with. In this situation, is this trade profitable or not profitable to you? Because you made 5k usd profit less fees here... but you do get less btc. On the other forum... they tell me they count this as a loss because you are losing btc. I had mentioned to that guy that people say dont look at price at usd... look at price in btc... thus buy lisk at 0.0007 btc... sell it higher than 0.0007 btc. The knowledgeable guy says usd profit is the most important thing here. So anyone here can comment on this?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 12:52 PM
The most important aspect is simply protecting your capital

Whether you view that as usd
Or coin

Doesn’t matter. You can be +EV over 2,000 trades, but if you always use 20x leverage you will have 0 coin and 0 usd relatively quickly
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
I asked my question on another forum. The guy who replied back is a very knowledgeable poster and has been daytrading for many years. He mentions the most important thing in my example is USD profit. He mentions when you buy an altcoin or any coin, the goal is to sell it at higher price than you bought it at. Thus if you buy lisk at 5 dollars and sell it at 6 dollars, you have profit... and btc going up or down is does not affect it... besides if you might have made more or made less had you hold the btc instead of using it to buy the altcoin.

So to the posters here... when you trade altcoin... thus you need btc first... im talking about those coins that cannot be traded against usd or usdt... is your primary purpose to make usd profit? Or to get more btc than you started with? Thus you buy lisk at 5 dollars and bought 1000 shares. BTC is at 5000 so you spent 1 btc to buy it. Lisk goes to 10 dollars and you sell it so you make 5k usd profit less fees. But btc would have went from 5k to 15k. So btc went up 3x as oppose to lisk at 2x. Here when you sell lisk, you would get back less than 1 btc... thus less than 1 btc than you started with. In this situation, is this trade profitable or not profitable to you? Because you made 5k usd profit less fees here... but you do get less btc. On the other forum... they tell me they count this as a loss because you are losing btc. I had mentioned to that guy that people say dont look at price at usd... look at price in btc... thus buy lisk at 0.0007 btc... sell it higher than 0.0007 btc. The knowledgeable guy says usd profit is the most important thing here. So anyone here can comment on this?
****ing btc dude. God these wall of texts to ask the same question.

The answer is BTC. All that matters is BTC. You go through all the trouble to get it, and you're better off sitting on it if you don't make a profit in BTC (trading altcoins)






























































Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 01:09 PM
Yeah I’d say the time to randomly guess what coin is going up or down based on events and macro is completely over. That’s probably been over for a year or so.

You need a serious inherent edge to be able to day trade coins over a large sample size.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 01:33 PM
There's also not a single exchange that I'd trust a large sum of money on right now. Buy and withdraw as quickly as possible imo.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 02:13 PM
The odds are increasing that Pauly's a troll, he's asked a variant of this same trivially-simple question dozens of times and always gets the same answers, yet never stops asking. If he's not a troll he has serious personal problems that should rule out trading or investing in any coins. Pauly, if you are real, do not buy or trade these coins, you don't seem to understand any aspect of them including the chance of loss.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 02:46 PM
I'm getting violently angry at Pauly's trolling.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 03:24 PM
I don't understand how this is a trivial question when a daytrader who i spoke to on another forum said USD is what matters the most. He daytrades a lot and is a very reputable poster on the other forums. The other forum has people that kept mentioning btc is more important that usd. Look i understand the if btc goes higher than your altcoin, you would be better off just holding the btc again. I understand that.

However, i do not understand how getting more btc after a sell of an altcoin is more important than the usd price.

Situation 1

You buy lisk at 5 dollars for 1000 shares for 5000 usd. Price goes to 7 dollars and you sell all for 7k minus trading fees profit. Thus you have around 2k profit less fees. BTC went from 5k to 10k. Thus when you sell the 7k worth of lisk, you get back much less than 1 btc. You get only 0.70 btc back. You do lose btc in this transaction as you started with 1 btc and ended up with 0.70 btc

Situation 2

You bought lisk at 5 dollars and 1000 shares at 5k. Lisk goes down to 3.50. You sell all of it for 3500 usd. Here, you lose 1500 usd in the buy/sell of this altcoin. But btc on the other hand... it went down from 5k all the way down to 1k. So here... you invested 1btc.... you are going to get back 3.5btc. Here you lose usd profit but you profited 2.5btc.

So in this situation, everyone here will take situation 2?

The other issue is this. Have you guys even filed taxes for bitcoin/altcoins? Because i have for bitcoin and i was told price is what you have to use to calculate capital gains/losses. However i only did this with bitcoin and not altcoins because i didnt have altcoin at that moment. So you guys are telling me altcoins are not done the same way for tax purposes? There is no way that is possible for tax purposes because when you buy/sell altcoins, they want how many shares you bought and the USD price. Thus if you buy lisk at 5 dollars and sell it at 7 dollars, you are not going to put the price in btc terms like 0.0007 because it has to be converted to usd.

Thus if you buy lisk at 5 dollars and bought 1000 and sold at 7 dollars, you made 2k less trading fees. Or if you buy at 5 and sold at 3.5, you report a capital loss of 1500 plus trading fees.

Because if what you guys are saying is btc is more important, you guys are basically telling me in those examples i posted that the capital gain loss would look like this

Situation 1

i would put a 0.30 btc loss converted to usd at that moment in sale

Situation 2

I would put a 2.5btc gain converted to usd at that moment in sale
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 03:32 PM
Is that correct or not?

So basically in situation 1... you gained USD due to lisk going from 5 to 7. But you lost BTC. But you report a capital loss?

Situation 2... you lost USD... but you gained BTC. So you have a capital gain even though lisk went from 5 to 3.50? Thus losing btc means capital loss... gaining btc means capital gain?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 03:54 PM
If this is a tax question, everything is calculated in USD. USD is your base currency, the value of all coins purchased is recorded in USD, all gains and losses on trades are calculated in USD by taking the USD value of both coins at the time of the trade, all gains and losses are referenced back to USD. You can give your paperwork to a tax preparer/bookkeeper, they do this all the time.

But, and I'm not trying to be flippant, I honestly don't think you're going to have a taxable gain to worry about.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 03:57 PM
I'm not a genius and have never done an itemized tax return, but I'd guess that the IRS is only concerned about net gains or losses in dollar values.

I don't think it's possible to pay your taxes in any other currency than the U.S. dollar if you live in the U.S..
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-24-2017 , 10:53 PM
Am I the only one holding litecoin here?
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-25-2017 , 03:55 AM
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-25-2017 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Am I the only one holding litecoin here?
I bought 3 LTC after reading your post so that you aren't the only one now
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-25-2017 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Zima421

Originally Posted by imjosh
I bought 3 LTC after reading your post so that you aren't the only one now
Yay, now I'm not the only one.

I got into LTC when it activated segwit, broke even to lose a bit for a while now it's doing well. But wouldn't argue if someone told me there aren't many use cases for litecoin currently.

But if it does turn out to be the test realm for bitcoin and turn into silver might end up being worth a hold.
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
11-25-2017 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by bucktotal
i bought a package of books once to support the authors ...

here's is a dropbox link to all of the books. feel free to download.

ty for this and ty housenuts
Virtual Currency - Alt Coin Discussion Thread Quote
